
Prison of Love: Me and My Boss

(ENGLISH) MATURE CONTENT (21+) Haruna Azhar is a thirty-year-old girl who has been locked up by an arrogant young President. When Haruna first met the President, Haruna had offended him. That was the beginning of the suffering that Haruna would face. The president who didn't accept it began to disturb Haruna's family. To protect her family, Haruna is willing to be a guarantee and stay at the President's house. Gradually, the President became interested and fell in love. Can Haruna fall in love with the President? When his heart was constantly hurt by the President. Is it possible that feelings of love can grow in her heart? **** This is my first time creating a novel in the English Language. Sorry for my spelling if it doesn't make my readers happy. Thank you. *art by Pinterest. I am only edit*

Sekar_Laveina_6611 · Urban
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42 Chs


Haruna sits waiting for the order.

"Here is your order, Miss." The waiter gave Haruna a sausage pizza box.

"Thank you," said Haruna. the woman stepped out of the shop and collided with someone at the entrance. "Sorry, I did not mean it."

"Haruna," said the man who collided with Haruna.

"Chris, who do I think? Sorry I didn't see the road and bumped into you. Are you all right?"

"It's okay I'm glad to meet you here," Christian says.

"Would you like some pizza too?"

"Yeah, I'm planning to visit Kiara and bring her pizza. What toppings does Kiara like?"

"No need to bother, I already bought it for Kiara. By the way, why do you want to visit Kiara? I thought you were there to visit me," said Haruna teasingly.

"Before getting the mother's heart, I have to get the child's heart first. Isn't that right?" Christian asks, smiling. Chris answered Haruna's teasing.

Haruna becomes embarrassed, she intends to tease Christian, but it is Haruna herself who becomes embarrassed by Christian's answer.

"I'm joking. There's no need to take it seriously, but if I get a serious response, I'd be happier." Christian orders the same pizza that Haruna bought.

Haruna doesn't stop him from buying pizza for fear of offending Christian. Haruna sits back down, accompanying Christian who asks him to wait. After paying for their order, Christian and Haruna exit the pizza shop.

"I'm taking you home," Christian says.

"I bought a motorcycle, no need to be delivered."

"Your motorbike, let my driver take you. You go home with me," Christian said as he opened the car door for Haruna.

Haruna could not refuse, then gave the key to the motorbike to the driver. Haruna sat next to Christian who was holding the steering wheel. They came home chatting all the way. It didn't feel like the two of them had arrived in front of Kamal's house.

"Thank you, come in!" Haruna said, inviting him in. Haruna's motorbike was also parked beside Christian's car.

"Mama," Kiara said when she saw Haruna enter the house.

"Kia, what are you doing, honey?" Haruna asked.

"I'm playing with Aunt Vi," replied Haruna.

Vivi woke up and approached Haruna. The girl smiled happily seeing Haruna come home with a boy. So far, Haruna has never brought a man home. Even though many people were interested in Haruna, Haruna didn't respond to any of them. This is the first time Vivi has seen Haruna bring a boy home with her.

"Sis, who is this handsome man? Brother's girlfriend?" she asked.

Christian smiled shyly at Vivi's question to Haruna. It made Haruna uncomfortable when she heard such a question in front of Christian.

"Em, Vi. Introducing this, Christian. Brother's new friend. Chris, this is my sister, Vivi." Haruna introduced them.


"Christian, just call Chris," Chris said.

"Brother Chris, this is Brother Haruna's boyfriend, isn't it?" she asked. 

"Vi! Em, sorry Chris, don't pay attention to what Vivi said. Vivi usually acts friendly like that," said Haruna. His gaze turned to Vivi as if telling her not to talk carelessly.

"It's okay if I'm allowed to be your girlfriend, I also don't refuse. I'm very happy," said Chris.

"Well, Sis Chris has given me the code. Brother, I'm just dating Chris," said Vivi, supporting Christian's words.

Vivi carried Kiara. Vivi wants to spend time alone with Haruna and Christian. However, Chris called out to Kiara.

"Oh, yes. Here, Uncle and Mommy Haruna brought pizza for Kiara. Eaten, yes," Christian said.

"Yes, thank you, Uncle, thank you Ma," said Kiara. Vivi also brought Kiara to the kitchen. Kiara brought two pizza boxes, one from Christian and one from Haruna. Anggi, who was recording the ingredients in the refrigerator, asked Vivi.

"Who's coming, Vi?"

"Sis Haruna, Ma. Ma, you know what? Brother Haruna came home with a man, very handsome, Ma. He also looks very kind and polite. It seems he also likes Sister Haruna."

"Really? Mama is curious as to what kind of person he is," said Anggi. Anggi made a drink and took it to the living room, but Christian and Haruna weren't there. Anggi stepped out, it turned out that Haruna was escorting Christian into the car. Haruna waved to let Christian's car leave. Anggi approached Haruna. "Who is he, dear? How dare you allow a man into the house?"

"New friend, Ma. Just last night Haruna met Chris," Haruna replied.

"Oh, his name is Chris." Anggi looked at Haruna's face.

"Mama, why are you looking at Haruna like that? Chris is just a friend, Ma," said Haruna, who understood the meaning of Anggi's gaze. Haruna entered the house.

Not long after Haruna went inside, Anggi intended to follow. However, Anggi's steps stopped when he saw Kamal coming by using a motorcycle taxi. Kamal's face looked disheveled and uninspired.

"Mom, Papa didn't succeed in selling our shop. Papa don't know what else to do?" Kamal spoke in a deep voice.

"It's okay, Pa. It's not Papa's fault. Papa has worked hard for our family all this time. Let's just face them together." Anggi took her husband's hand and invited him into the house. 

Fifteen minutes left at seven, Haruna, Anggi, Kamal, and Vivi had gathered in the living room. They are waiting for the goons and their Master. Kamal is no longer able to get a loan from the bank and has also failed to sell their shop. Now all that can be done is confront them and hope that the Lord of the thugs will give Kamal time to pay off the 2 billion debt.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Kamal and his family get tensed when they hear a knock on the door. Kamal got up and walked shakily towards the door. Kamal opens the door of his house and the five goons push Kamal inside.

"Have you prepared the money?" asked the big thug chief.

"Sir, we haven't prepared the money yet. Please give us some time," said Kamal as he knelt.

 Vivi and Anggi also knelt behind Kamal. Only Haruna was still standing straight with a look as if waiting. Yes, Haruna is waiting for the Master they mean. Haruna already knew who the master of the thugs standing in front of her was.

"Since you guys can't pay, then we have to call our Master." One of the goons dragged a chair and put it two meters in front of Kamal.

The master they were referring to went into the house and sat proudly on the chair provided by the thugs he had sent for. Haruna clenched her fists tightly when she saw Tristan. He showed a terrible smile towards Haruna and his family.

In the room, Kiara was bored. Haruna accidentally locked Kiara in the room. Haruna is worried if Kiara sees a scene of violence that might be done by Tristan's thugs. Haruna didn't want Kiara to get the mental pressure back. Kiara is still quite traumatized after losing her mother, Mila. Haruna couldn't imagine how traumatized Kiara would be if she saw a scene of violence. For Kiara's safety and mental health, Haruna chooses to lock Kiara in her room.