
Primordial Orc's Journey

While exploring an ancient temple Jukha finds a stone that fused into his soul, giving him the ability to travel to different worlds. The mc is not some reincarnated person. He will be kinda evil but not some trash that kills and tortures for pleasure. He basically does whatever he wants when he wants. I like strong characters so I will make him strong but he will have his weaknesses. I got the inspiration by I Hunt Protagonists by BlackSwordsman1234. Update schedule will be the biggest amount of horse piss on this site Cover is not mine

TheNumberOneDumbo · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: A Great Start!

This is 3 years before cannon, I want him to explore some of the world and learn languages and such before going to Japan. By the time he gets there it will be after the engagement shit, I think. While I'm here I might as well put another warning. There will be times where he rapes women, but it won't be like he uses them then throws them away, also there will be times when he will be hypocritical.


(Random forest near London)

(Werewolf POV)

'Those damn piece of shit vampires! So fucking what if I killed a few humans, they're meant to be just food and play things for superior beings! Ever since that new couple vampire came to power in London they've been putting out laws left and right. Shit like "No more killing humans" or some other shit like that. Ahh, vampires are supposed to be arrogant and aloof, but these 2 are completely different. They treat other races equally, and while many vampires in England hate this they can't do anything about it. Those 2 are as strong as Ultimate-class devils.'

(A/N: I want the vampires to get stronger with age. Something like this: 100-400: Low-class, 500-900: Medium-class, 1000-??? High-class/Ultimate-class. Although vampires are immortal lifespan wise, they stop getting stronger at a certain age. Does that make sense? For example the couple he is talking about are both 4000-5000 years old. I think their power combined should be something like Serafall's power.)

Running through the forest I could hear some of them catching up to me. Running frantically through the forest trying to think of a plan my nose picked up a smell. Being a werewolf, naturally I have a sense of pride in my nose. But, as I took in a deep breath through my nose I couldn't help but frown, I have never smelt such a thing before, and this isn't my first time in this forest.

(A/N: It's nighttime as vampires have a weakness to sunlight.)

Running towards the smell I was able to see something in the distance. At first I thought I was seeing things but quickly shook that off. I saw a giant human? at around 9 feet tall I would guess. He was beyond muscular, his biceps looked like they could crush steel. What was weird however, was that he was wearing fur pants and no shoes. As I got closer I realized, he was not human, going by the large dangerous looking tail, the large wings on his back, and the giant canines. He looks strong, perhaps I can convince him to hold off the vampires while I run away, after all, all muscle no brain.

"Hey friend, there's some High-level vampires coming this way. If we join together we could fight them off. There's even some really beautiful ones in there." I added a hint of lust into my voice so that he could get interested. Well, I was being truthful, vampire women are very good looking.

I saw him tilt his head to the side looking confused. Does he not understand English, is he a bigger moron than I thought? As I was about to run past him I saw his confused look turn into a feral grin. Just looking at that I already know he's going to fight. The air started getting heavy, I didn't even notice my breath was getting a little frantic. I already had a plan in mind, I'll use my superior speed to run at him, then use my claws to slash at his throat. After that I can run while the vampires deal with him, I don't expect my claws to kill him, just to injure him greatly to where he's enraged enough to smash anything around him, including the vampires. I have to hurry though, I can hear them getting closer.

As I was only 30 meters away from him, when I ran at full speed I was already in front of him. I bet this slow muscle brain fool doesn't even see me yet. Because of his height (the werewolf is 7ft 6in) I have to jump a little to reach his throat, just when my claws were about to tear his throat apart I felt a hand on my wrist. Looking at my wrist, his hand was wrapped around it. I tried pulling it off only to find that he had a steel grip on my wrist. Before I could even register the pain of his hand crushing my wrist, I found myself being lifted by the throat by his other hand, also crushing my throat.

I tried using my other hand to claw at his arm only to find that his skin is harder than iron. As I'm wondering how to get out of this I feel a large amount of pain in my chest, looking down I see that I completely forgot about that dangerous looking tail that has now torn through my heart. So, this is it, my death. I'm strangely calmer than I thought. I can feel my power slipping away, like a cup that has been knocked over. Using the rest of my strength, I look up from my chest and to his face, only to find a mocking smile, almost like he's saying "Weak trash".

-15 minutes ago-

(Jukha POV)

Stepping out of the portal I looked around and found myself in a forest. Ah, a forest was exactly what I needed, don't have to deal with that desert sand shit anymore. Taking a deep breath I smell my surroundings. Ah, I've missed this smell of nature. Now which direction should I go? Looking around all I see is forest, so I did what any normal person should do if they're lost. Pick a random direction and hope for the best.

After picking a random direction and walking for about 10 minutes I was starting to get bored and started talking to myself like a weirdo.

"So fucking bored, you would think I would have found some animal or a monster I could eat. Walking through that desert the only thing I got to eat were insects. I need some fucking MEAT!" After a few more minutes of grumbling to myself my ears picked up some sounds. It sounded like something was running through the forest, and it was a little fast. After a few moments it finally decided to show up and imagine my surprise when I find a werewolf. On my old world there were werewolves there as well, but they were different. This one is taller and already I can see it looks stronger. Of course, not strong enough to even give a good fight, but this is a good sign of things to come.

He starts talking to me but I have no idea what he's saying. Tilting my head in confusion at his words, I think to myself 'Huh, should have thought of this. Going to different worlds, there's bound to be a whole bunch of different languages I'll have to learn, what a nuisance.' After he finished talking I have 2 choices. Try and communicate with him and figure out where to go from there or, I could kill him, eat him, and finally get rid of this hunger. Putting on a grin I could see him getting ready for a fight. He's around 30 meters from me when I see him take off. He's decently fast, but I've dealt with worse. I can see his plan on his face because it's happened to me many times before.

Orcs don't specialize in speed, we specialize in strength. However, what most people get wrong, is that because we are so muscular and strong that we naturally have no speed. While we are not THAT fast, we are not as slow as people make us out to be. Watching him get closer I see him jump slightly and bring his claws to my throat. I immediately grab his wrist and crush it. I love that, seeing the look of confusion on his face, he hasn't even registered the pain of having his wrist crushed. I take my left hand to his throat and lift him up. His face is now in fear, pain, and confusion. He tried to swipe at my left arm with his claws, and all that got him were just a few sparks. After that I plunge my tail into his chest and through his heart. My tail went through his chest like a hot knife through butter and came out the other side.

After watching him for a few seconds, the only thing stopping him from falling to the ground is my tail that is still through his chest. I watched as his body transformed from a 7ft 6in werewolf in a normal looking human. Bringing his body to my mouth I start eating him. Not my first time eating human, if I had to describe what it tastes like, I would go with a mix between chicken and pig. After eating him all, bones and all, I let out a content sign and pat my stomach.

"Hmm, not bad tasting indeed. I need way more than this though, but it should hold me off for a little while." After that I started walking in another direction, not even knowing that a bat sitting on tree just a few meters from me had watched the whole thing.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

This shit is hard to write

TheNumberOneDumbocreators' thoughts