
Palace Life

I am Princess wu.Many people thinks being a princess is blessing but to me it's curse.Though I am a princess I don't have any freedom. I can't do anything I want.I don't have a friend. I have never get a chance to fall in love.Because of being only princess of my nation I have to be responsible and decent.I can't go out alone,if I need to go out many bodyguards follow me for my protection and I feel numb. As only daughter the king adores me very much but still there is many restrictions must follow Unlike my brother.So sometimes i go out of the palace secretly and try to fill free.

Handmaiden li: My lady where are you going?

Princess wu: Outside.It's so boring here.Let's visit to the market today.

Handmaiden li: Today Northern capital lord is coming with his son to talk about your marriage. The queen has forbade you from roaming in the palace and you are talking about visiting the market. The queen wil kill me for not stopping you.

Princess wu: Who is coming for who? I am not getting married anyone .And if you try ro stop me you are going to die in my hand first.Now don't talk and let's go.

The queen : My lord,it is the right time for the Princess to get married in a noble family.That's why I called my brother northern capitals lord to visit Palace with his son.

The king : You are her mother queen,do as you like.But did you asked Princesses opinion about her marriage?

The queen : My lord she is going out of control day by day.She is growing up but i can't see any sensitivity in her.That's why she needs to get married for learning her responsibilitys.

The king: What about the crown Princes marriage?

The queen: He is learning about court works he is not immature and irresponsible like the Princess. They are twins but very different from each other.We can think of him latter.

Crown prince:Did she leave again?

Bodyguard yu: Yes, my lord.

Crown Prince : Today she will be in big trouble. Bodyguard yu, go find her and make her come back to the palace with you.

Bodyguard yu: Yes,my lord.

Princess wu : Look how beautiful day is today.Mmmm i fill free.

Handmaiden li: We have to rush back to the Palace. If the queen finds out both of us will be dead.please try to understand.

Princess wu: Shut up and let's go.

Handmaiden li: My lady look isn't it the crown Princes bodyguard?

Princess wu :where! Oh no run! We have to hide somewhere.

Bodyguard yu: My lady! My lady! Don't run.I have to take you back to the palace.

The princess bumps into a handsome boy.

The Boy:Careful!

Princess wu:Help us.You see that man coming he is chasing me for money.

Handmaiden li:My lady!

Princess :Shush.

The boy: Come with me.I will take you somewhere safer.

Princess wu : Thank you!

The boy: Where do you live? Looks like you belong from noble family. Why was that man chasing you?

Princess wu:We are from northern capital.Though my father is noble but he has a bad habbit of gambling and everytime he losses all his money and those man comes after us for money.

The boy; And who is she?

Handmaiden li:I am...

Princess wu : She's my friend. We were roaming in the market.

The boy Tooks them to a very beautiful feild full of flowers at the moment when the sun is going down.

Princess wu: wow! I have never seen such beautiful thing before.This is the best moment of my life.

Handmaiden li: Yes, this is very beautiful.

The queen rushes to the court where the king, crown prince, Northern lord and his son is chating

The queen: My lord the princess is nowhere in the palace. What should we do?

The king:What! From when? Call the gurds!

Crown prince: Father don't worry nothing will happen to her.She will be fine.

The king: How are you so sure? Do you know where is she?

The queen :Tell us?

Crown prince : She has gone out for a while for roaming in the market. Don't worry I already sent my bodyguard to find her.

The king: Don't worry! I did not expect this from you.

Crown prince: I am sorry I am going myself to find her.

Northern lords son:If my lord approves I want to go find her too.

The king: Sure.

Princess wu :We should get back now,let's go li.

The boy:Let me escort you to your home.

Princess wu :Thank you for everything. Ahh I forgot to ask about yorself.You too look like noble person.

The boy: My father is the western capitals lord.

Princess wu:Awww,that's why you are very decent.

Handmaiden li:Ah no!Look kings gurd is looking for you.Everyone must have found out.

Bodyguard yu:My lady here you are.Please come with me the king is very furious about this.

The boy: What is going on?

Bodyguard yu:Can't you understand she is our princess.

The princess lefts with bodyguard without saying goodbye.

The princess arrives in the court.

Crown prince are you guys alright?

The king:How dare you creat this scene?Is this a royal persons behaviour.

The queen:Handmaiden li what i told you to do and what you did?

Handmaiden li:It's all my fault my queen.

Princess wu :Don't scold her it was all my discission.I didn't wanted to get married now.

The king: No more nonsense talking.You will get married to him next week.

Northern lords son:My king please don't force the princess think about it later.

The king:No!My decision is final.

Princess wu leaves the court crying.

Crown prince goes to see Princess.

Crown prince : You shoud have understand today is a bad day for going out.

Princess wu :I don't want to understand anything.

Crown prince :Don't cry.Look the star is falling down.Quick make a wish.Who knows your wish might come true.

Princess wu closes her eys and makes a wish.

Princess wu:I wish I could transmigrate to a new world where no one will stop me doing anything and I will be able to find love and freedom.