
Prince Silas/Rouge X-Men

When Silas meets some of the X-Men and finds Rouge very interesting

GhostWriter1996 · TV
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4 Chs

Chapter One

Silas had his room. He was listing to music and cleaning up his mess. He was walking out holding trash and saw Bobby holding Anna's hand and noticed she had gloves on. He rolled his eyes and walked past her, and his gold eyes flashed red, and he kept walking. Bobby pulled her closer. Silas smirked and went to his room to play video games. Bobby walks in. "Leave her alone," he said. Silas looks with a bag of blood hanging out of his mouth. "Bobby chill out," he said and laughed. "Don't look at her like she is food," he said. Silas stood up and looked down at him. "I did no such thing" his gold eyes shimmered, and a thunderstorm formed. Storm walks over. "Bobby, you should leave," she said. Bobby left. The clouds clear up. Silas sat back down. "You can't let him get you all worked up, Silas," Storm said. "He told me I looked at Anna like a meal," he said. Storm sighs. "I will speak with Bobby," she said and left. Silas picked up a book and went outside to read. Storm found Bobby. "Bobby," Storm said. Bobby looks. "Yeah, storm," he said. "You and Silas need to make up," she said. "He looked at Anna," he said and sighed. "Just because he is a Prince doesn't mean he can get away with everything," he said. "That isn't what I am saying, Bobby. You both need to apologize to each other," Storm said. Silas walks up. "I apologize, Bobby, and I also apologize to you, Anna," he said. Bobby looks. "I apologize to you, Silas," he said. They shook hands. Silas left and went to help make dinner with Jean. Bobby kisses Anna. But her power almost made Bobby pass out. She felt horrible. Jean smiles. "Thank you, Silas," she said. Silas smiles and nods and cleans up and grabs a bag of blood, and goes off as the others eat. Bobby and Anna broke up. He heard crying. He walked out and saw Anna. "What's wrong," he asked. "This power, Bobby broke up with me," she said. Silas held her touching her skin nothing happened. She leaned on him. "It's not your fault Anna," he said. "You are okay," she said. He laughs. "I am also a half god half vampire," he says and leans back. Anna nodded. "You hungry? Jeanan made burgers," he said. Anna nods. He took her hand and took her to dinner. Jean smiled and gave her food. She ate he sat with her. He opened his book and was reading.