
Chapter 2 I ask Out Sophia

So there I was. This pretty girl had just came into class. The teacher told her to sit down in the available seat next to me, and what did I tell her? Did i say something cool? Did i make a complete ass of myself? Did I immediately confess my love for her?

Well the answer is no. I didn't do Anything. Yup I said absolutely nothing.

Hector on the other hand started chatting immediately. "Hey there I'm Hector.", "Oh hi I'm Sophia as you just heard."

Well that was just great. I had said absolutely nothing, and there was Hector talking and making a good first impression. I stared at my review sheet. I wanted really badly to stop then and there, and bang my head on the desk.

Then out of nowhere Sophia's voice rang out. "So what was you name?" I looked up. "Err my name Is Thomas." She looked at me strangely for a moment then said "Thomas Levi?", "What? How did you?", "Its on your bag" She added hastily as though she were covering up a mistake.

I should have realized then something was up. But then again it didn't seem so odd at the time. You know what they say. Hindsight is a real bitch.

"So it's Thomas then?" she plowed on. "Yeah.", "I can call you Thomas right?" Hector cut in at that moment. "Yeah you could call him that just don't call him Tommy he hates it. Isn't that right Tommy boy?" He added the last part with a malicious grin.

It was true I did despise the nickname. But to say it right in front of Sophia. It was just one of those things he liked doing to mess with me.

"Yeah" I muttered returning my eyes to my work. Pretty girl or not I had work to do. I heard her shifting in her seat. I turned, and was startled to find her red hair only about half a foot away.

"Is this Biology work?","Yes it is, why?", "Because you mislabeled some of it.", "I have?", "Yeah right here she leaned past me and pointed at my chart of the human body. I didn't quite pick up what she said. She was so close my heart was hammering faster than I could ever remember. I could smell her hair it smelled faintly of lemons.

"There you go. Did you get all that?" Her voice echoed as though from very far away. "What?" I said surprised. I had forgotten for a moment that she had been talking to me.

Yeah I know "Typical of a man to not pay attention to a woman." is I'm sure what quite a few of my female readers will say. But in my defense I've never had much luck in talking to girls not for a lack of trying mind you, most just never had much interest in me. Any that did take interest lost it pretty quickly. So yeah I'm more than a little nervous around pretty girls give me a break.

"Did you get all of that? Is what I asked." Sophia said again. I stared stupidly at her and muttered something stupid like "Uh"

I heard Hector to my right repress a massive snort and try to pass it off as a coughing fit. I was sure he found the situation I was in highly amusing, but I'm thankful because it was also clear he didn't want to kick me while I was down either.

She had only turned her head a little to look at Hector. "Are you okay?" she asked. "Yes I'm fine." He responded coolly. I really wished I could be like Hector. He never had any problems talking to girls. Though looking back on it maybe it wouldn't have been such a good thing.

"Here I'll just fix it for you." She said holding out her hand waiting for the chart. "Uh you're not trying to mess with me are you? Like I'm not going to give this to you, and you like I dunno put down the wrong answers." She looked quite offended by the accusation. "No I would never."

"Okay, okay I just had to be sure. Some people are like that you know. They would find it highly amusing if I failed my test." I amended quickly as I offered her the chart. "Well that is rather rude of them then. They should be ashamed of themselves." She said rather savagely. I supposed she wasn't a fan of people like that.

She withdrew a red pen from inside her bag. It was a very nice looking one too. She began to make corrections with it, and while she was distracted Hector leaned over to me.

"Having fun Thomas?" I turned to see him grinning at me. "I suppose so. Well we know Alexander wasn't lying about her being pretty now." I whispered back. "Yeah no kidding if you hadn't called dibs I would ask her out now." He muttered to me. "What are you talking about I never called dibs on her." I whispered indignantly.

"In my opinion you don't always have to say it. It can be clear from your actions. You like her dude. Go on ask her out." He said adding the last part quite firmly. "I can't just ask her out. I just met her. We don't really know each other that well. Besides a pretty girl like that would never want to go out with me." I said with a nervous glance in her direction.

"I'm telling you, you should ask her out. A date would be the perfect time to get to know each other. And to be honest your only real issue is a lack of confidence." I knew he was right but I didn't want to admit it. I just shook my head "I can't"

"Fine if you won't do it I'll have to do it for you. As your friend I cannot let this opportunity slip away from you." He said a little louder this time. Loud enough for it to catch Sophia's attention. I saw her turn to glance at us out of the corner of her eye. I knew he was serious Hector didn't give idle threats

"Alright, alright. I'll do it." I said very resigned to my fate. Whenever My dad encouraged me to ask girls out he always told me. "Don't worry son the worst they can say is no."

That may be true for dad, but I had known some girls to say some pretty nasty things. However Sophia seemed too nice to say anything like that.

She finished her corrections and handed it back to me with a smile. "If you don't trust my corrections just use your original notes." She said. "Err thanks" I said lamely.

Hector frantically began to make the "Go on" gesture, but it was too late. The bell for first period rang. "That's just great." I thought to myself as I stuffed my things into my bag. "I'll just have to ask her later." I thought to myself.

But later didn't come she wasn't in a single class of mine for the whole day. Aside from lunch I didn't see her once. But then she was with a group of new friends she had picked up. I definitely couldn't ask then.

Hector badgered me about it quite a bit in the classes we shared. "Did you ask her yet?", "No I haven't seen her since homeroom." I had resigned that I couldn't ask until the next day.

Finally when the bell rang after the 8th period I saw her heading out the door. Hector gave me a shove with an enthusiastic "Go ask her now." I ran down the hallway completely ignoring a math teachers shouts of "Hey slow down! Get back here now!"

I caught up with her and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey Sophia." She jumped slightly and turned to face me. "Oh Thomas. How are you?" she said pleasantly enough. "Good she must be in a good mood. That will make this easier." I thought to myself.

"I'm fine" I said a little more dismissively than I would have liked. "Listen Sophia I need to ask you something." I steeled my nerves and took a deep breath. "Do you want to go out with me some time? You know like a date?" I could feel my face burning hotter and hotter with each word.

"I uh well" She said quite taken aback. She was blushing furiously within moments. She looked as red as I felt. "Sure" she finally said in a very quiet voice. "I'm free tomorrow." she now looked quite embarrassed.

The math teacher had now caught up with me by that point. "Mr. Levi when I tell you to stop running in the hallway you stop." He had said through grinding teeth. He began to chew me out but I didnt really care. I had a huge grin on my face the whole time.

It was definitely worth the detention I earned