
chapter 1

I was sitting on my bed when my thoughts were interupted when Torilla came in shouting my name like I was dead "ELENOR... ELENORE... we won ELENORE WE W.O.N" wait what we won, before I knew it I ran down stairs like a minack I couldn't believe it we actually won when I got outside the protector was already standing even though his condition was degrading by second he was holding up the Medal of the proctectors I was so excited but then ,I was roughly shake then I heard "ELENORE, ELENORE time to get up it's time for practice"

And just like other days it was a dream again I wonder if I will ever get to be a protector it as always been my dream.

*Author's POV*

As Elenore was deep in thoughts the 'shiver pirate' group master Fedrick saw Elenore and saw this as an opportunity to bully Elenore, him and his gang he said to his friends "looks like the she eagle is thinking what a misfortune" all the gangs stated laughing then the boy beside Fedrick which he is called Denis said" maybe she's thinking about her failure" they all laughed out again this time Elenore was about to say something but was distracted when a young man around his 30's came on the stage wearing a half mask and a long black robe that showed his arbs meanwhile the shiver pirate group were still in their world of laughter and didn't notice the young man, and he was pissed of thinking they were laughing at him, he got infuriated. And then let his angered demon deside for him it said "hey 'cause you have made me a laughing stock you shall pay" Fadrick who was laughing stopped and looked at the young man but then laughed out again pointing a finger at him and he said "you are not even close to being a laughing materia and you want to make my pay oh please Mr perfect I would love to see you try" he looks at his gang and says " can you believe that idiot he wants to...." before he could finish his statement he was on air on able to breathe the young man had a calm expression on his face and said "who are you calling an idiot" everyone was shocked WHO WAS THAT MAN