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The ceremony began with a refreshment session...

Everyone in the all was served greatly with good food and drinks to begin with. While they ate, there was a dancing and singing performance on stage.

Arnold and his friends ate their meal as they couldn't meet up with breakfast before they began the journey. Karl, himself was devouring the luxurious meal as if it was the very first time he was having something like that.

It took about an hour and a half before the refreshment ended and the main award-giving session began.

There were a lot of Awards... Both new and petty...

When it was time for the Global Fist Award, there was tension that filled the hall. Arnold was nervous as well...

Matthew Bridges was somewhere around the Legacy Pro Wrestling seating spot, getting his eyes closed so tightly that it hurt.

"The winner of the Global Fist Award 2056 goes to..."

"Drumroll please!" A lady standing beside the male announcer ordered.