
primordial world Avalion

eternity_blossom · Fantasie
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6 Chs


sitting back at the campfire, sophie ponders the growing problem

"the goblins are a problem, i can't collect resources if I'm always running from them" sophie complained 

getting up an wandering over to the stone slab, sophie began placing the resource's of her new bow.

Summoning timer - 5 days - 14 hours - 12 minutes

as sophie touched the stone slab, the slab's screen flashed up, looking at the timer sophie took a quick glance at the sun to find it already out of view.

"it's about 5 meaning around 4 to 4:30 the sun goes over the edge of the cliff and out of sight"

leaving the cove sophie searched the forest for more wood to fuel the campfire, sophie noticed a tree wrapped with vines.

cut the vines and collecting the vines sophie walked back to the cove.

starting the fire, sophie striped the vines down, ruining a lot of the vines while doing so. "fucking skills" sophie screamed.

Ding - self-taught dismantling LV 1 - LV 2

"still shit, but getting better" sophie complained

bending the fibre and twisting them sophie fashioned into crude fibre rope, tying the sticks together and using the rest of the fibre rope to craft the bow string.

Ding - self-taught crafting LV 2 - LV 4

"yes, fuck yes, didn't like that, my heart was pumping like crazy, through all of that" sophie exclaimed 

looking towards the sky, all she found was the moon, the stars and the inky black night sky.

tempering the fire sophie rolled over and fell asleep.

day 3

 "what the absolute fuck" screamed sophie.


"nonono, why, everything went fine yesterday why are you fighting me today" cried sophie.


"not again" sophie yelled


"all I'm doing is making flint arrow heads, why are you fight me?" sophie asked

getting up sophie walked out of the cove looking for more flint.


stone - stone - limestone - stone - flint

sophie grabbed the flint and went looking for more.

"flint, flint and more flint" sang sophie walking home.

sitting at the campfire sophie begun crafting again.

Ding - self-taught crafting LV 4 - LV 5

flint arrows

grade - common

owner - sophie moonfang

damage - 2

"done, now to test them out" said sophie notching an arrow and firing one.

Ding - archery LV 1

"archery is a weird name for a skill" questioned sophie as she read the name

archery - helps boost your archery damage by one point per level LV 1 ( 0% )

sophie sat reading the skill "so it like spearmanship, i think"

spearmanship - helps boost your spear damage by one point per level LV 1 ( 0% )

"yep, just as i thought, skills designed to boost but that's it, passive skills" as sophie walked over to the arrow in the ground.

collecting the arrow sophie wandered out of the cove, searching the forest.

Ding - novice tracking LV 1

"novice, not self-taught, what's the difference" sophie pondered "i get it now, back in my old life, when I went to camp and I learn to track from a master tracker"

sophie leaning against a tree looking at her status " if you learn from a master of a trade, you skip the self-taught stage and be come a novice"

"i should of learnt more trades, can't do anything now" relented sophie

looking at the ground as she walked the tracking skill showing her what she needed to know

horned rabbit tracks

4 days old

"ok, that cool" sophie stated as she read the screen before her

goblin tracks

8 days old

"awesome, too bad it level one" sophie stated "can't wait for it to be higher level, then it should show directions or state the path it took"

walking to the clearing edge and looking out into it, sophie could see several horned rabbits.

creeping out of the edge, sophie took the bow and aimed the bow horizontal, sophie figured out back at the cove that she had better aiming ability horizontal then vertical.

take an arrow, sophie fired hitting her mark, dropping it dead.

15 exp gained

title detected

30 exp gained

the death of the rabbit caused the rest to flee in every direction, collecting the rabbit sophie took the arrow out and started walking home.

getting to the edge of the clearing sophie heard sounds coming from behind her, moving into the shadow of a tree as she watched a few goblins entered the clearing.

watching them search the clearing only of them to start yelling and shouting, "they must come here to hunt horned rabbits too" sophie continued too watch the goblins argue before creeping off back to the cove.

looking at what she had, the campfire, a wooden spear, a sharp stone and now a bow with arrows

"time to build something bigger, house would be good but that probably be too much with my first construction"

"still I've got to be realistic i don't have the tools for advance construction or ever mason construction, so primitive is the only way"

so a tent it is but first filling my hungry tummy" sophie laments as her stomach growling at her.

restarting the fire sophie grabbing the rabbit, started dismantling the rabbit the skill activates, sophie acquiring the meat and the horn, the fur and bones were ruined.

cooking the meat sophie sat studied the horn.

horned rabbit horn

grade - common

a horn from common horned rabbit, sturdy but inferior to metals

"i could make a reliably spear with this and not need to Knapp stone" grasping the horn sophie turned it in her hand feeling the edge.

grabbing her cooked rabbit meat she walked over to the slab, she climbed onto the slab, sitting on the edge looking out at the cove debating where to build this house of hers.

"if this is summoning someone then I'll design the stone slab as the centre piece of the village, with a road leading to the water" stated sophie as she point around, in her eyes the village was coming together "glad i toke a collage degree in architect, never finished it but still, better then nothing"