
Princess of The Underworld

In the UnderWorld where her father the most powerful of evilness out of all the fallen angel known as Lucifer. Being his beloved daughter she has to carry many responsibilities to take her place to be the heir to the throne, in her near future but when things take a hard turn she’s left with revenge and pure darkness in her eyes. As her dear old grandfather and father make a deal that doesn’t please her at all. — DISCLAIMER — If you're religious please don't get upset this book is for enjoyment purposes only. I highly advise if you're sensitive towards your religious then don't read. I don't want to offend anyone.. Thank you! Hope you guys enjoy it! —— Authors Words —— I was update every weekend, three chapters every Friday. I hope all of you enjoy this book. Please leave your opinions in the comments taking every readers words into consideration for this book.

imjulaikmejia · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Life Turning Events

The following day was my turn around. I remembered waking up extra early and picking my outfit. I debated on many choices.

The first one was an Adidas matching piece, the classical Adidas shirt with the classical stripped-down Adidas joggers with some Nike Air 1's. The next choice was a simple gray shit with mom jeans and black leather boots. And finally my third choice a soft white floral mini dress that's spaghetti strapped with the back opened and white flats. I went with my third option.

I had gotten ready, took my apartment keys, my phone, and purse. I was ready to roll and find this mysterious lady who left me all alone. Back when I was at the orphanage I read many books on how parents loved and care for their child. I had many questions for this lady. My biggest one was, did she regret giving birth to me. Was I a mistake to her? I wanted to figure it out. The time had come to meet this officer Angelos at the park.

I was calmly walking until I ran into someone, we both had fallen back. I could tell it was a man by his muscular chest.

" uh I.. I'm sorry sir " was all I said in a tiny whisper.

Let me tell you my social skills were horrible! And that's when I felt a hard grip onto my sides. This person's scent was breathtaking they smelled like that mint, cinnamon, a dash of rose petals, but grapefruit and another dash of oranges. That's when it hit me, it smelled like this Cologne that's called " Paco Rabanne 1 Million ".

I noticed cause just yesterday I went into a fragrance store and I smelled this cologne. When I just remembered that I had fallen onto someone I looked up at his man's face and my face was flaming with awkwardness. He was staring at me with a wicked smirk plastered on his face. I starred back at him until I heard a very familiar voice calling this man's name.

" Lucie? Lucie! " yelled this familiar voice I looked up and there he was Mr. Gabriel Angelos.

The man who was holding me rolled his eyes and mumbled something I could only hear.

" What a damn buzz kill. "

That's when we got up, he held me tight before pushing us up with one arm, but to my surprise, I didn't see him move his arms or hands. We were lifted by him just pushing his back up. And I swear I saw something, as a pair of wings? To my knowledge, I didn't seem petrified at all. My body acted like it was very normal and my mind was spinning with questions.

When I was finally on my feet I fixed my glasses, dusted myself off, and fixed my ponytail. Then proceeded to glare at the man who saved me from falling onto the ground. He was very tall roughly 6 feet, muscular arms, fine bone structure, sharped jawline, brown-skinned tone, slick back silky black hair, vainly hands, and very big hands. He was a sexy anime character but in reality. And don't get me started on what he was wearing.

This man seemed to be rich for a co-partner officer. He was wearing a dressed suit, black attire. His shirt was a buttoned-down but you see a bit of his muscular toned chest, he had on sliver coffins, a black polyester jacket, his pants were black, his shoes were brand named, he had on a pair of diamond-studded earrings, a very expensive watch, and a black necklace.

I guess he realized I was checking him out cause he put his right hand into his dressed pants and winked at me. I felt my face hot and I smiled slyly while I looked down. Soon after, Mr. Angelos spoke introducing himself professionally again in his deep soft voice. I didn't want to be disrespectful so I did the same, when it came to be professional with others I did perfectly but talking to people regularly I did extremely horribly.

After a long while, Mr. Angelos debated to go back to my apartment and talk a few things over that seemed to be very important to him. I said no but then somewhere we ended up at my front door. I was so confused that I ignored it, I had let the two men walk into my apartment, showed them to the living room, and went to get bottles of water. Since I was staying in New York for a year I decided to get housing and with the money, the nuns rounded up it helped a lot.

Shortly after, getting settled in Mr. Angelos and Mr. Morningstar took some files out and placed them on my round coffee table. There was one strictly on my mother. The file had red letters written on it with numbers, it read:

Name: Claudia Lopez

Case Number: A00259

Guardian: Raphael

I was seriously perplexed about the file and then Mr. Angelos opened it up and a whole bunch of forms was stacked in a very well color-coded folder, many read Red Flags, Incident Reports, and Medical Records. There was lots of paperwork in the Red Flags and Incident Reports folders. My mother must've been a bad child.

" Here it is, it was written in the " Missing " file, says here Raphael went to meet with her when she was 15 years old at the orphanage this child grew up at. " Mr. Morningstar said as he ran his hand through his slick back hair.

Guessing he was pushing back the few strains that the gel didn't get.

I was admiring him that I was daydreaming about him running his big hands up my thighs and his juicy plump lips onto mine as I was gripping his huge bare shoulders pulling him deeper into the kiss. As I was imagining him doing all these nasty things I felt myself getting wet. I didn't even notice I was biting my lower lip as I was staring at him. That's when I heard my name.

" Ms. Selaya? "

I snapped out of my dirty fantasy and looked at him, he was licking his bottom lip and winked. I felt my face burst into flames. Did he know I was fantasizing about him? My head was racing with the thought until I heard his voice inside my head.

" Don't worry sweetheart, no one has to know. I want to hear you scream " Lord Lucifer " or " Daddy "or whatever you wanna call me baby girl. I know you want to ride me, I can sense your body craving me. "

My eyes widen at his words and he bit his lip before hearing Mr. Angelos clear his throat to get our attention. I saw both of them exchanging terrifying daggers and then he spoke.

As Mr. Angelos stood up, he straightens his tie before approaching me. " Ms. Selaya I am going to do a ritual on you so we can unlock your memories. Your memories were locked away by our father under the request of the nuns. "

I was scared, a ritual? As in witchcraft, oh hell no! I started to scream and ran to the door to escape before Mr. Morningstar was standing there. I stop in my tracks, panicking how? How did he get here so quickly he was just sitting down? As I was going to ask a question his eyes glowed a bloody shot red with a glimpse of gold he chanted a few words and then it hit me. I was feeling tired.

When I woke up, I was in my bedroom with the door closed. How did I get here, my head was pounding. I groaned rubbing my temple. I was searching my room for anything to protect me and then I heard voices coming outside my bedroom door. My heart was running a marathon I quickly pulled back my blankets to run to the window. I made up a plan to escape through the fire escape. Then, my heart dropped, the door jerked open Mr. Morningstar was standing there grinning. This time he was a bit different he had this bloody spicy scent towards him, it drove me crazy. I froze up as my feet were touching the floor. I felt a strong force pulling my legs back on the bed and the blanket swang over my body again. What was happening?

" Hello Beautiful, glad you're awake. Do you remember an event that occurred seven years ago? " he said softly before walking towards me and sitting near my feet.

I stared at him confused and that's when it all hit me in a sudden rush my memories were back. I remembered the day where I turned into some creature I looked up at him confused. Then the mummers the nuns were saying as I was unconscious, strange I could hear them.

" Our heavenly father gifted us with a blessing. " one nun said

" He did, she's an angel to watch over us. " another said

" We must protect her, she must find her mother once she turns seventeen. Let's pray to our father to hide these gifts until she's older. " a third one

" If the devil, knows we have an angel here. He will come and turn her evil. Her soul and body are pure we don't need his wicked self turning our little Seleya into evilness. " the first nun said.

And that's when I heard chanting unknown words and I felt my body in this agony of pain. It burned badly that remembering I felt my throat go dry. Then I looked at Mr. Morningstar he gave me a devilish grin, he said my memories and grinned after hearing the nuns saying the devil. Heh-he was the devil himself! I was terrified, I couldn't breathe I spoke slowly.

" You're the devil. " I whispered.

" Correct sweetheart and you're a demi-angel. " he grinned hungrily looking at my lips than to my eyes... " I like demi-angels, especially the females they smell like honey and roses. "

He breathed in and out " And you, my dear, smell delicious." he licked his lips before leaning closer to me. I tried to slap him but this same force from earlier held my arms to my side, I felt my heart racing and sweat creeping up on my forehead.

He ran his left hand up my legs up to my face, he caressed my right cheek. His hands were smooth. I looked into his eyes and I felt hypnotized, my fears suddenly disappear and now I was hungry with lust.

" That's enough Lucifer. " Mr. Angelos said leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed.

I took a glance at him, he looked very annoyed. I glanced back at Lucifer and I saw his teeth ground together.. He had perfect white teeth and a pair of fangs. I stared at him and without hesitation, I gently guided my fingertips across his lips and to his fangs. I was admiring them, I saw he had relaxed a bit and when I looked up to his eyes, they were grey and he had horns coming from the top of his head, they were shinning black horns. Beautiful I thought.

I could sense in the air the smell of lust. I couldn't help myself, one of my hands moved towards his horns and I touched them gently a small moan escaped his lips. That's when I pulled my hands back and felt embarrassed by my actions.

This was very stupid of me, I felt my soul leave my body. What in the world have I done? I did something so inappropriate, will God forgive? This was so out of line I thought.

Until he chuckled and said " My father won't do anything, my dear, you didn't do anything sinful yet. " he smirked.

What a monster, he is the devil after all so I'm guessing this was very common for him to make others do sinful and wicked things as he sat there and enjoyed himself. I felt a cool air raise my spine, I shivered.

" Selaya do you remember the time when you were ten years old? " Gabriel questioned.

I hummed. " I was in the bathroom with a couple of kids who were bullying me. "

The flashbacks came pouring down, I wanted to forget. Why did I have to remember this? It brought back so many painful memories of that damn hell hole. I felt my eyes starting to form tiny puddles and before I knew it, one watery raindrop escaped, slipping down my cheek. I closed my eyes as the raindrops started to pour.

I felt a warm hand being placed on my cheeks. I opened my eyes and saw Lucifer's worried face, he rubbed his thumb over my eyes to wipe my tears. I looked down shyly and embarrassed. I felt worthless, I felt vulnerable.

" You're not worthless nor any of those silly things you believe yourself to be. I see a beautiful and brave queen. "

He kissed the back of my hand. I slightly looked up from under my lashes and saw a smiling Lucifer, a pool of butterflies filled my stomach.

Subsequently, two hours had passed and who I shall call Lucifer and Gabriel, were now the two people I can trust dearly especially Lucifer. He showed me his true self. To be the Devil, himself he didn't act like it.

We sat here for two long horns, they were explaining to me what I am and how it came to be. I was so impressed. Mr. Angelos, I mean Gabriel, he showed me how to use my angel abilities Luficer sat there biting his lips and undressing me with his eyes. Gabriel had to kick him out of my apartment because I wasn't paying attention.

Then, after awhile teaching me how to use my powers I got the hang out it. Now it was their turn to show me their true form.

Gabriel had what seemed to be a warrior outfit on, he held a staff with a double cross and I remember seeing that staff somewhere in the church. He then told me the name of it " The Patriarchal Cross ". He even had enormous colorless wings, mine were a little smaller of course but his almost the touched the ground. I was amazed.

" My turn! " Lucifer said behind Gabriel smiling wide.

I felt a strong wind filled the whole room and then everything turned red. The lights were out and then I saw this glowing red aura in the corner of my living room. Then he stood up.

I was imaging him with long craws, huge horns, a tail, and nasty sharp teeth. But to my brief release, his devil form was more amazing than his human form. The stories the nuns told me as a kid wasn't how he looked at all.

He did have horns, huge black horns, enormous black wings, bloody shot eyes, pearly white fangs, and his skin was scaly with deep cuts into many shapes from lines to x's all over his torso, chest, and back. Deep wounds with dried up blood that made him look terrifying but in my eyes, I could see the side no one has ever seen. His devil form didn't scare me at all, it made me fall deeper with him. Wait?. Was I falling in love with the devil? that's preposterous, I thought.

" You're not scared by beauty? " leaning closer to my face he said with a soft, gentle voice. I didn't notice I was caught in my thoughts because I didn't even move. It's like he teleported in front of me.

I scanned his eyes and let out a sigh of relief and nodded no, I felt my hand raising to touch his face. He hesitated to grab my wrist but failed as he scanned my eyes. I guess once he saw I wasn't scared, he moved his face close to my hand and rested his cheek on it as he looked at me. His eyes softened from my touch, he gently closed his eyes and I heard a voice in my head.

" Your hands are very soft. "

I heard a gentle purr like a cat. I scanned his face to take a deeper glimpse but all I saw was admiration. I grew fond of his looks and now even fonder of his devil look. I was falling deeper for him After many years of feeling alone in a pit of darkness I found my source of light.

I could sense Gabriel smiling and then I felt a gust of wind circling the floor pulling Lucifer and me together. He shot his eyes open and glared at me, he gave me a reassuring smile.

" He's always watching. " I heard Gabriel say.

" Who's always watching? " I questioned.

" My father. " Lucifer said in a soft tone.

My heart flutter in embarrassment.

" God's watching me fall for the devil. "

Gabriel and Lucifer chuckled at my response. CRAP! I had said that out loud. I looked at them Gabriel was chuckling and Lucifer was smiling. His eyes turned color.

The bloody shot red and a glimpse of gold was now a light grey with that same little glittery of gold.