
Probability of Success

Some kid with powers gets a system or whatever. I don't really know what I wanna do with it.

CookieCroncher · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Gifts Galore

Paha went to class and opened one of his presents. Glasses? He didn't need glasses he had 20/20 vision. He was guessing they weren't prescriptions but put them on.

He automatically knew something was different. His mind became clear like a fog had lifted. He got sharper and more focused and felt like he had tons of room to learn.

He wanted to go everywhere and try everything possible. The gift was from one of the girls who was actually a friend and not just an admirer. Hatari, she's a nice girl and has big tiddies.

She had long jet black hair that went to her mid-back and golden brown eyes. Her face was defined, but not sharp or round. She was a perfect balance and all the boys wanted her.

Paha was glad he received the gift and was curious about it.

"Valerie can you tell me what these are and what they do?" he asked in his head.

"Those are 40/40 glasses and allow the user to perceive things greater. When wearing them you can zoom in and out on things almost like a telescope," she answered exhausted.

Paha was going to have to get used to Valerie, and she was going to have to get used to him. His first subject was variation control. He excelled at this because he knew what he could do with his wings. At least he thought he did.

The next gift he opened was a pocket crafter. It was a crafting station that you could shrink to be palm-sized. It was given to him by Riakon who was extremely into that kind of thing. It also came with a few basic metals and woods.

His close friend Neel gave him a ring with a "mysterious power". He forgot to take out the receipt, and it turned out to be a ring that could spit out and suck in fire and heat. Neel wanted the use of the ring to be a secret but he forgot the receipt.

"Thanks, Neel" Paha shouted across the class at him and gave him a big thumbs up.

"No problem dude. Good luck figuring out its power though." Neel had no idea, but he was about to find out.

"Neel you're a f*cking dumb*ss. You forgot the receipt in the bag." Paha messaged him this because the teacher was about to start.

'Why couldn't I just stay home and do school there?' he thought to himself as the class started.

Surprisingly enough he was able to pay attention the whole time even with the teacher being dull and talking in a monotone manner.

Finally, the bell rang. One of the most glorious sounds to school children. He now had to go to his next class, training. Training wasn't just for powers it was also for variations.

Training classes would allow the students to spar or fight an animal, but only the top students were allowed to fight animals. Thankfully Paha was in the top that were allowed to but he wasn't the best. His friend Neel was better than him because his variation had more known uses.

Neel was a tall dark man who was very strong and also had many admirers. His variation was scales he could grow scales and move them around his body for protection or to reinforce his punches and kicks.

Another thing Neel could do was move his scales onto his back to make wings similar to the wings of Paha.

Nobody knew that Paha had awakened his power and he planned on keeping it that way for a little while before he could pretend to have something slightly less powerful.

Paha knew that he couldn't waste his percentage because it had some tremendous potential even with his untested limits.

He knew he had some friends who were wealthy and he would always ask for money, but today he got quite a bit. he had gotten 1.5 million Eks. (100 Eks is a dollar)

Paha was on the sidelines because he got a day off training for his birthday. He needed to go through more presents and figure out his power.

"Valerie besides being in my head and giving me privacy, what else can you do?" He was curious about her and her knowledge.

"I can tell you the current possibilities of something happening or not happening, and I can give you the best advice on what I see fit."

"I can also keep track of your money, wake you up, and act as a shop where you can buy things using credits you earn. However you have to tell me if you want to do things the basic superhero route or the easy but strange route."Valerie answered proving her worth.

"Sh*t well damn." He hadn't expected this at all. Valerie was incredibly useful even for some random voice in his head.

"So Valerie how do you keep track of my money? Do I have to count it for you to know?"

'If she could keep track of money does that mean she can hack the banks?' he thought to himself.

"I also have a birthday gift for you today and I will continue to give you gifts for your achievements down the road. This birthday gift is what will help me keep track of your funds," she responded a little bit shy. Perhaps she was starting to develop a personality?

'Oh, sh*t this voice can give me gifts. Damn I am lucky as hell." At the last second, Paha noticed some confetti and tried to swipe at it but completely missed.

How'd that happen? He was sure he smacked it. He took off his glasses and looked in the reflection. The confetti was IN his eye.

"Valerie are you the one who put this confetti there?" he asked knowing damn well she did.

"Yes, it was me. It is your birthday after all. I can remove it or change it if you'd like." Her response confirmed his suspicions, but also made him intrigued.

"What kind of things can you change it to? Can you put the probability of me getting a paper cut today?" All of a sudden some blue text popped up with the number 100%.

As he put he shifted his sitting position to look at all the paper from his presents, he got a paper cut right between his thumb and index finger.

"Valerie if you had said a smaller number and I hadn't shifted to look at the paper, would I have gotten a paper cut?" Paha had to know. Especially if her words could change his actions.

"Yes, it was me, if I hadn't said anything you wouldn't have that cut." She answered like she had a couple of issues, but she knew if she did that again he wouldn't like her platonically.

"Could you only do things beneficial to me and you because you're in me?"

"Sure." She was glad he wasn't mad at her, but she didn't know what he was thinking.

'F*CK I really just got tricked by a voice in my head' Paha was perhaps just a little smidge annoyed.

"You might want to open your last present, but do mine after because I think you'll like it." Valerie continued.

Paha opened the last present. It was in a big black... box and was very heavy. When he opened the box he knew what it was. He had gotten power stones. These were not stones that enhanced your special power.

These stones could enhance strength, stamina, speed, and soul. This was an amazing birthday gift and he would have to use it once he got home.

Different planets have different amounts of energy this energy could be absorbed by people to help them get stronger and grow higher in the ranks.

Each planet in this galaxy was rated from 1-10 on their energy Arkanos was a 3. He was excited about his birthday gift from Valerie.

I actually want to know if you want the basic hero route or the misunderstood hero. To be cliche or not to be that is the question.

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