
Chapter 64 Davis Enterprise was not a charitable shelter

Then, the other end hung up.

She called back again, but it was a dead number.

As she walked, Sarah searched for the storage card in her bag. She couldn't find it anywhere. When she returned to the office and found every corner, she still didn't find it.

She recalled her experience in the hospital today, "Oh, no, I must have lost it at that time!"

Sarah dialed Brandon to ask a favor.

"I'm going to have an operation soon. I'll go to search after the operation. If I can't find it, I'll check the monitoring."

With Brandon's help, Sarah relaxed a lot.

Without Jacob, she was like a lost harbor. This little warmth made her feel relaxed a lot.

At the end of the day, the neck bracket on Sarah's neck attracted the attention of many colleagues, and they all came to care about her.

Sarah smiled and responded one by one. After getting out of the elevator, she went straight to take a taxi.

Generally, it was not easy to hail a taxi during rush hour.