

<p>A very beautiful girl, in a green robe, was running through the crowded streets.<br/>"Martha... stop, please." Another girl who was wearing a yellow robe was running after her. <br/>"Not now, Nainsy." She said while running. But the girl in the yellow robe grabbed her hand and forced her to stop.<br/>"We shouldn't be out here alone." Nainsy said. <br/>"Why not?" She said, gulping. <br/>"If your father hear that..... "<br/>"He'll never know we're gone."<br/>"But if he finds out," Nainsy said. <br/>"You don't need to be afraid of my father."<br/>"At least we should hide our faces." She said this while glancing around.<br/>"Okay... Nainsy." They covered their faces with the tops of their robes.<br/>"It's fine now."<br/>"Yes but...."<br/>"Nainsy, after so many days, I am able to come out of the palace."<br/>"Okay fine." They came a little further. The whole city was lost in the noise. <br/>"Why is there such a large crowd?" She pointed to the side of the road where many people were standing. <br/>"Guess what."<br/>"Let's go."<br/>"Martha, are you sure?"<br/>"Yes."<br/>"Like always." They came to the crowd. <br/>"I still think that we shouldn't go there," Nainsy's voice was rife with nervousness.<br/>"Of course, we should."<br/>"I will never go out with you again."<br/>"You are saying this for the eighth time." They made their way through the crowd. When they reached ahead, they found that an old man who had a very long beard and very old clothes was watching the hand of an old woman very carefully.Like the whole crowd, both of them started looking at him silently.After a while,the old man looked at the woman's hand and said, "Your sister is going to do the work that you are preventing her from doing."<br/>"No, it shouldn't happen. Please help me."<br/>"I can only foresee the future, but I can't change it. However, you..."<br/>"No!" The women screamed and ran away. <br/>"Huh..does anyone else want to know their future" He said to the crowd. <br/>"I want to know," Martha raised her hand. <br/>"Martha, no"<br/>"Do you have any coins with you?" The man asked her. <br/>"No, but I have this"She pointed to a bracelet in her hand, which was of gold. <br/>"Martha, have you gone mad!"That girl whispered in her ears. <br/>The old man looked at that bracelet for a while and then said to the crowd that "This is my last customer for today, so you guys come back tomorrow."<br/>The crowd slowly started to empty from there. <br/>When the crowd completely dispersed, he said, "You should not hang out like this."<br/>"Why? Do we not even have the right to roam in the city"Martha said. <br/>"Who can stop the princess from roaming the kingdom?"On hearing this they both got shocked.<br/>"I.. I am... "<br/>"Ok then Princess Martha give your hand to me"<br/>"What?"<br/>"Give me your hand to see your future"<br/>"Which one?"<br/>"Anyone," She extended her right hand.<br/>"Well how did you know I'm a princess?"She asked when the old man was looking at her hand. <br/>"The one who sees the future also sees the identity of the person, princess"He said while looking at her hand. <br/>After a while,"What did you see?"<br/>But the man kept quiet.He looked towards her. The man's face was telling that he had seen something bad. <br/>"Did you see something bad?" Martha asked in a low voice. <br/>"Better if I don't tell you" He said in a sad voice. <br/>"Martha I think we should leave now"Nainsy said in an irritating voice. <br/>"You have to, it's my order"Martha said in a firm tone. <br/>" Ok... ok, listen you will marry a brave king, your first child will be a girl.... "<br/>"What's wrong with that?" Martha interrupted him. <br/>"Yes, your child will always be in danger of life and many people will die to save her, but her survival is neither in my hands nor in your hands."<br/>"And"<br/>"Only this much I can tell you,your grace"<br/>"Martha let's go" Nainsy said. <br/>"Wait, is it true?"Martha asked him. <br/>"Maybe, it's in God hands"<br/>"Keep this bracelet"She gives her bracelet to the old man and then they walk towards the palace. <br/>"Don't believe his words,Martha"<br/>"But, how he knows that I am a princess"<br/>"I don't know maybe his any friend or family member works in our palace or he has ever seen you before"<br/>"But... "<br/>"If your first child will be a boy, then"<br/>"Yes.... "She suddenly got up on her bed, her whole body was hurting. <br/>"Aaaahh!"She screamed.Then suddenly a maid said,"Lady Siriya, the queen has regained consciousness"<br/>Lady Siriya came to her and said "Thank God! you have come to your senses; you have become a mother, Martha." Her heart began to beat quickly as she heard this.<br/>"Boy or Girl?"<br/>"A girl Martha, a little princess," Lady Siriya said happily. <br/>"No..."</p>