
Prince of Commorragh

Man dies and is reborn as a Drukhari from the Warhammer 40k Universe watch as his story unfolds.

Clucky · Others
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14 Chs


I just died, I thought to myself while looking at my surroundings. I could see my body well, my physical body lying there face down on my desk still looking at Warhammer 40k lore of the Drukhari, a race I found to be interesting.

I was calm, far calmer than I had thought I could ever be. There was no sadness or sense of loss, only a slight bit of disappointment at not leaving behind some form of legacy for my family.

However I began to feel a strange pull towards my computer, my soul or what I can only assume to be my soul began to be drawn towards the pc and before I knew it I had entered it.

Instantly my soul seemed to be drawn to some far away light and moved there at speeds so fast everything became a blur. I suddenly stopped when I reached what I can only assume to be a gestating child still stuck inside the mothers womb.

It looked nothing like a human however it's body was wrong even from this age I could tell while humanoid it was not human and most certainly not Aeldari I could only think that it was a Drukhari.

My soul drew into the body and instantly I could tell it would be a war of attrition between me and whatever this residual soul that was within. However right as I felt it counterattack my own soul seemed to understand immediately and in some strange manner consumed it I could feel my soul grow and become less human and more something else.

Time seemed to pass incredibly slowly while my body and soul were growing. I could feel what must be my mother sending constant pulses of energy to check my condition. I could feel her power even through the tiny pulses she sent.

Incredibly strong from what I know of the Drukhari, the true bloods are treated as high society especially the women who have children and are still in charge and judging by the small energy she would give off I knew just how powerful she was.

The sensing ability of my soul, if I could even call it, was growing rapidly which is odd because I could only assume Slaanesh would have already taken interest in my soul and begun draining it.

I sensed no such sensation however incredibly odd to say the least I could suddenly hear as well with my soul I used my soul to check in on my mother condition and it seemed she was fine and doing some form of torture of what looked like an Astartes from a cursory gaze.

"Oh, isn't this rare?" a voice sounded out in my head. It sounded like a happy surprise. "You're already sensing with your soul my young one?" she then ceased her actions momentarily causing the Astartes to exhale.

"Mother?" I said with a large degree of shock that she could not only sense my soul but also respond to me. "You can even speak already now. This is truly shocking my son. You have already shown great potential." she seemed truly excited now.

"You'll make a great addition to the Kabalite trueborn and perhaps even join your mothers own raiding party hahaha you're more than I had anticipated already. Allow mother to begin her teachings now my son." she said with a voice soaked in honey if only I didn't know already what such a gift may entail.

I could sense my mother smile and then begin to unravel several tools listing them off one by one explaining how to use them and techniques. With each there were blades, saw's, soul tormentors, agonizers and shadow fields. "When you are born we will begin your training with weapons and poisons. After that perhaps I will even teach you some tricks of your mothers trade, however that will depend on your aptitude and ability." she said all while grabbing various tools.

The human man could not comprehend this situation as to him it seemed the Drukhari woman was simply talking to herself but he breathed in despite his confusion and said "I will not break." "For the God-Emperor I will not break." My mother simply laughed and said "Good."

The torture was not fast by any means skin torn from flesh in ways my soul couldn't even articulate all the while my mother talked of various ways to inflict pain to regenerate she spoke of our species ailment and when she mention Slaanesh she seemed to seethe in hatred and fear even if only for a moment.

"My child listen to this when I speak to you as you are gifted you may feel even the potential to be a 'psyker' you must never use this power we Drukhari are cursed with the eternal gaze of Slaanesh you must never use it or either I or she will strike you down and you would much prefer me." She spoke with a venom that could poison.

"I understand mother, I will follow your teachings." I said adapting quickly to the new life I found myself in. I could not tell why my morals no longer affected me, maybe the soul I consumed or maybe the act of being a soul in general.

"Good my child you are close to your birth, perhaps only a few thousand more cycles." She said, "Plenty of time to teach you our history, ways and traditions." I responded quickly, "Yes mother."

"Good my son you shall be named Ezdazar and shall be my sole heir and disciple do not disappoint." I sent a confirmation and she smiled charmingly or what I could only assume to be charmingly soul vision is different. I see the outline and the darkness of my mothers soul damned beyond damnation and yet there is beauty in it.

I thought to myself about what I know of the 40k universe and began to think long and hard about how I shall carve out a place for myself. Obviously this place is the city Commorragh, the dark city of the Drukhari.

Evidently a great natural start with access to the hidden zones of the web way and powerful backing however this doesn't mean easy my mother will experience countless ambushes and assassination attempts to dethrone her and consequently kill me.

This is the unfortunate side of being a Drukhari. I will never truly be safe. Perhaps one day my own mother will plan to kill me to gain just a little more ground I thought. "Fear not my Ezdazar I have no need to harm you" she chuckled. I reacted gaspingly. She can read my mind? "No I cannot read your mind but I can infer from your soul's fluctuation as you are within me I can determine certain things" I breathed in relief.

"Although it is surprising for you to have such information and instincts at such an age it is not unheard of so be strong my Ezdazar you must push forward for with our eternal lives it is destined we bring the utmost destruction." she said taking the torture of the man up a notch the screams began and instead of pity I was happy joyful.

"The first soul is very important for us, our first soul we partake in and it's strength can bring many benefits to our kind and your first is a fine one indeed close to a chapter master in power he is the first soul I've prepared for you my son now partake in this exquisite feast!."

She activated some device and I could see the man's white soul with a wisp of gold begin to be forcibly torn asunder in this device before gushing to me my soul became excited I could feel myself salivating and I devoured like never before even the young Drukhari's soul I devoured had nothing compared to this I could taste heaven joy and excitement of each molecule eaten and I relished I could feel my soul cleanse once again it wasn't just making it stronger but truly allowing my soul to upgrade I could feel the power of the Astartes man gush into my fetus like body.

"Good Ezdazar eat until there isn't a morsel left." She smiled a pitch-black smile. I could hear the agonizing screams of the Astartes when his soul was torn asunder the feeling of his fear drenched into my core I could only shiver in excess.

The soul felt endless, the pleasure undeniable and the satisfaction of the feast left me astounded. I could never have thought I as a regular human could turn into this and enjoy this in such a brief period but it was here and it was every bit like heaven.

The books did not lie, we Drukhari felt every feeling and thought 1000% more than our human counterparts. I could feel more than I had ever felt in these few seconds than in my 28 years on earth.

It felt divine. My soul continued to grow however and right as my soul seemed to be of an astronomical size it condensed and began the process again growing to the peak before condensing hundreds of times.

"This Astartes must have lived longer than I had anticipated." My mother spoke after a long while. "While it's still a simple mortal soul, the amount of time on this plane will certainly allow it to feed our kind better. Surprising but good nonetheless. Allow mother to get a taste as well." She said with a hint of relish and she too absorbed her soul unlike mine did not retain even a hint of the power and instead it seemed like a bottomless abyss leaving only pleasure without progress although there was a drastic decrease in my mothers age something I could vaguely tell from her stronger life force.

I instantly made an inference from this information as my soul is technically human but has characteristics of the Drukhari similar to having the strength without the weakness of my race.

I frowned at this thought however as there are still plenty of issues that will come with this one being warp sensitivity and worse still Slaanesh, something which would without a doubt be interesting in my condition a situation that cannot happen.

These troubling thoughts were continuously gushing through my head all the while I consumed the soul my soul having already compressed countless times seemed to no longer be able to and I could feel a strain on my physical body as I was unborn even with the superior body's of the Drukhari I could begin to notice the strain it was putting on me much more and things could begin to go terribly however to make up for appearances I simply slowed my consumption to a moderate level and attempted to draw life force from the man into my infant body this was incredibly difficult and with no reference sheet to guide this action it was extremely difficult.

However as some was naturally coming to nourish my body I was able to widen the flow with my soul force and allow my to enter my body which began to grow at an accelerated pace for faster than expected and this was noticed.

"Oh life force can be used in this way, very interesting young Ezdazar" my mother said seemingly inspecting the flow of life force going into my body. "Try to accept as much as you can, it will be greatly beneficial for you." she said as a much denser life force began to assist with my body.

I could feel myself grow heavier and denser and even a few inches bigger I could feel my soul just barely out-competing my body with this rate and I allowed it to continue until I noticed my mother's silence.

"Your methods are truly great, not even born and found ways to increase your potential and body truly worthy of being my heir Ezdazar I look forward to your growth eagerly." she said with hints of surprise.

The amount was much less now with me and my mother vying for the soul power. It soon ran out after my soul had compressed several more times and my body much larger than at its last state.

If before my body was in the second trimester and now I would certainly be in the 3rd large enough now for a human child to be born surely how this wasn't affecting my mother was unknown to me but I could feel that I could be born perhaps far sooner.

"I can sense you have already grown splendidly; however with our race's long gestation times it will be many cycles before you can be born; however this is good." She said happily.

"Understood mother." I said. "What should I learn first?" she chuckled and said "Culture."


Brief rundown of how I am laying out Drukhari not exactly according to cannon actually almost entirely not related but it will have similar names and fairly familiar structures there will be some changes which is to be expected because cannon is strange there are plenty of books and I have unfortunately not read them all and cannot consider myself a expert on the subject so anything written is not exactly the same as in cannon I will try to explain things as best as I can but history location and even some parts of the base lore maybe changed simply consider this as a very long disclaimer.

The Drukhari have a rigid social structure at the top of the pyramid 


Archon- have kabals which are the primary raiding parties.

Succubi- have wych cults which host gladiatorial arenas and can be on the same level as archon's and kabals in rare circumstances however they usually partner up.

Haemonculi-flesh crafters and revivalists of the drukhari powerful and old drukhari who have begun flesh modifications.




Hekatrix Bloodbrides

Kabalite Trueborn






Kabalite Warriors



Fast Attack




Razorwing Jetfighters


Heavy Support

Talos Pain Engines

Cronos Parasite Engines


Voidraven Bomber

The primary political power is from the Archons followed by succubi and haemonculi. Archons however are the standard major player in the city of Commorragh.

Commorragh was founded before Slaanesh tore asunder the fabric between real space and the warp.

Drakhari are heavily against any and all psykers and find them to be repugnant and stupid as they call upon the warp and that can draw the gaze of the gods that reside there and especially the one they all hate Slaanesh.


Hope you guys liked the story so far this is technically my second attempt at writting a story like this and I know punctuation and grammar will likely be an issue regardless I hope you all enjoy.

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