
Regular Teen

Sixteen years later.

"Get up, Alexander! You will not get there on time! Ana got angry and yelled at her son.

She had tried to wake Alexander up earlier, but he stayed asleep through it all.

Alexander reached for his glasses on the nightstand next to his bed.

"Mom, I'm awake!!!" He got mad at his mother and yelled at her, then got up and went to the bathroom.

Alexander was named after his parents, Ana and Javier, by the Creeds.

As he got older, he got tired of his parents always telling him what to do.

He sighed as he brushed his teeth in front of the mirror. Since he had woken up again in the middle of the night...

Alexander had no idea what was going on in his dreams. Still, he often drowned in the ocean, sometimes in the middle of lava, and then the earth ate him. Alexander dreamed that he was inside the volcano...then, in a second, falling to the sky.

Alexander left the room to talk to his mother in the kitchen after he told them how upset he was and picked up his things. He went over to her to say hello and kissed her on the cheek.

Your 16th birthday is coming up, and the harvest festival is just around the corner. What do you have planned for this big day? Ana asked this question with a big smile on her face.

Alexander replied, "I'll help my dad with the harvest and sell it at the market. Then we can have dinner," as he got cereal and milk from the fridge. "I'll help my dad harvest and sell the crops at the market."

"Are your friends not going to come? Ana put her eyebrows together and asked the question.

"Mom, we haven't even talked about what I want to do for my birthday. Where is my dad?" Alexander gave a lot of information while he ate his breakfast.

Her mother told her to go to the barn and said, "Your lunch is here." A second one was made for Benjamin in particular." Ana wrote herself a note while she was fixing her son's backpack.

"No problem, Mom. I'm afraid I'll have to go now. He kissed his mother more on the cheek before picking up the bag. After that, Alexander went right to the barn his father owned.

He told his father, "This year, Dad, I'll try out for the swim and soccer teams."

Javier patted his son on the shoulder and said, "That's good news, son. Tell me what will happen," as he ran after his son, who was busy picking up straws. Javier was at work, but he was chasing after his son.

"I'll see you later!" After that, he left quickly.

Javier's eyes followed him, and when he found Alexander, he turned back into an average, loving child. Javier was following Alexander. After that, he looked in his barn, where he had hidden the spaceship. On his birthday, Javier plans to tell him the truth about everything.

Alexander knew they weren't his birth parents because they didn't hide anything from him. What they didn't tell him, though, was how they got custody of him.

As Javier got into the spaceship, he reached out and touched the letter sitting in front of him. Just like before, it started to shine and spread out. He finished it off with one last stroke. Javier gave everything a second look before he left and locked the door. He then checked out.

Alexander is in a hurry to the bus stop to catch the bus to school. "What took you so long, Benjamin?" He asked with a wrinkle in his brow.

"I'm behind you, but you can't hear me because you're moving so fast!" Benjamin made an exclamation. He let them know how upset he was about the situation.

"I've been working on it. The audition is coming up more and more quickly. I intend to participate." Alexander told his friend what he thought. He got ready for the bus as he waited for it to come.

"Are you sure that you want to play soccer?" Since they were already on the bus, Benjamin spoke in a quiet voice.

Alexander answered quickly, "Yes," and at the same time, took the headset out of his bag and put it on his ear. He knew that his friend disagreed with him, so he turned down the volume so that he couldn't hear his friend complain.

Benjamin whispered, "You know the soccer team captain likes you, right?"

Alexander sighed as he thought about what he had noticed about his hearing recently. Even though he was far off, he could still hear what people were saying. He lowered his head and looked out the window.

"Alexander, you have to run! You have no other choice!" {A voice-only Alexander heard}

"Come on, Xander! I've been trying to wake you up for a while now! Let's get moving!" Benjamin smirked.

Alexander wiped the sweat off his forehead, took a quick look around, and then quickly stood up when he realized they were in a school.

They moved down the aisle of the bus as a group. Even so, Alexander couldn't get his dream image out of his mind.

"If you try out for the soccer team, I'll also try out!" I just can't picture life without you! What will you say or do when Dylan tells you to stop? We can fight him as a team if you come with me!" Benjamin makes a firm remark.

Alexander smiled sneakily because he knew that his friend was scared of Dylan. At first, everyone who didn't like his group was mad at Benjamin. Dylan was angry at Alexander, even though Alexander was always by his side and stood up for him no matter what. Alexander was a student at the school. He wasn't as weak as Benjamin, so this didn't bother him at all. Alexander worked with his father on the family farm when he was a child, so his body was used to doing hard physical work.

As soon as Benjamin saw that Dylan's group was getting closer, he ducked behind them and said, "Speaking of the devil."

"Alexander Creed, I've heard you'll try out for the soccer team next week. Are you certain?" Dylan smiled funnily.

(Run!!!) Alexander could hear the voice once more. Right away, he looked in every direction. Then, he looked over and saw a woman standing at the other end of the hallway. She did the same thing, which was to stare at him.

"Hey! I'm addressing you!" Dylan showed how upset he was by tapping his chest.

When Alexander looked back at the woman, she wasn't there. While he was looking away, she had left.

"Could you tell me what's going on there?" a teacher who had been in the area asked.

"Nothing, sir." Dylan smiled as he put his hand on Alexander's shoulder and said, "I'm just giving Alexander some tips for his tryout later."

"Okay, that's enough with your ideas! You must have heard the bell, right?" The teacher says.

"Yes, prof. we heard the bell ring... So we are all headed in the room," Dylan explained.

Alexander walks down the other hallway, where he sees the girl, while Dylan looks back at them one last time before moving on.

"Alexander, just who are you looking for? Step it up, everyone!" Benjamin shouted, "The lecture is about to start, and we'll be late!"

Alexander sighed and kept his head down as he walked to their classroom. "Did you see the woman standing over there?" he asked Benjamin.

"What woman? There's no one there except Dylan's disciples!" Benjamin responded and took Alexander on his shoulders to walk to their classroom.