
Progenitor Sovereign Saga

Looking down upon those Who dare look up to high Is the sin of man When Jason Bloodswrite is taken through trials to become an adventurer for the kingdom at a young age, things start to go awry quickly as all hell breaks loose and the prophecy that was told eons ago starts to happen. Will Jason be able to survive the days until he can carve out a home for himself? Progenitor Sovereign Saga, Blood Feud is the first book in the Progenitor series. Watch as Jason becomes death incarnate and channels his demons into killing all who dare to oppose him reclaiming his rightful place as ruler. This is the first novel I have written, and if you like it you can also check out Summoners Dilemma, another book in a separate series that is also a part of the Progenitor saga. Once the book is finished, I will have the updated version with all errors removed published on Amazon, and will also have concept art added to some chapters, along with quotes for the chapters leading up to chapter 14.

INK_arcerated · Fantasie
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Rise of an Immortal

I awoke back in the tunnel where I passed out. Though it felt that days had passed, it appeared that only a few seconds had passed, though weather that was good for me or bad, I had no idea. For the three ogres were turning to stare at me as I stood up.

After a few minutes of me standing there, getting a grasp once more on reality, or at least what I thought was real, A surge of foreign power surged into my core, shattering it and grinding it into dust. I figured that I would feel pain, but instead I felt something as sweet as honey surge through me as the powder that was left from my core was swept away by my blood, being distributed through my body, before eventually circulating back to my heart where it crystalized.

'What is going on? I should be in excruciating pain from this. It is a well-known fact that those who have their core cracked or destroyed are crippled for life, and death quickly ensues.' I thought with no slight concern.

"My final gift to you, I will give you, my immortality. This will also allow you to access the power I have bestowed you. Till we speak again..." The girls voice rang through my head.

A heavy feeling filled my head as notices from the system rand out.

[New ability: Shadow Teleport (Diamond Rank Ability)]

{This ability was granted by the lesser deity of primordial darkness, Kek.}

[New ability: Shadow Manipulation (Diamond Rank Ability)]

{This ability was granted by the lesser deity of primordial darkness, Kek}

{Due to multiple messages with the key word 'Kek' The system will minimize them unless specified otherwise or if important}

[New Divine Skill: Biological Metamorphosis (X rank ability; Unique)]

{This Divine Unique Skill has been granted by [ERROR] Elesia Silver}

Shaking I took a step forward, attempting to get a grasp on what just happened. It felt like my brain had been cauterized, and everything around me had a red hue as I realized that my eyes were completely bloodshot. Feeling like I wanted to take some anger out someone for all the pain that I had just went through, I turned to stare at the three huge bruisers stomping my way, clubs in their hand. I could see past them, that the girl was slumped against a wall, with fresh blood running down her face and dribbling on her lip.

Focusing on the power knowledge that was now ingrained into my very being I used shadow teleport, appearing right behind the first of the ogres, I tried to focus on my biological metamorphosis ability. After the knowledge of the skills were ingrained into my very being, I knew that it allowed me to shape my body in any way that I saw fit. Weather that made me inhuman on not was still a question.

Morphing my arm, I focused on making it like a wide sword blade, with a boney shell exterior for strength, before driving it into the back of the ogre and through its heart. With a slickening pop, and a gush of blood that sprayed on my face, I removed it before teleporting away once more.

Focusing on my last ability, I gathered shadows around one of the two remaining ogres, I shoved my will into it, making a tangible spear that shot up from the ground and skewering the ogre from groin to mouth in a brutal spray of arterial green blood.

The third and last one hollered and screamed at me,

"We were the three Ogre brother, now turned one! I will kill you with the aid of my dead brothers!"

Two ghastly and mangled spirits formed around him, before shooting into his body, morphing it and transforming him.

[Demonic ogre]

{The demonic ogre is an ogre that has given up its shred of dignity and made a pact with an evil spirit or demon to gain unrivaled strength.}

Backing up in shock, I was forced to jump to the side when the ogre, that was now wreathed in black flames and had three heads, charged at me, smashing into the wall behind me.

With a turn and a flick, he sent me flying through the air to smash into the wall above the girl I was trying to save prior to the battle, falling on top of her. With a start she opened her eyes and looked around, before seeing the fierce beast that was stomping towards them, and him on top of her, and screamed.

As if that wasn't enough, he could hear bellows and hollers as unseen beasts heard her scream, sensed unshed blood, and began to close in on their location with fervor.

'Shit! there is no way that I take this thing down with my current strength. As if it wasn't enough that I was thrown into a life-or-death battle with new powers that I don't know how to control, I also now have to deal with a possessed ogre and other nefarious creatures that are all flocking to our position.'

'I also have to take care of this idiotic girl, who I don't even know.'

In normal circumstances, he would have just left her behind, but seeing her in such a dire state, and going through what he just had gone through in his vision, his emotions were roiling with unsettled grief and anger. He couldn't watch again as another helpless person was murdered in front of him, let alone an injured girl.

Letting anger take ahold of him, he held out his hand, and with a burst of power, he squeezed out every drop of mana that he had infused into his body into a mana construct, mixing his blood essence and shadow essence liberally.

Blackened and bloodied chains erupted from the ground around the demonic ogre, and wrapped around his limbs, before tightening down. As he looked closed, he could see barbed hooks on the chains, and as the ogre tried to escape, they dug into every inch of his flesh where they slipped into his flesh and hooked there.

'This is it, I have to get out of here while I still can!' I screamed internally as I turned around and picked up the injured girl without a second thought.

"Hey! Put me down; PUT, ME, DOWN!" She Screamed at me as I started to run.

"Shut up, or else you will attract the ogres to our position instead of the ogres, idiot.

Begrudgingly she shut up, clearly wanting to say something more or rebuke him, but not wanting to put in the effort in her state.

Dashing down the nearest corridor, I took a left, before taking a right. I continued in this fashion, trying to get as far away from the howls and screams, before I eventually turned down a corridor where a massive wolf was gnawing on a Yuan-ti, a humanoid sentient snake.

It seemed that the snake person had put up a fight, as a spear was grasped in his lifeless fingers and there were bloody gashed all over the wolf's flanks. When the wolf was able to smell the blood that was covering me and the girl, it turned around, with its ears perked up, almost passing as cute if not for the blood that caked the front of the wolf's snout.

'Gosh dang it, why does there always seem to be one thing after the next with this place?'

[ERROR; Recalibrating. Entity of unknown origins is attempting to infiltrate basic system functions]

"Use shadow teleport" a faint voice came from the system, sounding suspiciously like the girl from my vision.

Speeding up, enhancing my run with wind essence, I used shadow teleport, landing on the other side of the giant wolf.

'System, what was that?'

[That was a Fenrir, a giant wolf of Norse descent]

Turning down another corridor, I almost ran into a wooden door before luckily turning and slamming into it with my back, protecting the door from most of the collision. I had been running at roughly 20mph, and collided into the door at about 15 mph.

We sat there as I caught my breath, before suggesting to the girl that we enter through the door and see what was on the other side. After all, it was the first normal thing that I had seen since entering this damn Damned Coliseum.

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