
Priya Echo's Adventure

Hello, my name is Echo. Priya Echo is a super nerdy, shy lab scientist at university when one day an experiment goes wrong and gives her magic powers! After falling into her own dream land, she discovers that she has echo powers! Priya awakens and soon meets three kick ass girls who let her into their group, Nadine, Felicia and Dominique. Her so-called friends, who are really bad at not using peer pressure, set her up with a cute guy named Eric. He just wants a normal girlfriend and cannot seem to figure her out. Then one day the university is visited by a famous wizard named Telenon. After a standoff, Priya learns that he wants to steal the entire world's magic. The shy lab girl must learn how to become a brave hero. That is simple enough. Priya already has amazing powers. There is just one tiny little problem. She is too silly! Can Priya learn to be less silly in time to save the world? Maybe she'll end up as one of those legendary heroes with a crazy sword! Come Find Out! A wonderful read for lovers of fantasy, recommended 18 years of age and up.

DaoistmMAJLZ · Fantasie
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61 Chs


Location: Echo Realm

Date: First Age

The moment someone dropped a plate on the floor the shards congealed and became toy cars that drove off into different directions. Little white ceramic ones. Echo laughed from the absurdity of it all as they wound about people's legs. Those sorts of practical jokes built into the magic of items were not uncommon, but at big parties like this they took on a whole new meaning. Linden Dream and Melina Dreamer had consulted with Phantomess and Idea about their son Catcher. The boy spent most days inside the realm of his glass jar of fireflies, and so they decided to relocate it to the highland cloud where glassblowers restructured it into Jar Castle. A project worthy of a year's diligence. Echo looked around the room. Everybody was there and the music was hot. Suspended from the roof from lines of string were very large orange slices, which people wafted with folding fans until the citrus turned the appropriate color by the flavor of the wind as they cooled. For the majority of parties such as these, she liked most of all to be an objective observer, spotting the little details. "Have I ever told you that you can be somewhat of a wallflower, sister?" Em reprimanded, quaffing a goblet of seltzer. "Well, I like this party but it's too pretentious for me" she answered subtly in the hopes of evolving a beautiful tangent of conversation. "Everyone is having a good time. To be honest … remember what that means … I've seen you listen to music in your room" her brother aimed once more, striking a blow. Echo sighed with the swell of the flashback. Not everyone had seen her at her worst, dancing to clear melodies, propelled by the whims of nature. To her, it had been like silk violins woven from magic. A resonance from the caverns of time, a voice from deep below. "This is what happens when you leave the door open" she sighed tellingly. "Is it just me or have you always been the same? I know you like to think a lot ... but come on. Echo, they're just people, what are you so afraid of?" Em preached as a camouflage of bodies shifted through the foreground. Echo smiled at the good roasting. "Alright, brother. Don't forget I had to step up and help them. Locals really can't understand what we have to deal with" the guest said, refreshing his memory. Echo motioned to Linden in the corner adjusting his spectacles to see an inscription on a local's hand. By that time a lumbering drunkard had snuck up from behind. Echo bent as a thick arm lay over her shoulders. "Hahaha! What trouble are you planning now!" the ogre belted. Em coughed as hard sweat overcame their senses. "Valco, how much have you been drinking?" she quizzed, knowing he probably hadn't kept count. By virtue of an interlude most of the bunch parted. Some dozed in lumps of fluffy caterpillars until the music would resume. Yet others chatted about his or her outfit. "Did I ever say I love you? Sis, I'm so big … you're like a little toy. I could hug you into … juice" Valco gushed, his cheeks flushed with an obvious hue. Echo closed both eyes as formulae rambled through her mind, "Decisions, decisions". Fresh ink hiding behind her lids. "Good notes brother, and you as well. I suppose it's more reasonable to party" she avowed. Fortunately, there was one trick in particular that she had been honing for quite some while. "Does anyone want to see something that will make your eyeballs glow? Gather around" the spokeswoman promised, ushering them from clusters of gossip to the oval of an expectant crowd. People were worn enough from dancing that they couldn't resist. Giddy whispers traced in cycles around her, "First of all, I'll need a regular number 2 pencil. Can you spare one sir?" she asked, plucking it from his pocket. They were too enamored to notice the injustice, "Ask yourselves this, would you say this is just an ordinary pencil? Maybe a second ago, before I hollowed it out into a tiny dimension and filled it with light while you weren't looking". Ousting the eraser with a flick of her thumb, a feeble cone of light appeared from the end. A precursor to set the mood. Slowly, deliberately, another object pushed through, laboring like an octopus. "Is it a blob?" the crowd demanded as they watched the anomaly hover, a silvery globe covered in scales like a fish. Echo grinned as the disco ball eclipsed the room with color. Surely that was something that they had never seen before. Roars erupted in mild contagion. Yet soon enough hands and bodies resumed their rhythmic work. The showman stood there, adamant amongst the dancers, an axis in all their cycles. Looking out past the rest, straight through the kaleidoscope and its counterfeit atmosphere of reds and purples, she saw her sister, against the wall in the back, running her hands through Zenith's blue hair. Fresh lips governed the drift of his body ... every movement. "Onsuru, do you think you should … in public?" the showman thought mercilessly. Echo felt her shoulders shake and chest hesitate. Down her arms a moisture trickled, most likely sweat borne from the prick of desire. The showman began to pant repeatedly. Marveling lasted a few moments until she couldn't stand it anymore, and moved away, back to the corridor where more paths awaited. It was then that the conscious welled in full with a certain thought. Inclinations of a kind she had not felt since departing from the bubble. "Am I this lonely for real?" Echo asked, studying her own thoughts. In regions of obscurity, she could feel Sam's aspect imprinted, his warm sounds channeling through the emptiness. A kind of physical awareness salvaged all the pieces of his story. The cave, the look in his eyes when he saw her. Echo felt her health's compass oscillate, and fled into a private room owning a balcony as a rolling ache thumbed against her heart. Wrenching a chalice and bottle of seltzer from the cabinet, she angled it just right and poured the liquid to the surface. "If anyone knew what I'm really like, they wouldn't listen" Echo whispered, shielding her loneliness even from her own grasp. His beautiful name tunneled through the past into reality. Sam! How could anything be that gentle? Before the drink could touch her mouth, a notion struck. "Not a bad idea" the wallflower certified, then began at once, sketching inscriptions more toilsome with fine intricate detail. Plumes of mist broadened. The woman looked at the summoning. Indelibly feminine. Meddlesome eyes. Her avatar's face. For the moment she would have to do. Awaiting the right moment, the right second after the cloud's evaporation, the lonely girl took hold of the other. In the nearby room the party did not flag in strength. It had vanished with forgetfulness. Both continued, deep in the throes of need. Formulae wept from her body with each kiss, each erasing evidence of what came before. Far flung sighs. Heightened emotions. Echo took a reprieve from her consort to look around. Most certainly, their only voyeur was the balcony, "Let me give you some of this seltzer. I know you like me. We can drink from both sides while I hold the chalice like this". Steps traced down the corridor. Hinges swerved fast as two people came in through the open entrance. "Oh!" Onsuru screamed. Bashfully, the avatar faded. Leaning over the rail, Echo spat her mouthful out to the highland cloud. "Is it alright if I can get a little privacy here? Where are you going anyway, you two scared the willies out of me. Of course ... you're looking for a room too, right?" the runaway guessed. She had defected from the party in good order. Followers were not greatly anticipated. "Echo, that was kinda … weird what you were doing right there" Onsuru pointed, a bit whitened by nature's abuse. Her sister clumsily took a few steps backwards and tossed the chalice as well, "Well, it was only …". "Are you okay?" Zenith delved. Hands waved to dispel the antiquated truth "Yes of course I'm okay! I just had too much seltzer and got carried away". She guaranteed it with a dumb smile as her heart larked intrinsically. "Don't you think it would be better if I could explain this …" Onsuru began in familial unease. Ideally, even magic had its limits. But that was not the case today. "Please don't say anything," she begged. Zenith turned to his wife to gauge the reply. As he did, the patron closed the distance, enlisting them into confidence. Back at the main hall glass spinners flaunted their art, blowing replicas for dancing partners in the midst of calm music. For an hour the enjoyments ebbed predictably. Feast tables lost their wealth by degrees as people meandered about. The last leaves were dipped in butter for the mirthful revelers. Even Valco didn't seem to have much inspiration. Aimlessly, rumors began to flow about some well outside depressing the cloud. A few had seen it through windows facing the manor. Echo felt more at ease to be back with the others. Things would finish up briefly, along with the memories. Recklessness can always be forgiven. Then it happened. Loud thuds hammered down the gates. Sopping wet, a wild creature passed by the threshold. Echo held her breath with the rest. Looking closer, she could see it was a woman, face masked by long hair drenched in well-water, black as night. Vestments of the chalice curled around her body like a helix, metallic pieces. Quickly, before anyone could move a muscle the floor below transmuted into a whirlpool and absconded the revelers to the lower floor, leaving only her and the newcomer. Echo forced her back against the wall, appalled with sudden fear. It paced over the expanse methodically, "I swam to freedom from the whirlpool. Elder, do you know who littered this cup?". Veles arrived that day, the patron of the whirlpool. And of course, no one had truly understood the anachronisms.