
Primordial Yang Sword Saint

After getting dumped by his girlfriend, Lin Xiao jumped in a river and died. Fortunately, his story didn't end there. A soul from another world took over his dying body and he met with a goddess...

Guilty_I_Am · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter 16: Beating Some Thugs

The boss heard the conversation and felt like he was being underestimated. That caused his expression to turn furious.

"Hey you, I gave you a chance, don't regret it later on." The boss threatened.

"We will see who regrets it." Once the deal was made, Lin Xiao pushed away from the embracing woman and made her stand behind him.

The woman was a bit surprised at how coldly and harshly she was treated by Lin Xiao. But somehow… that turned her on. She silently cursed these despicable villains who made her drink the aphrodisiac.

While controlling her body that was beginning to go soft and limp, she looked at the back of Lin Xiao. 'Can this person even fight?'

In the spur of the moment, she asked for his help and even agreed to reward him with ten million, but now that she thought about it, the chances of him winning are pretty slim.

Lin Xiao looked at the group of thugs with an indifferent expression. All of them were average or slightly stronger humans. There's no way they could do anything for him.

Hearing Lin Xiao's contemptuous tone, the boss snarled. Then he ran at him. He swings his fists, trying to punch Lin Xiao's face.

Lin Xiao casually blocked the fist and kicked the boss's chest.

"Kacha!" The sound of something breaking sounded.

"Ahhhh!" The boss was thrown away more than five meters, who then held his chest, coughed a mouthful of blood and began rolling on the floor. He was experiencing gut-wrenching pain after two of his ribs broke!

Seeing their boss's state, the group of thugs was dumbfounded. They couldn't help but take a step back.

Lin Xiao snorted. "You guys, roll out of here, and I won't do anything."

The thugs began considering this. Their boss was flung five meters away, and he's a giant! It's evident that they were fighting against a master.

Just in time though, their boss screamed towards them, his face filled with agony: "You guys! Go and teach him a lesson. No! Kill him! Chop him into pieces!"

The thugs could only listen to the boss. Though they don't have any loyalty, running away wasn't an option.

They took out weapons, knives, brass knuckles and gloves, ready to teach Lin Xiao a lesson.

Lin Xiao charged towards them. The Qi in his body exploded, and his figure blurred. The speed of the Ancestor Qi Realm cultivator is even faster than Jet aeroplanes! Though he held back a lot, others were still unable to see him move.

At a breakneck speed, Lin Xiao arrived in the middle of the group. The thugs saw this and shuddered, but they still threw punches and kicks at him from all angles.

Lin Xiao leisurely dodged every incoming attack. It was far too easy for him. He then swung his arm.

"Ahh!… Ahh!" Each time he attacked, someone in the group would let out a blood-curdling scream and collapse while choking or throwing up blood. His movements were too agile, and they couldn't even touch the edge of his clothes!

Within the time frame of ten seconds, the group of ten thugs trimmed down to two. Both of them were sweating. Lin Xiao didn't waste much time. He punched one in the face and kicked another in the stomach. Both of them also began rolling.

The young woman's mouth was open wide in shock. She blinked her green eyes in disbelief. Unexpectedly, this young man was so formidable? A random person she found on the roadside is so powerful? Are young people this strong nowadays?

No, he was simply different!

Lin Xiao began walking towards the boss and lifted him by the neck. His indifferent look was sending a shiver of terror down the boss's spine.

"Hey, young man, don't push it. Although you are good at fighting, we have powerful people too. If something happened to me, my brother Ax Lang wouldn't spare you. Let go of me, and I will forget this incident." The boss tried to negotiate.

"Ax Lang, is he strong?" Lin Xiao asked, disinterested.

"Yes, he is the leader of Ax Gang that rule the underground of this district. You better let go of me this instant." As he spoke, the boss regained his strong demeanour.

"Ax Gang, huh?"

"Scared? Haha, it's natural; the Ax Gang has thousands of members. They even have guns. You won't get away harming me!" The boss guffawed.

Lin Xiao glanced at the boss and slapped him across the face. He spun 720 degrees and landed on a trash can on the other side of the road, his fate unknown.

As for Ax Gang, Lin Xiao kept the name in mind. If they come after him, then he will destroy them.

Passing the pile of bodies, he walked back to the side of the young woman.

"Um… thank you very much." She said gratefully. If he wasn't here, then she might've lost her purity today.

"You don't need to thank me. We had a deal." Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders.

"Actually, I have one more request." The young woman's body was somewhat fidgeting.

"What is it?"

"I left my phone at the bar, and it's pretty far away from here. Can you call a taxi for me?"

Lin Xiao took out his old phone, which only had one purpose, calling someone. Obviously, it couldn't run modern apps.

Noticing his old school phone, the young woman who was starting to feel really hot had no choice left. She turned around to walk away and quickly find a place to relieve herself.

But before that, Lin Xiao suddenly held her wrist, a jolt of pleasure surged through her body. With the last bits of control she had, she asked: "W-what is it?"

"You still haven't paid me."

"I-I'll pay after I am fine. Please let go." She quickly said.

"How can I believe you?" Lin Xiao didn't let her go and asked instead.

"I'll give you my number, so now please… quickly!" Her blurring eyes looked at Lin Xiao with rising lust. She bit her lips tightly.

Lin Xiao saw that her condition was worsening, so he let her go.

The young woman didn't wait any further, turned around resolutely and tried to move away, only to trip and fall. Lin Xiao came behind her and stopped her from falling. His arm went around her boneless stomach.

"My ankle… it sprained." The young woman spotted her swollen ankle. In the heat of the moment, she couldn't notice it previously. Furthermore, as Lin Xiao held her from behind, her slender body trembled. Her legs lost strength.

Noticing her condition, Lin Xiao let go of her and bent down in front of her, and said: "Why don't you get off my back? My house is nearby. You can take a rest there. My neighbours should have a smartphone."

The young woman considered her options and jumped on his back right after.

Lin Xiao immediately felt two balls as soft as cotton flattening against his back. Furthermore, his whole back got scorching hot. The young woman forearm coiled around his neck, and her head rested on his shoulder, her mouth breathing warm air non-stop.

Lin Xiao put his hands on her smooth and supple calf and lifted her. He then began moving towards his house with a cunning smile on his face.