

A month has passed just like that...

Arnold couldn't believe that Fallout was actually at the corner. In preparation, the four wrestlers who would be participating from Grindhouse Wrestling were given a lot of time to train.

In the past weeks, they had not even participated in any match. The management made sure that they were fit for the event, mostly to represent Grindhouse Wrestling in a very remarkable way.

Although Arnold was part of these four, he had failed to attend the general fitness coaching given to the participant by one of the best fitness personnel in the city.

Actually, he didn't need that.

He spent more time with Mark and Lila to train, although they had their own aspects. With time, the two had gained more improvements in their fitness, but it was clear that they really needed to learn more.

Even Arnold, who was already considered non-human by the system, still had a lot to learn...