

Two days to Fallout, Arnold was more ready than ever.

After countless training, he had greatly increased his Strength, which the system said to be the most important attribute for the match.

Of course, with a good stamina rate, it was going to be hard for opponents to throw him off the ring through the top rope.

If he was balanced enough, then he could hardly be eliminated from the match.

Although the Royal Rumble was not like other matches that didn't take too long to end. There were going to be 30 Men in the match, making it the longest match ever.

That's why it was going to be the main event...

A day before Fallout...

Arnold visited the gym once but spent what seemed like an eternity in the training ring. All this while, he practiced eliminating moves like the Clothesline and Dropkick and even tried to fasten the speed of a normal throwing move...