
Max Fury vs Calvin Dean

Arnold was stunned by Calvin's question, but he only maintained a glare as a visible reaction. Calvin Dean seemed to be eager and interested to hear Arnold expected that challenge, as bright glints could be spotted around his eyes.

At that moment, Arnold was short of words. However, whatever that it was, he knew that Calvin Dean had a reason for that challenge...

The next moment, Arnold came up with a decision, and he stared right into Calvin's eyes. Just when he was about to let out a statement, the Pro Wrestling System sounded in his head.

[Don't accept. Let it be a one-on-one match.]

'Err... Why?'

[Make your debut match decent, there is a reason.]

Arnold couldn't help but glare darker, his mind overruled by furious intents. He had really wanted to accept the match so he could show Calvin his worth, but the Pro Wrestling System just urged him to reject the challenge...