
7.) The return (II)

Authors note: the next part of the second seasons first episode. Decided to break them up. Hate me 🤷

Anyway, time to meet the pups.

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Looking at myself in the mirror, my red eyes are full of excitement. Not only is this a chance to meet more wolves, but I'll get to drink. Call me crazy, but in a world like this it's no wonder Camille said the Mikaelsons have a bottle on every horizontal surface.

Without the ability of compulsion, getting something to cool my nerves like alcohol is almost impossible.

Taking a look at my suit I appraised myself. 'Say what you want about Caroline's dads lifestyle, but the man knows how to dress.' I think wearing one of his old suits.

At first I was hesitant, I was ready to go to the motel until the Founders Day Parade happened. Now such things are going to have to wait.

I'm broken from my musing by a knock on the door. Sheriff Forbes pokes her head in and speaks to me, "it's been a long time since I've seen anyone wear that thing. Come on zach, caroline said Matt is almost here."

I nod and walk out. 'Time to get this show on the road.' I think trying to be ready for the mind fuck of two Elena's that are about to be at this house.



I begin to walk out after Elena before I stop. Blurring over to John I grab him by the neck.

"Listen up, elena doesn't want you here. You need to leave town."

He looks at me with that smugness he always has, I decide to take it a step further. Biting into my wrist I force Feed him my blood.

As it's happening I begin to speak. "You may be okay with dying. But I'm gonna do you one better. Leave town or so help me god I will turn you into a vampire and watch you hate yourself more than you already do."

After I finish I let go and storm out of the room amidst his gasps. While I don't usually like acting that way I have to admit it felt good with John Gilbert.

Arriving outside I see elena waiting for me, "how'd you leave it in there with John?" She asks me as we walk to the car.

I decided that I wasn't gonna lie to her. "I asked him to leave town."

She looked at me, "asked?" She said with a raised brow.

"I threatened him." I say. She hugs me, "I want him gone. I know I shouldn't feel that way but I don't want someone like that in my life. Or Jeremy's."

I nod. "I know."

"So what know?" Elena asked.

"Now I need to find Damon," I spoke with venom not forgetting the conversation earlier.

"No stefan don't do that." She defended him.

"No elena he tried to kiss you and I'm not okay with that."

"Damon is not the problem. Katherine is. She's already managed to get into both of your heads. We need to be careful and not make things worse with Damon. You know how volitile he is with her." Elena reasoned.

I sigh knowing she's right. I just don't want to admit it.



I just split off from Matt and Caroline thankfully. Being a third wheel is actually depressing.

I avoided Tyler for the moment and grabbed a glass of burbon. I don't usually drink it but, hey, what else are you supposed to drink in TVD.

As I begin making my way from the bar, I hear a conversation happening, bonnie and Elena's voice but a vampire smell. Katherine. I remember this scene. Bonnie is still young in her witch development and isn't ready for someone like Katherine, a 500 year old vampire.

I all but blur to the room adjacent to me and see the doors fly open. I rush in as Stefan says Her name, "Katherine."

"Stefan," the bitch replies. "Leave her alone," he says before locking eyes with my red ones.

Katherine look over her shoulder to lock eyes with me. I speak, a growl in my chest that seems to resonate with her, being familiar with wolves, coming out.

"He's right you know. Wouldn't want anyone to get hurt would we?"

Instead of the cocky way she released Bonnie in the series with her confidence in taking stefan down should the need arise, I see her stumble back and towards the youngest Salvatore to leave.

Stefan doesn't move until he sees bonnie come up to me. I give her a side hug while keeping my scarlet eyes fixed on the vampires in front of me. "Hello Mr. Salvatore. I suggest getting your ex out of here. She knows the danger you're both in." I say and see Katherine pull him away.

I smile looking at their retreating back before turning to the green eyed witch. "Are you okay?" She nods and then pushed me away.

"I'm fine. Thank you for your help though. Is that alcohol? Why are you drinking that? Give it here." She goes to snatch my drink but I quickly move behind her.

"No ma'am. Enjoy your day. And I'll enjoy my drink."

I say walking away through the doors to start looking for my 4 legged brethren and sus out if they're worth saving or not. Probably not. But hey? We'll see right.



After Katherine pulled me away I Broke. "What the bell was that?" I asked her deciding to let her decide which thing I was talking about.

"That is a werewolf. One I've never heard of before. It seems this town has more secrets than even I know."

I hear what she's saying but I don't understand. Werewolf? I've been alive for 150 years and never met one.

"What are you talking about? And why are you even here. Elena could walk in at any minute."

She grabs a grape from the table and speaks, "well it's part of the fun Stefan. Though slightly less so with wolfy here."

Zach. That's the kid damon met. I inwardly sigh at the new element in the town. One I'll have to deal with later. For now, Katherine is the biggest threat.

Matt interrupts her saying she's been avoiding damon. "Hey Matt." She says trying to sound like Elena. However, I can tell the difference. Katherine is fake. I've known that since the day I woke up in transition.

"I heard Caroline's doing a lot better. Her recovery was practically miraculous. You must be so relieved."

Matt smiled. " i am. Thanks elena." He said before making his way off.

Katherine groaned. "Ugh, his eyes are so blue." I decided to stop this.

"You need to leave. Now."

"You're hurting my feelings stefan. Damon was much happier to see me. Then again, he thought I was your girlfriend."

"Katherine I'm not going this with you."

"How about we don't have a couples fight in front of all your friends. Walk with me?"



I walk down an out of the way hallway hearing liquor splashing. I know I've found who I'm looking for.

I see Tyler Lockwood sitting on the couch and call out. "Yo, this place is crazy. I can't find my way around."

"Bathrooms down the hall." He says to me.

"You're Tyler right?" I ask. He nods and takes a swig.

I'm about to answer when I hear footsteps down the hall. I see Jeremy Gilbert enter the scene.

"Hey man sorry I was just looking for the…"

Again Tyler said, "bathrooms down the hall." Jeremy stops before saying, "I'm sorry about your dad."

"Todays been a whole day of sorrys from people who really don't give a crap."

Jeremy started speaking while I sat down. I was here for this. Gonna try to get drunk while I'm at it.

"I remember how that is. The day of my dads funeral so many people just kept telling me how great a guy he was."

Tyler sighs. "Well in your case it was true. My dad was a dick."

"Yea he was." Jeremy said.

"Found this in his desk." Gilbert looks scandalized.

"He's dead. He won't mind." I say from the other chair in the room and taking a sip of my own glass. "Names zach by the way."

Jeremy looks at my glsss and seems to understand it's alcohol as well, "how'd you get that? You can't be any older than Tyler."

I chuckle. "I start school next week. The fun thing about being unknown is Nobodu cards you." That gets a laugh out of the other two in the room.

As soon as Jeremy goes to grab the flask from Tyler I hear the person who'd been listening to our conversation since it started.

"Hey Tyler what's going on in here?"

"Nothing," Tyler said standing up.

He looks at Jeremy then at me. Two completely different looks. One is to a kid about to drink. The other is a predator to a predator.

"You two got somewhere else to be?" He asks. Jeremy goes mute but I stand up and finish my glass.

"I do. I have to get a refill. Hey Tyler, I'll see you at school yeah?"

He nods and I walk past mason keeping my eyes on his the entire time. I quickly flash the red and barely keep the smile from my face when he flinched. Seems a wolf understands instinctively what I am. Good. No need to hurt him.

I begin my way down the hall to grab another drink and reach the bar undisturbed.

"Hey man, another burbon please." I say to the guy only for a hand to catch my glass as it slides down the bar. I look up and see Damon Salvatore.

"Hey Damon. Long time no see." I say before gesturing to the barkeep to grab another glass. While he's doing so I turn back to Damon.

"What are you?" He asks me. I laugh and catch my glass this time before taking a drink.

"I honestly don't know." I say keeping my heartbeat surgeon hand steady a shrug.

"All I remember is waking up in the Forrest one morning a week or so back. Forgive my lying to you when we met. I had just woken up in a crazy situation that I didn't know how to deal with at the time."

He sighs and takes a drink. "I get it. More than you know. Life has a way of throwing shit in your corner. You just gotta take it."

I can tell he's currently affected by Katherine. Good. Keeps his attention on me minimal.

I nod to his statement before replying, "Tell me about it. First I find out I'm different. Then I figure out a few people in this town are as well. It's been a bit of a rollercoaster to tell you the truth." I say hoping to form at least some kind of kinship with Damon even if I know it can never be truly friendly. He's a vampire and I'm a wolf Afterall.

He takes another drink and finishes it before gesturing for another. "You're right. There's people popping up here I never expected to." I just nod. Not knowing how to reply while also keeping my distance. Better for them to need my help with something before approaching them. Bonnie is different she's….. Bonnie.

But the Salvatore's are another. They're both blinded by their love for eachother and the same girl. This leads to bad decisions. Such things are why I like klaus. Sure he's a bit of an asshole. A brutal asshole with no regard for anyone.

But he always has a plan. Always 2 steps ahead so even if his opponent think they have him they don't. The only time he was truly outmatched was against the upgrades and the hollow. No plan could account for those.

The Salvatore's on the other hand go in blindly most the time. I didn't finish their series but from what I gathered in the first few seasons they were impulsive. They fought the originals multiple times. Losing everytime aside from when elena would dagger elijah.

As such,those types will have to come to me for help. I'll keep a friendly distance otherwise. I'm not planning on being in mystic falls for a long time anyway. There are also people who can offer me more than them. They're stuck on Elena. The vampire diaries is her diairy.

This will always mean Elena is queen. Something I hated in the original series. So many things could've been avoided had they cared about anyone other than just Elena Gilbert.



Walking in the cemetery Katherine begins her usual shtick.

"Don't flirt with me Katherine. I'm not Damon. I haven't spent 145 Years obsessed with you."

She replies, "Based on your choice of women I'd say otherwise. Though it does bother me that you've fallen in love with someone else."

Now is my chance. What I've wanted to say to her for 145 years since my memory of the compulsion wore off. "Oh I was never in love with you Katherine. You compelled me. None of my feelings were real."

"Belive what you want stefan. I know the truth. And deep down so do you."

"The truth? Well the truth is that you're still the same lying, selfish, manipulative bitch that you've always been. So whatever it is that you've come to do….. why don't you just get on with it and leave town. Beacuse If you don't I will hunt you down and rip your heart out."

"You wanna know why I came back. I came back for you."

I almost laugh out loud at her. But I managed to keep it in and speak. "Well the problem with that is I hate you."

As soon as I'm done speaking she stabs me. "That sounds like the beginning of a love story stefan not the end of one."



Stefan speaks to me, "You do know that Katherine is going to try to play us agaisnt eachother." I reply.

"Brother, don't you worry. Our bond is unbreakable."

He popped up "we need to stay united agaisnt her. So yes as much as I would like to kill you I'm not gonna fight you."

I decide to antagonize him. "I kissed elena."

He turns back around. "Beacuse you feel something for her. Because you care and I'm not gonna let Katherine come in and destroy that part of you that is finally after all this time willing to feel something. She'll try to break you. To break us. And how we respond to that will define us.it's our choice. So no. I'm not gonna fight you."

And he walks off leaving me confused.



I wake up in the hospital bed to see, "Elena?"

"Hello Caroline. My name is Katharine. I was hoping you could give the Salvatore brothers a message for me."

I was confused. "What message?"

The look she gave me sent shivers down my spine. "Game on." Before she put a pillow over my face. I struggled and struggled but she was so strong. This is definitely not Elena playing a joke. Soon I felt myself grow weaker and darkness started to overtake my vision.


Authors Note: hey guys. Last chapter today. Hope you enjoy. See ya!