
Priya Echo's Adventure

Hello, my name is Echo. Priya Echo is a super nerdy, shy lab scientist at university when one day an experiment goes wrong and gives her magic powers! After falling into her own dream land, she discovers that she has echo powers! Priya awakens and soon meets three kick ass girls who let her into their group, Nadine, Felicia and Dominique. Her so-called friends, who are really bad at not using peer pressure, set her up with a cute guy named Eric. He just wants a normal girlfriend and cannot seem to figure her out. Then one day the university is visited by a famous wizard named Telenon. After a standoff, Priya learns that he wants to steal the entire world's magic. The shy lab girl must learn how to become a brave hero. That is simple enough. Priya already has amazing powers. There is just one tiny little problem. She is too silly! Can Priya learn to be less silly in time to save the world? Maybe she'll end up as one of those legendary heroes with a crazy sword! Come Find Out! A wonderful read for lovers of fantasy, recommended 18 years of age and up.

DaoistmMAJLZ · Fantasie
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61 Chs


Phantomess reclined against the driver's seat, attuned to the whisper of the falling rain as it tapped against the windshield. A dense sheet rolled overhead as the portion's skies wrung water from its roiling heights. In all directions huddled a traffic jam of cars, the casual rude horn pealing before its consequence faded away, as some eagerly squeezed through narrow spaces. Joining the ranks of others in anonymity never failed to be an unsung enticement. And every so often a patron could foster their idleness with a good ride, rather than exerting themselves through phenomenological motion. Tiny paths of droplet water weaved their way to the bottom. Not much could be seen without effort. The pitter pat worked its way through, constant, softening the memory of discontinuous labors that had come before. Cilia from another vehicle brushed against her driver's side door, but before long she had descended through the architectural pillars of the inner city to where a parking lot beckoned to wet, lonesome portioners. Near the entrance an attendant in a rubber smock offered her a mint from a bowl, which she took to shield the skin from stray raindrops. Besides him a wooly partner wrapped in the comfort of his own beard procured a flashlight, directing a blue cone of light to the floor. Throwing a handful of sand, a fraction of it stayed in the grip of the beam rather than falling. He wiggled his fingers, causing the sand to fashion itself into the frame of an umbrella. Phantomess made haste across five blocks and an intersection to the building that would host the local chapter of Concerned Parents, a group of ladies dedicated to sharing their own narratives in the art of childrearing. As they all were dueling with a common obstacle. Greeting her, a circle of empty chairs occupied the center of the room. Around the periphery, loose confederations of society clumped. "Okay everyone, it's eight o'clock, get to your chairs and we'll begin, '' the moderator squawked. By now the mint's effects began to wane, and so steering her nervousness the patron took a seat among the other ladies. For some unknown reason, none of them recognized her. "Before we begin, I just want to welcome a new entry. Phan, can you stand up and introduce yourself?" she mentioned. "First of all, I'm just looking to ace the test in motherhood, and be bold and agile like a hawk. A hawk-mother if you will". One of them on the other side of the circle shot up and flapped her arms like a bird, earning her a second round. For the first half of the evening the talk proceeded at an even pace with the recruits trading anecdotes, sharing strong and certain wisdom. The moderator certainly had moxie, the patron thought. Her questions were riveting, multifaceted. But then things took a hasty turn. "Can anyone give us some highlights on discipline?" the moderator inquired, pointing to one of the more reticent mothers that had not been eager enough to contribute. "Um … I guess I take his phone away when he doesn't do what I ask" she shared politely. Phantomess couldn't for the life of her understand why people used phones so often instead of just sending thoughts through the fiefdom, but that wasn't on the docket today. Most treated that aspect as if it was old fashioned etiquette. And to be honest, the patrons did as well, as such intimacy is rarely needed in the daily frolic of social cares. "Ha! If you want results honey you have to take their spells away. "Hmm … I'm not sure that is such a good idea" Phantomess thought quietly to herself. Then the lady beside the speaker, her green shawl still dripping, let go of all her bottled-up angst in one quick pass, "Have you heard of Tame Yonder Frisbee? You know how they do that spell, turning frisbees into big platforms that hover above the ground and spin around. Whole groups of them ride the platform. They try to hold on instead of spinning off, and if one gets to the middle they transform into a strange geometric object with a bunch of vertices. Every week they keep thinking up other games. Of course, I had to take that one away from Danny when he crashed a frisbee into grandad's house. We had to completely remodel the kitchen". Phantomess was starting to become concerned with how much magic these parents were willing to take away, but couldn't help but keep from listening. The lady on the third chair to the left had one to even top that, "So, I'll tell you what I did for my Jenny when she wasted her whole allowance. If you'd ever visit my house, you'd see those nature posters in her room, all these fields of beautiful sunflowers … tall and yellow and bright …. and she is a vegetarian. So, one day I told her we were going on a road trip. You should have seen her bouncing when she saw out the window where I was taking her. First time myself, but I couldn't get distracted. In the middle there's this little picnic area where the trail leads to. When she was done spinning around, looking at all the happy faces she came over to me and said, 'Mom, what are we having for lunch?'. Oh ladies, that was my que. I took out the chart of all the onsurus she wasted that month so she knew I had pinned her down good. Then I took out of my purse a bag of sunflower seeds. Not only is she a vegetarian, my daughter loves sunflowers so much she won't even eat the seeds. 'Except for today' I said, 'you have to eat this whole bag or I'll never give you an allowance again'. Jenny stood a few feet away. I sat on the picnic table and watched her, slowly filling her mouth with the seeds, handful after handful, crying like a puppy. At the end, I couldn't help myself!" and she started laughing with the rest of them, manically like an evil mastermind. "Wait a second, that is really cruel!" Phan protested, leaping from her chair. Directly across the moderator turned to face the woman who had the nerve to cripple the progress of the proceedings, "Phan, you had your turn a minute ago. Maybe you should grow up and be a real mother, rather than standing there whining". "I thought you were being impartial but I guess eventually the truth comes out. My son would never get that hard discipline. We have an understanding, and he's too good for that" Phantomess lashed back, tired of their simple-minded remedies. "He's probably a grown child!" the moderator hurled back, smiled audaciously. Phantomess shook, red-faced with countless eons of quiet restraint boiling to the surface. "I'll give you one that's so good you'll never forget it. Try doing this for one week, Phan, and I'll let you join our spell society without dues for a year. From the look of you it's clear you're a real outsider. Maybe you came to the portion recently, but you don't have to be alone, so listen. Ladies, this is real talk. My son Hobby didn't bring back what I told him to from the store, so guess what I did next. All of his magic. Gone! That's right honey, if you want to punish him good, you have to take all the spells away. Drain them dry" the moderator declared, keen beyond words. At that Phantomess had enough of the common rhetoric, and stood to leave. "I thought I would get something useful here, but I suppose I was wrong" and shunned the alpha as she swept to the doorway. Down the corridor there was a lunch area with snack counters where she stopped to rest, taking a deep breath. "Perhaps if I had just disciplined Catcher by taking away all his magic … then maybe he would have grown as normal and I would not have waited endlessly through all those long ages. Perhaps if I had done things differently. But would that have worked? Any other remedy may have been effective for a child patron in his condition. Every day in perpetual youth … Never! No, I would not have hurt him like that. It goes too far. My pain was the price for that, so how dare she say otherwise! I'm going to have a word to that so-called moderator's face" she proscribed, catching her breath with both hands gripping the head-cushion of a booth table. Phantomess headed back into the room where the other had continued onto another topic. "Look who it is … come back to apologize mam?" the moderator offered generously. "When I said it was cruel to take away your kid's magic, I was giving my honest opinion, so actually I think it's you who needs to apologize to me" the newcomer countered, feeling sure of herself. The chair screeched slightly as the moderator rose, walked through the circle to the outside where the other woman stood patiently. For some reason the moderator thought it right to stick her nose quite close to her own, "You wanna rumble lady?". Along the circle of chairs, the concerned mothers glanced at each other, expectantly. "What do you mean …" Phan began, except her sentence was cut short by a hard strike with the palm of a hand, reddening her cheek like a beet. "Nothing can happen, so I have to extinguish all my magic" the patron thought before returning the gift. By the way she had not taken her spectacles off, the moderator was clearly not expecting that. They crashed to the floor, shattering the glass. Zestfully the circle of concerned mothers cheered them on as they brawled across the room. The patron shouted back at the other person in her way, as every brush of hands endowed pain to her face and chest. More people from the other floors began to flock in to witness the scene, crowding the room, until a cultic officer barged through. "Enough of this, mam!" he cried, locking her arms behind and walking her back. "Don't get me, she is full of hopscotch!" Phan hollered as the crowd of people huddled in the room belted out in reply. Most of the people on the left side, to where her back faced were rooting her on, while those on the right favored the moderator. Escorted from the room to the hallway, the newcomer was calmed and sent back to the parking deck. It was just a little better on the road, with much less spoiling traffic. Despite that, the rain had not ceased an undying flow of monotony, drumming against the windshield. Thoughts of Catcher and making breakfast day after day flashed in her mind like a spotlight. Cereal and bowls and spoons and pouring. Phantomess grumbled, awaiting the turn that would veer away to the west. It was something else, however, that could not melt away from all the sights and sounds. It stuck in her brain, an impenetrable tack, "Very annoying! If I had taken his magic away, this never would have happened".