
Two Deal Proposals

When Arnold got to Capside Centre, there was a large crowd waiting for him and the rest of the wrestlers. It was certain that they gathered mostly to congratulate him for his win.

When the staff van drove into the building, and Arnold stepped down, a thorough round of applause ignited the scene.

With a smile on his face, Arnold bowed slightly in response. However, there was still a lot to happen in this scene.

At that moment, Manager Jack Harris stepped out from behind the crowd and approached Arnold with a wide smile of pride.

"Congratulations, Fury. I knew you would never disappoint. I'm proud of you... Grindhouse Wrestling will always be proud of you," Jack Harris praised with yet a wide smile.

A lady dressed in a red suit and red shoes walled over after a while. Arnold stared and recognized the familiar face... It was the new Assistant General Manager of Grindhouse.