

Instantly, Mia tried to shake herself off those thoughts, but unfortunately, it still lingered, almost making her go crazy.

"Please sit," She offered him a seat to Arnold as they walked into her dorm room.

It's been three days since Khloe left to visit her boyfriend in the city, so Mia had been all alone in the room. Fortunately, it turned out that Arnold would be visiting her when Khloe was away.

It all made Mia wonder in shock, but she just didn't show it. At that moment, she was giving the Grindhouse Omega champion the best treatment she could render.

Arnold who wouldn't let go of the smile on his face, sat calmly on a wooden chair that had a portion of smooth foam at the top. A small brown table could be seen placed in front of the chair, while another chair faced it from the other direction.

"You have quite a beautiful room, it's amazing," he complimented after glancing around the room for a moment.