
Princess that can fight

Sky_wolf_3773 · Fantasie
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4 Chs


"No one move or the princess is dead!"said a man in a guard uniform.Everyone in the room was silent and didn't move an inch ,but when some guards did move other people in swords popped up."You will give us all of your magical crystals if you want the girl to stay alive.Magic crystals are the things each royal is given at birth to control there powers.Each one has a different type of power but they are very powerful and are worth a fortune for just one.

"Well what will it be!Her head or the crystals!"he said.Not noticing the princess at all thinking that she is just a weak pathetic little princess.-Bam-Ember used her power to bow him across the room.The crowd looked in shock as they never seen such a powerful move.That was also a good distraction for the guards to get the upper hand."What was that?!?"Tess asked."I have been working on my powers recently."said Ember.

As the guards were taking care of the thieves a black gas filled the room.Then it went straight for the princess.After it covered her there was a voice that said "In three days meet on Shadow cliff with the crystals or she will be dead."When the gas left the room the princess was gone.Everyone was scared and worried about what to do.But the king and queen were scared to death since they all ready lost one daughter and they couldn't lose another.

Darkness.....just darkness was all Ember could see.She didn't know what spell or power that they were using.For the first time in years she felt helpless, weak, powerless, and scared.But then she remembered about her sister's necklace she never took off.As she held it in her hand she felt calm and brave again.She was Preparing herself for whatever she would have to face next.