

The southern highland forests, which were both beautiful and perilous.In the middle of that forest, two people were waiting for someone by sticking behind a dense tree.One was close to sixty years old, while the other was a young man of about eighteen years old.Their garments appeared to require cleaning based on their appearance."How long do we have to wait here?"The young man raised his eyes to the sky and stated.It could rain at any moment.

"Those people would appear if we waited a bit longer" The old man said.

"But we've been waiting a long time here"The young man said.

"Do you know who are the two most powerful warriors in the world?"

"Most powerful warriors umm....Laime Rangswood and Pailon Fireson"

"No you idiot"

"So, who is it?"

"They are Patience and Time,and the sooner you learn to respect them, the better it will be for you" The old man said loudly.

"You can't yell at me like that; I'm a prince"

"You were.You got deported, remember"

"And you too"

"Because of you"

"Okay it was my fault, so; what exactly are we waiting for?"

" Delarths "

"But why,and why did you bring this bag with you?"He said, looking at the bag in the old man's palm.

"I need to speak with them about something crucial", Then there was a stir in the bushes in front of them.

"They've arrived" The old man said.

Around eighty persons who were large people with copper toned skin, blue eyes and brown hair;who held bare swords in their hands; those weapons were different from ordinary swords, in that the steel on them was thick, but it had no impact on the edge.

"Who's that?"The young man pointed to someone in the crowd, he was the lone horseman among the crowd, and he appeared to be even more powerful than the others; he was also wearing a beautiful ring with a green stone on it.

"He's Del Guata,the Buruzagi of this tribe" The old man said.



"So, are you genuinely interested in speaking with them?"He didn't feel like going to those people at all.

"Yea, let's go now" The old man said.

"Okay" He sighed and said.

"Buruzagi" The old man said loudly. Hearing this, the whole crowd stopped, all of the men drew their swords and aimed them towards them.

" 𝘚𝘭𝘪 𝘉𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘨 𝘉𝘶𝘳𝘰𝘨𝘪 "The old man said.The young man didn't comprehend a word the old man said, but when Buruzagi heard this, he dismounted, motioned to his troops to lower the sword, and summoned the old man to him, "𝘚𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘴 𝘬𝘰𝘮𝘣𝘰𝘴 𝘥𝘪 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘭, 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘭𝘢 𝘥𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘭 "The old man said, pointing to the young man.

Del Guata looked at the young man, smiled lightly and said, " 𝘗𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘭 "

The old man came to him.

"What did you say to him, must have said something good right, Buruzagi was smiling after listening to you" The young man said.

"I just told him that my warrior wants to challenge your tribe"


"And they accepted the challenge" The old man said.

"But you said that we came here to talk"

"I had stated that I had come to speak, not we, and that there's no need to be panic; all you have to do is to defeat one of their warrior"

"This is a challenge I'm not prepared for"

"If we change things, they will kill us right here"

"But.. "

"Asher you have to fight this battle, after all you are a prince"

"I was,have you forgotten what you said now" Asher said.

"You are the worst student I have ever had, I never taught you to be frightened;now go and fight"The old man said in a firm tone.

"Okay.. Audrey fine"Asher looked at the crowd and looked for someone he could beat easily, that's when, "What are you doing?"Audrey said.

"I'm looking for someone who I can beat without ripping my hands and feet"

"Ohh...you don't have to choose a warrior, you have to fight him"Audrey pointed to Del Guata.

"Have you lost your mind,he'll put me to death!" Asher said loudly.Then a Delarthi approached them with a variety of blades, " 𝘍𝘪𝘢 𝘫𝘪 𝘯𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘤 " He said.

" 𝘕𝘢𝘭𝘢 "The old man replied.Delarthi walked away after hearing this.

"What did he come here for?" Asher asked him.

"Delarthi always gives his enemy a chance to choose a weapon"

"Then why didn't you let me choose" Asher said loudly.

"Because I brought this"He opened the bag he had and took out a sword from it, that was an incredible sword.

"The Wolf's howling" Asher said in a surprised way.

"I thought you'd want to battle with your sword" Audrey said.

"I thought I lost it"

"You have lost everything, but not everything can be lost"Audrey said.

"But it's been a year since I've used this sword"

"It isn't rusty, but you are most likely rusted"Audrey said.

" 𝘛𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘢 " All Delarthis shouted loudly.Del Guata was swinging his sword in the air, as if he was about to sever Asher's skull.

"Remember my lesson, never show your pain and fear to the enemy"Audrey said.

"This is probably my last lesson"

"Don't give up yet; fight till your final breath"Audrey said in a firm tone.He took his sword from Audrey and went among the Delarths.He was very nervous.

" 𝘛𝘦 𝘶𝘱 𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘺𝘦𝘯𝘪 "Del Guata looked him in the eyes and stated.

"What exactly is he saying?"Asher asked Audrey.

"He is saying to remember your God for the last time"Audrey said aloud, as he stood a short distance from Asher.

"I don't think it's necessary because I'll most likely visit him today"Asher said in a trembling voice.

Then an old Delarthi came in their midst, his face covered in green round figures;and said loudly "𝘛𝘢𝘭𝘶𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘫𝘪𝘯 𝘷𝘢𝘭𝘢𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘫𝘢𝘭 ", Asher looked at Audrey.

"He is implying that there is only one rule to this fight: it will continue until one of you dies"Audrey said.


"𝘛𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘢"The old Delarthi said loudly and moved on from there.Del Guata was moving his right hand all around as if saying that the four directions are in his favor today, then he closed his eyes.Asher had no idea what Del Guata was doing,just then he opens his eyes and comes running towards Asher.

Perhaps he intended to kill Asher in his first attack, Asher hastily lifts his sword in an attempt to defend himself against the attacks.Both swords collide, and Asher is severely shaken.He tried to contain himself, but Del Guata continued to hit him, which he was somehow stopping,and the sword once came dangerously close to his neck.It was now lightly raining.Del Guata was getting angry now, he hit Asher under his nose,which caused Asher to fall to the ground.Asher felt a stream of hot blood trickle down his nose.But Del Guata was in no mood to stop.Asher was only crawling on the ground like a worm, evading his punches as he continued to assault.Seeing all this, all Delarthis standing there were laughing.Del Guata struck him in the head, but Asher managed to avoid the blow,Del Guata's sword went right over his head.Asher's body was now filled with mud.Del Guata was also now considering this fight as a joke.Asher looked at Audrey, he was looking sad.

"𝘗𝘦𝘭𝘪 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘴" Del Guata said loudly, "You are a coward";Del Guata bowed his neck on him and said.He had heard these words before, the day he was thrown out of the palace.His ears were suddenly buzzing with these words.He could hear that Audrey was calling him loudly.He could see that Del Guata waved his sword in the air, but that's when some words came out of his mouth,"I'm.. not.. aa.. coward "Asher held his sword in his hands and attacked Del Guata with his sword.Then there was a loud lightning, whose brilliance lit up the whole place;the next moment Del Guata's head was lying on the ground at a distance from his body.Delarthis and Audrey were both stunned of seeing this.Asher was gasping with anger, the same old Delarthi reappeared, walked straight to Del Guata's head, and put the blood from his chopped throat to his thumb;then he went over to Del Guata's body and removed that beautiful ring from his hands, cleaned it.He now came to Asher, held his sword holding hand in his hands, rubbed his bloodied thumb on the biggest finger of that hand due to which Asher's big finger got spots of blood.He then placed the ring on Asher's finger.Asher had no idea what was going on.

"𝘗𝘦𝘩𝘭𝘯𝘪 𝘥𝘢 𝘯𝘪𝘭 𝘉𝘶𝘳𝘶𝘻𝘢𝘨𝘪" The old Delarthi spoke loudly. Hearing this, all the Delarthis got down on their knees. Audrey came to Asher.

"What exactly is going on?"Asher asked him

"You are now their new Buruzagi...