
Primordial Slayer

Itsuki Uragiri, a reserved high school student, leads a solitary life, finding solace in the company of his mischievous sister, Tsumi. Their world turns upside down when Miharu Seiriki, a mysterious transfer student, enters their lives, claiming to be a Dark Primordial seeking Itsuki's assistance. Itsuki has doubts and uncertainties but eventually agrees to assist Miharu, setting in motion a chain of events that will test his limits and unveil hidden abilities within him. Itsuki embarks on a journey that transcends ordinary existence, venturing into a realm where creation and destruction collide.

Antivoid · Fantasie
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3 Chs

An Unexpected Request

I awoke to the blaring sound of my alarm, jolting me from my peaceful slumber.

With a groan, I fumbled in the darkness to silence it.

Sitting up, I rubbed my weary eyes and noticed my 16-year-old sister, Tsumi Uragiri, standing by the door, already dressed and ready for the day. Her devilish grin told me she was up to something.

"Morning, sleepyhead," she teased, her voice polluted with playful energy. "Looks like you overslept again."

I blinked, accustomed to her playful exaggerations.

Tsumi had a talent for making fun of me, but it was all in good fun. "Are we really late?" I asked, suspicion apparent in my voice.

Tsumi's grin widened, and she shook her head. "Nah, we've got plenty of time. I just wanted to witness that panic on your face. It's absolutely priceless."

I sighed, well aware of Tsumi's penchant for teasing me relentlessly.

It was her unique way of expressing affection, even if it occasionally tested my patience. "You're impossible," I murmured, swinging my legs off the bed and making my way to the bathroom to freshen up.

Within minutes, I emerged, dressed, and prepared for the day.

Tsumi, always organized, had already set out breakfast.

As we sat down to eat, I couldn't help but ask, "Why do you always play these pranks on me?"

She giggled while twirling a strand of her wavy, orange hair around her finger, "Because it's fun, silly!"

I sighed once more, resigning myself to the fact that arguing with Tsumi about her pranks was an exercise in futility.

Instead, I focused on the meal before me, appreciating the flavors of warm toast and perfectly scrambled eggs.

Despite her mischievous nature, Tsumi possessed outstanding culinary skills, making mornings a tad more enjoyable.

As we finished our meal, Tsumi glanced at the clock on the wall.

"We should head out now." she said, her tone shifting to a more business-like seriousness.

I nodded, understanding the importance of leaving on time.

We gathered our bags, and with Tsumi leading the way, we stepped out of our small apartment and into the streets.

Seiko had an uncanny ability to navigate through crowds effortlessly, she is widely recognized around our local area and enjoys a significant level of popularity.

As we strolled toward our school, Tsumi animatedly conversed about her plans for the day, her excitement noticeable.

Her energy was infectious, capable of brightening even the gloomiest of days.

I listened attentively, occasionally offering a comment or two, but mostly content to let her shine.

Tsumi glanced at me, mischief sparkling in her eyes, "You know, if you were a bit more outgoing like me, you wouldn't have to suffer in silence all the time."

I rolled my eyes, fully aware that Tsumi's teasing was about to escalate.

"I'll pass on being the center of attention, thank you very much. Some of us prefer a quieter life."

Tsumi pouted playfully, but her tone grew earnest as she said, "Don't hide away forever. There's a whole world out there waiting for you, even if it doesn't seem like it right now."

Her words reverberated within me, but I quickly dismissed them, "A whole world out there? As if." I thought to myself.

We arrived at the gates of our high school, and Tsumi turned to me with a luminous smile, "Ready for another day of adventures, dear brother?"

I couldn't help but smile in return, a warmth blooming in my chest.

"Yeah, let's make today truly memorable."

We stepped onto the school grounds, ready to confront whatever challenges and surprises awaited us.

The first bell rang, signaling the beginning of the school day.

Tsumi and I exchanged a quick goodbye, and she disappeared into her classroom.

I continued walking down the hallway, my footsteps echoing in the empty corridor.

The school seemed strangely quiet, devoid of the usual chatter and laughter of students.

As I made my way to my classroom, I noticed a commotion near the staff's office.

A teacher was engaged in a conversation with someone I didn't recognize.

Curiosity tugged at me, but I dismissed it, deciding to focus on my affairs.

I entered the classroom and settled into my usual spot towards the back. The room was arranged with great care, and each desk was neatly in its place.

The sun shone in through the windows, casting a warm light over the wooden floor.

However, the walls were quite plain and lacked any personality.

Taking a quick look around, I noticed my classmates as they took their seats and chatted amongst themselves.

They appeared to be quite distant from me, and their conversations served as mere background noise that I had learned to tune out a while ago.

I had become quite skilled at navigating life in solitude by isolating myself, which served as a shield from the judgments and cruelties of others.

Our homeroom teacher entered the classroom, followed by the same unfamiliar girl from the staff's office.

Long, dark purple hair flowed down her back, and her sharp purple eyes seemed to cut through my indifference.

She was 155cm tall; she carried herself with elegance, boasting a slender yet curvaceous figure.

The homeroom teacher introduced her as Miharu Seiriki, a transfer student who would be joining our class.

Miharu's gaze swept across the room, and for a brief moment, her eyes met mine.

There was something intense about her stare, a hint of curiosity mixed with something I couldn't quite decipher.

Homeroom resumed its usual routine, I couldn't shake off the feeling of Miharu's gaze lingering on me.

It was as if she saw something beneath the façade of indifference I presented to the world.

I dismissed the thought, scolding myself for reading too much into it.

Homeroom carried on, as usual, lessons blending into a blur of monotonous instruction. I half-listened, my mind drifting in and out of focus.

Thoughts of Miharu's penetrating gaze lingered, a nagging presence at the back of my mind.

Homeroom ended, and I walked out of the classroom, intending to find Tsumi as I always did.

But before I could take more than a few steps, Miharu appeared before me, her presence suddenly commanding and unavoidable.

She spoke in a voice that held no trace of emotion, her words sharp and direct.

"Are you Itsuki Uragiri?"

I hesitated for a moment, taken aback by her directness. "Yes. What do you want?" I asked, attempting to preserve my usual unemotional demeanor.

She paused as if contemplating her words. "I wish to speak to you."

I gazed at her, unsure of what was going to happen next.

However, without warning, she grasped my arm and dragged me towards an isolated area of the school, away from the prying eyes of others.

I noticed Tsumi peeking out from behind a cluster of bushes, her eyes fixed on Miharu and me.

I wondered what had caught her attention, but for now, my focus remained on the enigmatic transfer student.

Miharu turned to face me, "I am a Dark Primordial, or at least that's what you mortals call us." She declared, her gaze unwavering.

If I remembered correctly,

Dark Primordials are mythical beings with immense power and the ability to create and destroy through mysterious means.

They are thought to be closely connected to the forces of creation and destruction.

I stared at Miharu, believing she was playing a prank.

"That's a good one. Dark Primordials don't exist." I said dismissively.

Miharu's aura intensified, a palpable energy enveloping us.

"Do you think I'm joking?" She asked, her voice colder than before.

I felt a shiver run down my spine, a primal instinct warning me of the danger that lurked within her words.

"What do you want from me?" I asked cautiously.

Miharu's gaze locked onto mine, "I want your help in eradicating my own kind."

Confusion washed over me, mingling with a tinge of apprehension.

"Why would you want to destroy your own kind?" I asked, unable to comprehend her motivations.

Miharu's voice remained devoid of emotion, but a flicker of something passed through her eyes, "I despise the viciousness, destructive, and relentless nature of my kind.

They spare no one, manipulating and deceiving for their own gain."

I stared at her, trying to process the gravity of her words.

The notion of a Dark Primordial, a being capable of wielding unimaginable power, seeking my help to eradicate their kind, was beyond my comprehension.

Before I could respond, Miharu's gaze turned heartless as she spoke to my sister, "Stop hiding, Tsumi. You have no business being here. Leave." she said firmly.

Tsumi emerged from the bushes.

Her eyes widened and hurt flickered across her face, "Who are you?" she asked, her voice laced with disbelief and protectiveness.

I felt a surge of anger as I instinctively wanted to protect her, "Oi, don't speak to her like that!" I declared.

Miharu gazed back at me.

Her words carried a sharp edge, as she spoke with a hint of ruthlessness. "Don't test my patience." she warned.

Tsumi stepped closer to me, seeking solace and reassurance.

"Who is she? What's happening?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "Her name is Miharu.

She says she's a Dark Primordial and wants me to help her eradicate her own kind." I explained, struggling to make sense of the situation myself.

Miharu's stoic façade cracked for a moment as she spoke, her voice tinged with urgency. "Itsuki Uragiri, will you help me?"

I hesitated, torn between disbelief and the first semblance of purpose that had presented itself in a long time.

"Why me? Why do you need my help?" I asked, my voice tinged with doubt.

Miharu stared at me with an unemotional face, her confidence unclear.

"I've observed your spirit, and you have the qualities I need," she said, causing me to feel a tad uneasy about my well-being.

I looked at Tsumi, searching for her guidance, but she remained silent, her eyes filled with concern.

It was the first time someone had ever asked for my help, someone other than my sister. The weight of that request tugged at me, urging me to consider a path different from the one I had been treading for so long.

Still, doubt lingered within me.

"I don't know enough about you, about your motives. How can I be sure you wont betray me?" I questioned, my voice laced with uncertainty.

Miharu's gaze intensified, her unwavering resolve shining through, "I will return, Itsuki Uragiri. And you will have no choice but to join me." she stated firmly, her words carrying a sense of finality that left no room for negotiation.

Tsumi and I watched in silence as Miharu walked away, disappearing.

The second bell rang, signaling the start of the next class, but our minds remained preoccupied with the enigma that had entered our lives.

I continued to stand there, staring at the spot where Miharu had vanished.

The weight of her words settled heavily within me, stirring up a mix of emotions and uncertainties.

A part of me wanted to dismiss her as some delusional person seeking attention, but there was an undeniable intensity in her presence that left me questioning my assumptions.

As I stood there, lost in thought, Tsumi gently tugged at my sleeve, bringing me back to the present.

Her eyes were filled with concern, mirroring the turmoil within my mind.

"Hey, We need to go to class." she whispered, her voice soft yet urgent.

I nodded and followed Tsumi to our respective homerooms.

The lesson began, but my mind was elsewhere, still grappling with the encounter with Miharu. The teacher's words became distant, the chalk screeching against the blackboard fading into the background.

The second lesson ended, and my classmates chitchatted excitedly, their laughter filling the room.

But my thoughts remained consumed by Miharu's request. I found myself absentmindedly turning the pen in my hand, my eyes fixated on the space in front of me.

Tsumi walked into the room, immediately noticing my distracted state, and approached me cautiously.

"Is everything alright?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

I looked up, meeting her gaze, and forced a smile. "I'm fine." I replied, trying to reassure her.

Though, she didn't appear convinced, and asked, "Is it about Miharu?" It was clear that she knew I was anxious about what would happen when Miharu came back.

I let out a heavy sigh, knowing that there was no escape from this truth.

My voice, devoid of any traces of strength, finally admitted, "Yes, it's about Miharu." My words lingered in the air, a frail confession of my fears.

"I'm worried about what she'll do when she returns. How can I even hope to stand against a dark primordial? I am nothing compared to her, I'm infinitely weaker. I'm at her mercy, unable to defy her commands. She could cast me aside with a flick of her hand, or worse, ruin my life."

"I see..." Tsumi murmured, "She said you didn't have a choice, after all..." Her voice was soft as she spoke once more.

"I understand your concerns," she said, her voice tinged with gentle worry.

Her eyes filled with an empathetic glimmer as she gazed at me, her heart overflowing with compassion.

"But maybe... just maybe, we should place our trust in her for now. After all, can we really be sure that Miharu is a dark primordial? She could just be playing a prank on us. Maybe there's more to her that we don't know about."

Her words hung in the air, light and optimistic, like the fluttering of cherry blossom petals in the wind.

Tsumi's unwavering faith in the potential goodness of others was a testament to her kind-hearted nature.

The delicate touch of her hand on my shoulder, a pleasant gesture, conveyed her unwavering support.

The school day dragged on, each passing minute weighed down by the weight of uncertainty.

When the final bell rang, signaling the end of the day, I packed my bag and made my way to the school entrance.

Tsumi joined me, her eyes filled with a mixture of worry and curiosity.

"What are you going to do?" she asked, her voice soft yet tinged with urgency.

I took a deep breath, knowing that the decision I was about to make would change the course of my life forever.

"I'm going to meet Miharu when she returns," I replied, my voice filled with determination.

Tsumi's eyes widened in surprise, but she nodded, her trust in me unwavering.

"If that's what you feel is right, then I'll support you. Just promise me that you'll be careful." she said, her voice filled with sisterly concern.

"I promise." I replied, a newfound sense of purpose welling up within me.

Tsumi and I walked home, our steps echoing in the eerily empty streets.

The familiar surroundings felt strangely different as if the world itself had shifted in response to the impending meeting with Miharu.

Once inside our apartment, I headed straight to my room and absentmindedly locked the door. Lying on my bed, I clenched my fists, contemplating what would happen if I agreed to Miharu's request.

Soft knocks on my door interrupted my thoughts. It was most likely Tsumi being concerned about me.

I approached the door and opened it slightly.

Tsumi stood there, her face etched with worry.

"Are you alright, brother?" Tsumi asked, her voice brimming with empathy.

"I'm fine," I said, staring at her through the narrow opening.

"Don't worry about me."

Tsumi's concern was evident, but I didn't want to burden her with my thoughts and worries. I closed the door and sat down at my cluttered desk, trying to distract myself by drawing manga.

Creating manga based on events in my life had become a way for me to process and express my emotions.

This particular plot twist was going to be an important one.

The door suddenly opened, and Tsumi entered the room, her vibrant energy filling the space.

"If you're wondering what will happen once you agree to her request, I don't know! But don't worry, I'm here to help!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Her voice was filled with a contagious enthusiasm that instantly lifted the atmosphere.

I glanced up from my desk, meeting Tsumi's excited gaze.

There was something comforting about her unwavering support and determination.

Despite my reservations, it seemed Tsumi genuinely wanted to be there for me and assist me in whatever lay ahead.

"Help me?" I repeated, the words feeling foreign on my tongue.

"Why would you want to get involved in all of this?"

Tsumi grinned mischievously, "Because, brother, I can see how important this is to you. And besides, it's not every day your lonely older brother decides to do something with his life."

I sighed, rubbing my eyes in an attempt to ease the tension building within me.

Tsumi always had a way of breaking through my walls, even when I wanted nothing more than to be left alone.

"Fine," I conceded, my voice laced with reluctant acceptance, "So, whats your plan?" I added a hint of mock skepticism in my tone.

Tsumi's laughter danced nervously through the air, carrying a sense of anticipation, "W-well, I... don't have a plan." She admitted, a playful expression taking hold of her face.

The room seemed to hold its breath as her words hung in the air, "I'll just do this on my own." I decided, "I'm the one Miharu asked anyways. She probably doesn't want anyone else getting involved".

Tsumi's lips curled into a slight pout, her brows furrowing with annoyance.

Her voice, soft yet tinged with a touch of bitterness, broke through the silence. "Mphm, fine," she muttered, her disappointment seeping into her words. "If you don't want my help, you won't get it!"

I maintained my resolute expression, unwavering in my decision.

With a calm yet firm tone, I replied, "Fine by me."

Tsumi walked out of my room and shut the door as I continued to draw my manga. The afternoon sun poured through the window, casting a warm glow upon my desk, where I sat, pencil in hand, passionately bringing my characters to life.

[The Next Day]

As usual, Tsumi woke me up, insisting that I was late for school, only to reveal the truth that I wasn't.

I went through my usual routine — waking up, getting ready, having breakfast — and then headed out to school.

However, this time, I couldn't shake off the nervousness that had taken hold of me. I had come to realize that I had no idea what Miharu meant by 'return'.

I took the familiar path to school, silently blending into the background away from the crowd.

Upon arriving, I took a deep breath and stepped inside.

I walked along the same path to school, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

My mind was preoccupied with the uncertain return of Miharu.

I had no idea what she meant by it, and that thought weighed heavily on my mind.

Each step I took was accompanied by a growing nervousness.

Arriving at the school, I took a deep breath and stepped inside.

The hallways were filled with students chatting and rushing to their classes. I tried to blend into the background as always, silently making my way to my homeroom.

The nervousness remained, refusing to dissipate.

Homeroom proceeded as usual, but I found it difficult to tear my eyes away from Miharu.

My gaze became fixated upon her every move, observing her closely.

The minutes ticked by slowly, each passing second intensifying my apprehension.

When homeroom finally ended, I somehow mustered the courage to approach Miharu and ask her about the request.

However, my attempts were met with silence. She didn't even acknowledge my presence.

Her expression remained unchanged as if I didn't exist.

Throughout the entire school day, I tried talking to her, hoping for even the slightest response, but I was met with the same eerie silence.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, everything seemed to come to a halt. It was as if time itself had frozen in place.

An expressionless voice, devoid of any emotion, called out to me, breaking the stillness.

"Itsuki Uragiri!"

I felt a shiver run down my spine as I heard my name. I turned around, my muscles tensing up, Miharu approached me slowly, step by deliberate step.

There was an air of inevitability surrounding her as if this moment had been predestined.

"You have chosen to join me, correct?" she guessed, her voice devoid of any inflection, yet somehow certain of the answer.

She knew I had decided.

Unable to resist, the word slipped from my lips, barely above a whisper, "Yes..."

That single word — uttered with pure trepidation — changed everything.

Miharu slowly raised her hand.

The air crackled with eerie energy, and as her hand ascended, pure darkness began to shroud our surroundings.

It engulfed us, a grim blackness that seemed to swallow even the faintest glimmers of light.

I struggled to catch my breath, feeling the weight of the oppressive darkness pressing against my chest. The only source of illumination in this cold abyss was Miharu herself.

In her hand, she cradled a small orb, radiating a captivating purple light that pierced through the void.

"Itsuki Uragiri," she called out, her voice resounding with an intriguing blend of determination and enigma.

"You are destined for a new existence, poised to become the vessel that wields extraordinary abilities surpassing the realms of imagination itself."

Her words echoed through the endless expanse of the darkness.

As she spoke, the purple orb in her hand pulsed brighter and grew larger.

I could feel the weight of her words, the weight of destiny about to unfold.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from Miharu. She was really a Dark Primordial.

A captivating aura surrounded her, hinting at the deep secrets she held within.

My heart raced in my chest, unable to contain the apprehension that coursed through my veins. How did I, an average person, become the one to help her in a task as immense as destroying her own kind?

The orb continued to expand, and darkness enveloped my vision, leaving me in utter blackness while my body seemed to dissolve under the intense, searing pain that burned hotter than the sun itself.

The only sound that pierced the air was the eerie, unsettling crackling resonating from the expanding orb.

Then, just as suddenly as it began, the sound stopped...