
Facing the music

"But tomorrow's Saturday!" Ruby protested as Yang began to pull on her combat boots. Damn, but it felt good getting out of that stuffy uniform, even if school wasn't officially over for the week yet. Their final class on a Friday was combat with Miss Goodwitch, so they all had an hour-long free period before it to allow them to prepare. Yang liked to use her time to lounge. It was an art form she had perfected over many years. Blake liked to use it to read… unfortunately her sister and Weiss liked to use it to argue.

Every. Damn. Time.

"Tomorrow is also the day that delegates from the other kingdoms arrive for the Vytal festival." The heiress informed them for what must have been the tenth time this day. "It's a perfect opportunity to meet people who might be taking part in the competition, as well as make contacts with powerful individuals."

"Could you have made that sound any more dull Ice-Queen?" Yang groaned from her bed. Honestly a city-wide festival was supposed to be a fun affair, how was she able to make it sound so boring?

"Dull or not, it's an opportunity that does not come around often! We cannot afford to miss it." Hands on hips, the heiress stalked about the room as she spoke. She was already prepared for combat class, though both her and Ruby apparently needed to collect some dust from their lockers sometime within the next thirty minutes.

"I guess…" Ruby conceded with a pout, before brightening up once more. "Well we can go see a movie tonight can't we?"

"Detention." Blake reported from behind one of her books. Yang waved an arm lazily in agreement, even as her younger sister seemed to deflate.

"Ah of course." Weiss taunted with a smug grin. "Facing punishment for your little romp out in the hallways."

"I've told you it wasn't like that." Yang argued half-heartedly. She and Blake had told the story a number of times, though neither had been able to fully explain it since they had agreed to keep the fact that they had broken into a teacher's room secret. As such Weiss, and to Yang's horror Ruby… hadn't fully believed them.

"Weiss." The young leader whispered pleadingly. "There's nothing… wrong, I mean if Yang wants to… they're both… adults. Even if they're both girls." Ruby's voice continued to stutter as she continued, apparently unable to fully explain herself, but Yang could read the signs easily enough and sighed to herself.

"Oh, they can do whatever, sorry… whoever they want as far as I'm concerned." Weiss imperiously announced, waving a hand before her face. Before her eyes hardened to chips of ice as she glared at the two of them. "But they had better not be doing it in our room!"

"Isn't that what led to the problem in the first place?"

"If they can't keep their hormones in check, they should go find a hotel to spend a night at or something Ruby! Not some closet or abandoned classroom. I swear to any Gods out there, if my desk is even the slightest bit damp there will be Hell to pay!"

Yang simply raised a finger in response to that comment.

"Yang!" Ruby admonished, even as Weiss interrupted her.

"Don't get close Ruby, you've no idea where that fingers been."

"Fuck you Weiss-cream."

"Oh, I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you Xiao-Long?"

"Okay guys!" Ruby shouted stepping between the two of them before blood could be shed. "Angry time is over, let's all be good teammates now! Yang, you can agree not to do any… of… that… in our room, right?"

"Sure, fine. Whatever." Yang surrendered with one arm draped across her eyes. What did she need to do to break this rumour for crying out loud? Even her little sister had been taken in by it… and holy crap if it got back to her dad…

"As for Weiss… you will support their … um, relationship, right?"

"There is no relationship." Blake inputted, but much like Yang, her arguments went ignored. Apparently they were both in denial.

"I will support their relationship, as long as I never have to actively experience or see any evidence of it. That goes for any relationships you perverts have, girls or otherwise."

"Well, that sounds fair." Ruby chirped with a bright smile. "Problem solved!" No it's not Ruby. "Anyway, Weiss and I'll go get our dust and meet you in class. See ya!"

Yang popped one eye open as she watched her sister drag the heiress towards the door. The white-haired girl in question allowed it, but paused at the frame to address them once more.

"Xiao-Long, I know exactly how my bed looks. If it looks any different when I get back…" She was unable to complete the threat as Ruby wrapped her arms around the girl's shoulders and dragged her from the room, letting the door slam behind them. Yang sighed.

"This is bullsh-"

The door slammed open once more, Weiss leaning in. She held her fingers up, shaped as a V and pointed towards her eyes, before flipping them and pointing at Yang, then at her bed. She mouthed the words watching you before Ruby bodily dragged her out again.

"…I hate my life."

~~~~~Professor Arc~~~~~

"I hate my life." Jaune Arc whispered to himself as he approached his doom. Friday afternoon and it was what he'd been trying to think up a solution to for the last few days… Today he was to showcase his skills, or whatever Glynda had planned for the class, she had never really made it clear to him. He'd considered trying to fake off being sick, but that would just prompt them to send him to a doctor.

Throwing a sickie to get out of class was pretty much traditional, but somehow he doubted they would look on it so favourably when he was a paid employee.

Instead he had taken more lessons from Neo, asking her to push him harder and harder. She had been only too happy to oblige, little sociopathic minx that she was, and he had found himself asleep before he hit the mattress most nights.

He didn't know where he stood in terms of strength right now, Neo obviously couldn't explain it to him, and if she could write… which he assumed she was able to. Then she wasn't advertising the fact, preferring to stick to facial expressions and hand-signs that he knew weren't sign language. There was no way however that he could be at the level of a true hunter though, and he didn't even think he was at the level of a student either. They had received four years of training to his… what, one week?

This was going to be a disaster – he could only hope the student killed him while they were at it.

"Jaune." Glynda nodded a distracted greeting to him as he entered the training halls. Already there were some students beginning to filter through and take seats. From what he could see there was a raised platform in the middle where fights would take place, while the students could watch from the seats on one side.

That's where I'm going to be executed.

"Evening Glynda." He offered a nervous smile. "I suppose this will be my first time with you."

Glynda glanced up from her scroll, the eyes behind her glasses blinking quickly before she coughed and glanced away for a moment. Hardly a second later those piercing green orbs were focused back on him.

"Our first time working together, yes. I have never required the services of an assistant in the class before, it is relatively simple to have two students fight and offer my critique."

"So why change things?" He had to ask. If this was to be a class that was judging and improving their fighting styles, then what was the point of having them fight against someone who was far above them in terms of skill – and he was well aware of the irony in that statement.

"Several students are becoming… arrogant in their abilities." The stern woman admitted with a hard frown. "It's commonplace really, but it's important for them to know that defeating their peers in staged fights does not make them invincible."

"And you want me to beat them?"

"You're closer to their age." Glynda offered with a gentle shrug of one shoulder. "My semblance can be difficult work around and is quite overwhelming. It would be easy for them to write off a loss to me as unfair. But you fight like many of the students here do, with your weapon."

"That makes sense." Jaune acknowledge, trying his best to keep his voice calm. There was no talking her out of this – he was actually going to have to do it. What was worse, he was going to have to win the fight as well.

"I'll do my best." He offered with as much confidence as he was able, as the final students made their way into the room and arranged themselves on the seats. It looked like there would be no more stalling for Jaune Arc.

"Welcome class." Glynda began, pausing for a moment as every other voice in the room fell silent. The control she had over the students was far superior to any of the others he had worked with, and even Jaune found his eyes and ears locked on the woman. "Today we shall be doing something a little different from usual. Rather than have you fight among yourselves, I thought it might be an exciting opportunity for one of you to face off against a more experienced hunter."

Oh it would be exciting alright…

"Professor Jaune Arc has graciously offered to stand in for this role." She announced, waving her hand to him as he climbed onto the stage to stand beside her. He didn't actually remember offering, graciously or otherwise, but he didn't dare interrupt her flow to mention that. "Do remember that Mr Arc has been fighting in the Grimmlands of Vacuo for some time, and will not be an easy opponent."

Jaune looked out over a few of those in the crowd at these words, his breathing becoming quicker at seeing looks of outright excitement on many of the faces. Oh Gods, they actually wanted to fight him.

Over on one side he could see the ginger-haired girl Nora, massive hammer in place with her mouth set in a wide grin, she was practically bouncing in her seat and he didn't doubt she would volunteer at the first opportunity. He could also see Pyrrha, who was actually sat between Ren and Ruby of all people. The two had hit things off almost immediately upon meeting, the smaller girl happy to have a friend who wasn't quite as snappish as Miss Schnee, while Pyrrha was glad to have another person who didn't ignore her or put her on a pedestal.

He didn't want to fight either of those people, but please, if there was a God. Not Pyrrha-freaking-Nikos, who he had learned was an internationally renowned fighter.

"I'll fight him!" A female voice cried out, drawing all eyes to the buxom blonde who was already strapping her weapons onto her fists. Oh Hells no! Give me Pyrrha, Give me Pyrrha! Here lays Jaune Arc, casually murdered by a student he gave a detention to the night before.

"Sit down Miss Xiao-Long, I have already selected an opponent for Mr Arc." Glynda admonished, and for an infantile moment Jaune felt the desire to stick his tongue out at the now dejected teenager. "Mr Winchester, if you will come up here?"

Winchester? Wasn't that the boy he'd seen bullying Velvet? A quick glance over to the girl showed a small barely-noticeable grin on her features, no doubt she was hoping to see the bully brought back down to Earth.

Well someone was rooting for him, right!?

True to Roman's words when they had met, Neo hadn't really taught him anything relating to actually attacking people – honestly she hadn't taught him how to dodge either. She had just beaten him until he had figured it out himself. Poorly executed dodges would lead to further pain, so he'd been motivated to learn. But what was he meant to do now?

The fight was to continue until their aura reserves entered the red wasn't it? So that meant he had to attack… He couldn't win otherwise. Perhaps he could look to force a ring-out or something, but the guy was a lot bigger than he was, and if that huge mace was for more than just show then he was probably stronger too.

Damn it all, I'll just have to give it my all and try for some lucky hits. He thought to himself, as he nodded along with his thoughts.

"Very well then, begin!" A voice commanded, causing Jaune to freeze.

Wait, what!?

"Arghh!" Jaune screamed as a huge mace rocketed towards his face.

~~~~~Professor Arc~~~~~

Uncharacteristically Weiss only gave the words from Miss Goodwitch half her attention, the other half keeping a vague ear open to the muffled conversation between her partner Ruby, and Pyrrha. She wasn't sure where their new friendship had come from, but she certainly approved of her partner's choice. It would be good for Ruby to take inspiration from someone so clearly dedicated to their craft, and certainly Pyrrha would be a better role model than Ruby's juvenile sister Yang.

On that thought, Weiss couldn't stop the wicked grin that stole across her lips. Oh, Weiss knew the blonde barbarian and Blake weren't together. If it wasn't obvious from their embarrassment at the rumours, then Blake's smut books should have been indication enough. Beyond that however, Yang had already shown she had a strong appreciation for the male form. If her drooling over the guys from that asinine Achieve-men band was anything to go by.

Either way, it would have just been ridiculous for her to miss out on this prime opportunity to rile up Yang. That was just what she got for all those stupid `Weiss puns` and the loud snoring, not to mention hogging the bathroom for three times as long as everyone else – just to do her hair.

Blake? Well, she was just an unfortunate casualty in the war.

Still though, when Miss Goodwitch had begun to talk about one of them facing off against a teacher she had soon brought her attention back to matters at hand. An opportunity to face off against an elite hunter? Honestly, she could see the appeal – but she did not nominate herself for the fight. Though it would be a learning experience, it was also clearly a weighted fight that they were expected to lose. Weiss Schnee did not lose. Not if she could help it, and certainly not in front of an audience like this.

That the opponent would be the new Professor, Jaune Arc, had been a fairly obvious one – why else would he be here when he was absent from every preceding combat class? Cardin being chosen as the combatant to represent their year was both pleasing and annoying. Mainly because he was a braggart at best, and a bully at worst – it would be nice to see him brought down a bit. Disappointing however because he wouldn't be able to give as good a showing as Pyrrha or Yang, who was second-strongest - no matter how little she wanted to admit it.

Maybe that was the point of this little exercise though, to pick someone from the middle of the pack.

When Cardin had entered the ring Glynda had begun to explain the rules, as she seemed to at the beginning of every bout, before asking if they were both ready. Cardin had drawn and prepared his over-compensatingly large mace, while the Professor had simply nodded, not even drawing his sword.

Was he that confident in himself? That he could face any one of them, despite knowing nothing about Cardin, his abilities, or even if he had a semblance that shot lasers from his eyes!? That it didn't matter because they were so far below his level?

Was that confidence, or arrogance?

"Arghh!" The blonde screamed dramatically as he dodged the first strike, ducking out of the way while balancing squeamishly on one foot and holding his hands out before himself as though to ward off a particularly large spider.

"What... am I seeing…?" Weiss couldn't help but mumble, as the rest of the class went silent. Cardin span in place, using centrifugal force to add more power to his blow as he aimed to crush the teacher's ribs. Again Jaune Arc dodged the blow, stepping backwards in such a way that it seemed to be the barest of millimetres between cloth and brutal steel.

"Whoah!" He shouted as he stepped inside Cardin's guard the next time, the haft of the weapon whistling past his head, as the weapon crashing uselessly into the ground.

"Eeek!" He cried as the next blow threatened to crush his skull, a strike that never connected because at the last moment – when even Weiss was convinced he was dead. He had somehow span out of the way, yet again dodging by the tiniest fraction.

It continued for four minutes. A frame of time that seemed so short, but felt so long… and clearly it felt even longer for Cardin, who was beginning to pant and sweat. He must have swung his giant mace over a hundred and twenty times, each time connecting with nothing, but being forced to lift and swing it once again.

Each time he had dodged by a hairs-breadth, something that Weiss had realised sometime into the second minute, must have been on purpose. It couldn't have been luck… not considering how long he had kept it going for. And still, he hadn't drawn his weapon.


And still, he was screaming at each incoming strike. Though by now, no one in the crowd was taking it seriously. The whole fight was a joke.

And Cardin was the butt of it.

"This is cruel." Yang mumbled from nearby, "I'm beginning to wish he would just put Cardin out of his misery."

"Wearing an opponent out before going for the final blow is a valid strategy." Pyrrha cut in from beside Ruby, who was too busy watching the fight and gasping at every near-miss. "I've used it a few times myself in troubling fights."

"And the screaming?" Blake couldn't help but ask.

"Mind games perhaps?" The redheaded champion offered, and Weiss could only nod along with her. Being raised in a business environment, she knew the value of misdirection. If he was genuinely afraid of Cardin, then he could have turned and walked away at any moment. Or drawn his shield and cowered behind it.

He was playing with the student… The thought was a frightening one. Was this the level the teaching staff were on compared to them? It should have comforted her, and perhaps in some small way it did. They were being taught by the best. But it was also so frightening. They only had four years at Beacon, and Professor Arc was only a sub-teacher… and barely older than them! If the other teachers were stronger than him too?

How was she supposed to catch up?

The bout came to an end as crushingly one-sided as it had begun, Cardin swung his mace, yet this time when the teacher was dodging he seemed to collide with Cardin. The two men knocking up against one another for a moment. Weiss was unable to see what complicated martial arts manoeuvre the Professor had used, but the speed at which Cardin struck the mat told her it was a painful one.

To his credit, and she never thought she would say those words about Cardin Winchester, he tried to climb back to his feet. But all he could do was freeze when the teacher's foot rested atop his crotch, promising disaster.

"I yield!" Cardin yelped instantly. "I yield, I yield!"

And as the shamed teen made his way back to the seats, and the comforting words of his team, Weiss could not take her eyes from the green bars on the scoreboards. Professor Jaune Arc had defeated one of them, without taking any damage to his aura… and without causing any to Cardin's.

And still he had not drawn his weapon, or even thrown a punch. Cardin was physically one of the stronger people in their class, if he had connected even once then the damage could have been huge. But the teacher had picked out the man's one weakness, his speed, and then exploited it so thoroughly, so obviously that out of nothing more than shame, Cardin would work to improve it.

This man…

This hunter…

Was clearly a genius...

~~~~~Professor Arc~~~~~

"You da man!" Jaune accused of the blonde in the mirror, hip thrusting to prove his point as he fake boxed with an invisible opponent. "I am a beast! A wolf! Arrooo!"

He paused as he looked around the changing room, thankful to find that no one had actually been around to see that little display. The man in the mirror looked back awkwardly at him, as though embarrassed to have been privy to it. He coughed gently, dispelling it.

Yes well… He had successfully managed to pull something out of his ass it seemed.

His nerves finally caught up with him as he collapsed onto one of the wooden benches along the walls, taking a long draught from a bottle of water. He was covered in a light sheen of sweat, but it wasn't nearly as bad as what he routinely went through with Neo.

The fight hadn't been either.

Was this what Roman had meant when he said youngsters spent too much time focusing on their weapons? Every time Winchester had attacked, it had been telegraphed by the swinging or positioning of his mace.

When he was used to fighting someone whose feet, knees, legs, hips, knees, arms and fists were weapons? It had been trivially easy to weave in and out of the strikes when he knew they were all coming so far in advance.

And when the boy had hit the floor? Well… he had learned his lesson from Roman alright. The question was, would such a fighting style hold up against any of the other students he might be made to face? Surely after seeing Cardin worn down through evasion, they'd know to hold back and pace themselves against him in the future…

In the end, he had won through a gimmick.

"The class has been dismissed Jaune, may I come in?" Glynda's voice came from behind the door, and he nodded his reply, before realising she couldn't see him.

"Sure, I'm decent."

If this was the blonde woman's first time in the men's changing rooms, then she didn't let it make her uncomfortable, instead strolling into the room with nary a care in the world. He didn't need to ask what she thought of his display out there, the little curves at the edges of her lips told it all.

"I must say I was pleasantly surprised by you Jaune." She complimented, the tone of her voice as close to gushing as he imagined she could ever sound. "When I explained that I wanted to teach them the difference between a hunter and student, I didn't expect you to grasp my meaning so thoroughly."

"Yeah?" Jaune hedged, wondering just what meaning he had so wisely grasped. As far as he'd been concerned it was just a fight to try and win, right?

"Absolutely! The Headmaster might think it a little unfair, and I'm sure Port would have something to say about dampening spirits. But it's important they learn just how serious their skills are to their survival." She walked around the room as she said this, before turning to face him at the end, green eyes bright and flashing. "I wanted him defeated quite convincingly, but you crushed him."

"Y-yeah, maybe it was a bit much?"

"No! It was perfect." She exclaimed, before pausing and coughing softly into her fist. Her voice returned to a more normal level afterwards, and her expression settled back into her usual stern visage. To his surprise however, he realised he could still read her pleasure – perhaps in the way she stood slightly more to attention, or the way her eyes looked… "I'm sorry for that outburst. You must think me quite strange to be so pleased at what was effectively the humiliation of one of my students."

"I don't think you're strange." Jaune half-lied, wondering for a moment how terrifying it might have been if he actually had become this woman's student.

"Complacency is a problem in our students, particularly when they have not experienced any life-threatening situations." She began to explain. "Normally I would arrange some bouts between older students, but there's the risk of that making things worse if they actually manage to beat one. Even when I asked you to do this, I knew there would be a chance of people saying `oh he just beat that one guy, I bet I could take him.`" She mimicked a childish voice as she said the last part, and Jaune wondered after it if she had ever been a child. "But the way you defeated him, there can be no doubt at your skill after that display, and what's more you managed it without throwing a single attack. Even the most skilled of them looked shocked."

"Ah well, he relied on his weapon a little too much." Jaune admitted, not wanting her to think too highly of him, lest she set him up to fight an entire team next time or something. "It could have been a much more difficult fight if he had some variety."

"A common problem with young teenagers with their beloved weapons." Glynda sighed, "Even those of us who are older sometimes fall back on those same problems."

"Do you?" He couldn't help but ask, realising that he really knew nothing about how his fellow teachers actually fought. Well, except for a very in-depth knowledge of every single battle Peter had ever been a part of. Even the ones where he had fought off Ursa bare-handed.

"Allow a woman some secrets Mr Arc. I might need them should we ever face one another." Her face remained stern, but there was a faint curl to her glossy lips.

"I'm not sure I would win that fight." He breathed back, wondering where the sudden heat in the room had come from.

"At the least, I would make you draw your weapon."

Oh, for you I'd draw my weap- no! Bad Jaune!

Bad enough that he was already getting hot and bothered over some of the students, without adding his beautiful older superior into the mix. Well, actually it was mainly just that blonde girl who kept teasing…. him…. wait…



"No, not you!" He waved his arms. "I have two students waiting for a detention outside my office, I forgot all about them!"

He'd been so elated at surviving the session that he had forgotten all about them, at this point they should have been waiting outside his room for nearly half an hour.

"A shame." The older woman sighed. "I was going to suggest… well. Never mind now. I will see you come Monday I'm sure." The woman nodded, before turning and vacating the room, leaving Jaune to sit alone.

What had she wanted to ask?

His curiosity would have to wait. He had a detention to deal with, and two students he desperately needed to sort out so they would stop getting him in trouble in one way or another. If it wasn't the blonde sending his hormones crazy whenever she winked at him, it was the two of them rummaging around in his rooms.

Why couldn't all his students just be like Ruby?

Still, he had no idea what he was supposed to do with the two girls he was giving detention to. Okay, poor choice of words. Two students he was giving detention to. Might be best to avoid any suggestive themes with the images his mind was supplying.

Down boy!

It only took a few minutes to reach his rooms from the training hall, and to his surprise there was actually no one waiting outside the room. Had they gotten bored and just left? Or had they decided to play truant and not even show up?

Was it wrong of him to be pleased with that?

Probably, he considered as he swung the door open.

Still, that gave an easy out to him. He could report it to Glynda come the morning, and let her deal with the two, while he caught up on some much needed slee. . .


"Erm, hi Prof." Yang Xiao-Long greeted from where she was sat on one of his couches. Beside her sat her partner Miss Belladonna, who looked equally uncertain. Well that was fine, right? They had let themselves in and sat down, that was perfectly normal, right?

Why was he sweating so heavily then?

"Your er… `friend` let us in?" The blonde explained, pinning the blame on someone who Jaune agreed, really probably did deserve it.

"That was nice of you, Neo." He managed to get out, past the grating of his teeth as he stared at the unrepentant midget who was at this very moment idly flipping through a book while sat in his seat. The black-haired student couldn't seem to stop staring at the mute girl, looking nervous as she did so.

A single brown eye caught his attention briefly, as the Neo shook her head almost imperceptibly. Maybe it was having dealt with her for a few weeks now, or perhaps he was just becoming more used to reading signs, but he caught her message. A lie.

So she hadn't revealed herself willingly to the two? Now that he thought about it, such an action wouldn't have made sense anyway. Incredible troll and snarky ice-cream dependent bitch that she was, Neo was still a career criminal and wasn't going to risk herself for no good reason.

He doubted making his life miserable counted as good enough reason, though it was probably close.

His eyes roved back to the two students, who each looked suitably chastened, despite that he hadn't yet said anything. He could almost imagine what had happened; Yang and Blake tired from waiting outside decide to wait inside on the seats in his office. Neo hears the door opening and makes the assumption that it's him, after all, it's Friday night after school hours. She is spotted, and decides to act natural to prevent suspicion, leaving it to… well…. him to explain things.


"Well I see you've met Neo!" Jaune introduces with fake cheer, walking up behind the mute girl and placing a hand on each shoulder. "She's an old friend from Vacuo visiting me, and I offered to let her stay the night."

Play it natural, play it calm. As though it was the most obvious thing in the world, and really didn't deserve any suspicion on their parts.

"What's she doing in your room?" Blake just had to question. That's an awfully good question Miss Belladonna, what is the unknown girl, who now that he thinks about it – looks awfully young for his apparent age, doing in his bedroom?

"Reading." His tired brain answered immediately, while an imaginary Jaune resting on his shoulder slapped a palm into its face in disgust. To try and distract himself he leant down to look over Neo's shoulder to take a look at the book.

"Scream for me." She whispered, dragging her nails across his abdomen as he strained against the chains holding him to the wall. His breath came out in ragged gasps against the thick rag between his teeth, but she simply bit down on his ear, hand reaching down to grasp his turgid-

"Neo!" Jaune shrieked. "What are you reading!?"

The girl looked back at him thoughtfully, before holding up one hand with her fingers shaped like a zero, and using her other hand to insert her finger through the hole. Before thrusting it back and forth.

Yang snorted.

"I gathered that Neo. What I meant was where did you even find this?"

"It belongs to Weiss." The blonde student in the room quickly cut in, shrugging one shoulder. "We brought it here because we were worried she was breaking the rules, she has the whole collection."

"Miss Schnee?" He echoed, mind racing at the idea. The ever-polite and rule-abiding Weiss Schnee? Wow, he couldn't say he ever expected that. She seemed far too uptight for something like this… though they did always say it was the quiet ones, didn't they? Gods…

"Oh yeah, she's a real pervert in our rooms." Yang continued, waving her arms around as though to emphasise her point. All she really did was emphasise her bouncy assets. "She just acts all polite and perfect around the teachers, but you should see the kind of things she gets up to in our room. All those toys!"

"I don't think I should know!" He quickly interrupted, his body already beginning to feel warm. "It's… well it's not against the rules."

"Ah well, never mind then. We'll take it back and hide it with Weiss' other porn collections." She took the book back from Neo, who seemed content enough to relinquish it. He really didn't want to have to get involved with this issue if Miss Schnee really was… well, causing that kind of disturbance in their rooms. He hoped Ruby was okay.

Judging by the horrified look on Miss Belladonna's face, she had hoped he would be able to do more. He did his best to ignore it, even as Yang told the black-haired girl to keep hold of the book for them. Honestly, considering the rumours he had heard about the two of them, he was surprised Blake would be so embarrassed around what was just a book.

What an innocent girl. Hopefully she and Ruby both would be able to avoid corruption.

"So is Neo mute or something?" Yang continued, waving towards the silent girl who simply rolled her eyes at being discussed so obviously.

"Yang!" Her partner dug an elbow into her side.

"Neo cannot speak I'm afraid, it's due to trauma she experienced in Vacuo." Roman's advice hadn't served him badly so far, might as well stick to it as much as he could. Idly he looked at Neo to see if she was going along with his story.

She was ignoring them entirely, having wandered over to the freezer for some ice-cream.

Of course she didn't offer them any, as she padded back and plopped down next to him on the couch. That would be too much kindness to ask for.

"I'm sorry to hear that, is that why she is here, to receive treatment from you?"

"Exactly so Miss Belladonna." Jaune agreed, internally praising the girl for coming up with such a good excuse. "You know I'm not a licensed psychiatrist, and Neo offered to let me help her as practice for aiding the students."

"That's admirable." The girl replied evenly, though she had a small smile on her face. "You must be quite close to trust one another like that."

"Close enough to share an underwear drawer." Yang leered. "In a room with one bed too."

Jaune started to sweat nervously, not liking the connections the girl was making. Yes they did share a room, but only so far as that Neo would wait for him to fall asleep before kicking him out of bed and stealing it for herself! As for the drawers, it was hardly his fault that she was replacing his stuff with her own, while increasingly leaving his clothing strewn on the floor.

It was like she was slowly trying to take over his room and life. That one day he would go missing and no one would even realise, because Neo had slowly wormed her way in as his doppleganger!

Was that her plan all along!? Hers and Roman's!?

"So how come the two of you share a room, and a bed? Are you lovers?" The blonde devil demanded, leaning forwards with her eyes sparkling with curiosity. He knew he should do something to get control back over the situation. Maybe admonish her that it wasn't any business of hers, or just refused to answer.

Maybe it was the exhaustion, or the nerves at just having survived the day fighting against a student more skilled than he was, or maybe it was the fear of what might happen if the two of them reported this to the faculty.

For whatever reason, at that very moment. He couldn't help but think that excuse was a good one.

"Yeah we are."

Their responses were varied.

Yang's lecherous grin grew to frankly shit-eating proportions as she slammed a fist into one hand as though saying she had called it all along.

Blake nodded twice, her head bobbing slightly as she confirmed a thought she had probably held all along. She didn't feel the need to speak on the issue however, and didn't seem disgusted at the idea.


Oh Gods above, Neo.

One eye studied him from the edge of her vision, the iris flicking between colours as she fixed him with the most neutral expression he had ever seen on her face. A spoon was trapped in her mouth, the handle of it flicking back and forth as she pushed it around with her tongue.

That neutrality, as well as the fact that she had stopped eating terrified him.

I'm a dead man.

Carefully, and with languid grace the small girl rose to her feet before so that she was standing in front of him, the other two girls watching. He could feel the sweat beading on his brow, wondering if she was going to send him spinning across the room via her boot.

By this point he was a frequent flier.

His eyes scrunched closed in preparation for the explosion of agony, before cracking open as a weight settled on him, his eyes opening to see just above her hair, as she shuffled her way into his lap.

A girl was sat in his lap! A cute girl too… it should have been a glorious moment for him…

Oh God I'm trapped! She has me pinned to the couch, I'm dead. Dead!

"Aw that's so cute. The tortured young woman rescued from the ruins of an overrun academy by her knight, only to become lovers as he tries to heal her pain." The blonde girl gushed as she watched the two of them. Her partner simply rolled her eyes.

"I'd rather you didn't say that." He managed to squeak out passed his desperate attempt to ignore how soft and warm the girl in his lap actually was. Think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts. Miss Goo- No I said unsexy! Grandma! Old ladies! What Neo will do to me if I get a hard-on!

"Well yeah, we'll keep this secret, right Blake?"

"Your secret is safe with us Professor, since you protected us from what could have been a criminal offense."

Okay, apparently they had misunderstood why he wanted them to stop talking about him and Neo being lovers, but getting a promise of secrecy out of them wasn't a bad thing either. Though he didn't exactly miss Blake's reference to it being a bargain between them.

Don't mention that they broke into his room, and they wouldn't mention that he was hiding a girl in them… this way round it felt more like mutual protection, rather than blackmail.

Wasn't this supposed to be their detention though? Where he had the control and they were all apologetic and quick to realise their mistakes? That was how he'd always been when… well… actually he'd never had a detention because he had always been pretty rule-abiding. And had known how to fib his way out of trouble when he needed to, and Oh Gods, didn't that explain a lot about his current situation?

He blamed his mother.

"So are the two of you like together, or is it just casual?" Yang asked after a few moment's silence. Before he could even think of an answer Neo held up two fingers. "The second one, casual?" Yang offered, to which Neo nodded easily. "How is he?"

"Hey!" He objected. Right as Neo made a waving motion with one hand, as if to say meh. "Hey!"

"Ha, he must have something though to keep you coming back though. Magic hands, skilled tongue, massive-Mbphl!" The last was muffled by Blake's hand latching over the blonde's mouth, much to his relief.

Except that the words she was uttering had stirred images in his brain that weren't healthy. Don't do it. Don't do it! He whispered to himself as a mantra. On his lap, Neo continued to make gestures with her hands, apparently holding a silent conversation with the blonde. He meanwhile, continued to think of pointedly anything other than her soft posterior on his crotch, or the thought of his allegedly skilled tongue and magic hands.

Don't do it!

Yang laughed past the hand holding her mouth closed, fighting herself free from her partner as she gently pushed her friend aside in complaint.

Don't do it!

"Was he a lady-killer at Vacuo?"

Jaune blotted out the one-sided conversation. Focusing his every muscle and instinct on controlling that single impulse born into all males. His mind would triumph over matter, his discipline over desire. Jaune Arc was slave to nothing.

ATTEN-SHUN! A lower part of his body saluted.

Neo went deathly still. Even as Yang and Blake continued on in the background. Her head tilted to the side, barely a fraction, but enough for him to see the corner of her eye.

Her gaze resembled an arctic winter.

Fuck my life…

~~~~~Professor Arc~~~~~


"I'm coming, hold on!" Jaune called out as someone hammered on the door to his office. From the nearby couch Neo seemed to perk up, before her face took on an expression that almost looked like fear. A moment later she vanished.

"Huh, wonder what that was all about."

His thoughts were interrupted as the door began shaking once more, whomever was behind it apparently have a very limited patience.

It couldn't have been another member of the faculty, only Glynda knocked, and hers was never this insistent. Peter would barge in, acting for all the world like barriers to entry didn't apply to him, while Oobleck would never show up without some kind of prior appointment. Following which he would arrive at the precise nano-second.

Ozpin? The only times he ever showed up was when Glynda had managed to find and destroy one of his coffee stashes. In those cases the man would come crawling in like a dying man in search of sustenance.

Wasn't likely to be Cardin either, the guy was still recovering from Jaune introducing an electrical jockstrap as a negative stimulus. His treatment for his racism was still on-going, though the young man was handling it all like a trooper. Albeit a trooper who had been suffering from a painfully forced erection for the last three days.

"He-llooo...?" Jaune greeted uncertainly as he opened the door to gaze on a blood red and white mask, with a mass of feathers peeking from behind it. The mask was shaped like some kind of bird, or at the very least it had a beak – which was about as far as Jaune's knowledge of ornithology went.

"Are you the student counsellor?" The vaguely female voice emanated from within the mass of mask and feathers. He took a moment to glance down at the dark red, was that blood-stained, dress the maybe-woman was wearing. Noticing the long sheathe at her side.

"Depending on what you want, I might be."

"I am in search of counselling."

"Then I be."

"Good. I would hate to have to dispose of a witness." The figure sighed out, reaching up with both hands to slowly remove the mask from her face. For it was a she, a she with incredibly pale skin and dark red eyes. Those two orbs pierced into his own blue orbs, even as she flicked her pitch-black hair in an effort to remove a few stray feathers.

"I would hate to be disposed of too. I'm a student counsellor by the way, are you even a student here?"

The woman stepped forwards, forcing him to step back as she invited herself into his office, closing the door behind herself with a nudge from her sheathed blade.

"I am not. Will that be a problem?"

"Of course… not!" Jaune quickly amended when her hand fell to her hilt. "Take a seat, tell me how I can help you."

Maybe for this one he would refrain from prescribing electrolysis as a treatment, since she seemed capable of making him a head shorter.

Still though… there was something strangely familiar about the woman, like he had seen her before. Certainly not though, he would have remembered someone with such distinctive features… like bright red eyes.

"My name is Raven Branwen." The woman introduced, taking a moment to unhook her weapon from her belt and rest it by the seat she sat at. Still close enough to bring to bear if needs be. Not that he was likely to attack her, considering he'd left Crocea Mors in his bedroom. Never needed to be armed in my office before…

"Jaune Arc." He shot back easily. "If you want my counsel then you'll need to tell me what's wrong. Start as frankly as you can."

"I abandoned my daughter and now want her back."

"Okay… well, that was pretty fucking frank. Can we maybe be a teensy bit less so?"

"I had a daughter with a man, before my responsibilities dragged me elsewhere. I had always intended to return, but found that he had moved onto a new woman. Now I wish to reveal myself to my daughter and earn her love."

Okay, that made a little more sense, while also making the woman sound less like a raving lunatic. Still… he couldn't help but think there was something wrong with the situation.

"You realise a student counsellor doesn't really cover marriage counselling, right? I don't see why you would come here for this kind of advice." He cautioned. Before adding `please don't kill me` in a tiny voice.

"I understand that Jaune Arc, I have come here because my daughter is in fact a student of this establishment, one you know personally."

"Blake?!" He gasped dramatically, seeing the familial relationship between the two as clearly as-

"Yang Xiao-Long actually."

O…kay? He supposed he could see the similarity maybe, in the skin colour perhaps, and a little bit of the face. And definitely in that bombastic cleavage if he was honest. But damn, the father must have been very blonde for it to overpower that dark mane.

"I feel like I should point out that Yang has a sister she dearly loves, and whom she would probably not appreciate being killed."

And damn it, Ruby was his friend. Possibly the last non-perverted bastion of peace in the entire academy.

"I hold no ill-will towards Ruby Rose, and have no intention of breaking up her family. I just wish to be reunited with her once more."

Okay, that was good. As long as no limbs were about to go flying around over the issue, then it was A-okay with him.

"That's good. Honestly Mrs Branwen, I don't see the problem. I'm sure Yang would listen to you if you went and talked with her." Now, he couldn't promise what Yang's response might be – but by that point it really wouldn't be his problem anymore.

"Please, call me Raven. I am no longer married to a man who would replace me so easily." Her voice turned bitter at the end, and honestly he could understand it. What must it feel like to have your spouse go off and marry another, taking your child with them? "And my… problem, if you will. Is that my daughter no doubt believes I abandoned her."

"Did you?"

"It was too dangerous to take her with me." Raven bristled, sitting taller in her seat and leaning towards him. "I couldn't risk my daughter where I went."

"And how long were you gone? Must have been before Ruby, so what, fifteen, sixteen years?"

"I didn't expect it to take so long! What would you have had me do, take a baby with me into dangerous territory!?" The woman shouted, rising to her feet even as he did the same. Their eyes burned into one another's as she hissed. "Would you have risked her life so easily?"

"I would have stayed with her." He hissed back. "I would have considered my family more important than anything else in the world. I would never leave any children I might have had."

She seemed to deflate at those words, the fight leaving her as she slumped back down into her seat.

"Perhaps you'll be a better parent than I was then."

Jaune stood, looking down on her. The danger, it seemed, had fled. Leaving behind this half-broken woman who didn't know what to do. How was it that she was even a mother anyway? She looked so very young, with that same ageless grace Miss Goodwitch sported. Letting out a sigh, he sat down beside her, hesitantly placing an arm around her shoulders.

"You're trying to fix your mistakes." He pointed out with a small smile towards her. "I think it's harder to own-up to, and fix mistakes, then it is to never make them. You're a good woman."

"But not a good mother?"

"Maybe you will be. Once you tell Yang the truth." He finished, giving her a tighter squeeze which the woman seemed to draw some small energy from. She laughed softly, the gentle sound seeming at odds with her bright red eyes. Though he supposed they now looked less threatening, more natural and kind.

Like any other set.

"Hmm, sounds like you'll be a good father in time Jaune. If you keep up that wisdom and that determination." Jaune laughed nervously at the praise, his face taking on a slightly tortured expression.

"Ah well… actually I've never even had a girlfriend. I don't think I'll be having any kids anytime soon." Not with how unlucky he was with the ladies at any rate, and considering that every girl his age was off-limits due to him being a teacher…

"Is that so?" Raven whispered, her face taking on a more… complicated expression. Something between a smile, deep thought and something else. With one pale finger tapping her lower lip.

"Hmmm… Jaune?" Raven hummed, turning on the seat so that she was facing him, eyes shining with a glint that once more terrified him… though there was some other implication in that predatory gaze.

"Yeah…?" He managed.

"There's something else I need some advice on…"


"I don't think I did anything wrong today." Yang Xiao-Long mumbled to herself as she made her way towards Professor Arc's offices, heeding the summons that had sounded out over the PA system. She didn't recognise the voice that had spoken, but that hardly meant anything since there were plenty of staff members she wasn't familiar with at Beacon.

Better safe than sorry.

This would put a real damper on her style though if she had another detention with the guy. Especially when she hadn't bloody well done anything wrong. For once.

"Yo, I'm here." She called at the door, knocking on it a few times for good measure.

"Come in." A voice she didn't recognise, except she sort of did, called.

"Er, hi." Yang greeted of the strange-looking woman as she let herself into the office. A cursory glance around showed that the Professor was in fact here, sat beside the woman with a vacant expression on his face.

Looked like he was out of it.

The woman, no doubt the one responsible, was a strange looking one too. She looked oddly familiar, though not in any way she could honestly place. Her eyes though… she could almost feel her own normally purple orbs flare red in response.

"What have you done to the Professor!?" She demanded of the woman, even as she hesitantly sat down across from them. "Yo, Prof. Jaune, you there?" She hissed across the table.

"Tee-hee… please… yes… so good..." The man mumbled in response to his name, shivering slightly in his seat as a flare of colour came across his cheeks. He didn't seem to come out of whatever haze he was in however.

"You'll have to forgive Jaune, Yang. I think I broke him with some of my more adventurous moves."

"You used your semblance on him!?" Yang gasped, wondering if this was an enemy attack.

"Sure… my semblance… let's go with that." The woman smiled, even as the young Professor's nose began to bleed. "But let us put that aside for now Yang. I have something you need to know."

Yang didn't reply, but prepared herself for the onset of violence. No matter what came forward, she would be prepared. Ready to fight, ready to defend her sister, ready to free Jau-

"I'm your mother."

"What!?" Yang managed to choke out, confusion mixing with horror mixing with a whole host of other emotions.

"And this is your new father-in-law!" The woman cooed, as she dragged the comatose man into her bosoms.


This story is written by Coeur Al'Aran. I am simply reposting it on this site to spread its glory. I take no credit for this story. All credit go to Coeur Al'Aran. If you want to support him, then check him out on “https:// fanfiction. net /u/ 6272865” (remove the spaces)

Also, for those not familiar with Omakes, any Omake are completely non cannon and don’t affect the story in any way.

FakeWriterDaoistcreators' thoughts