
Primordial Draconic Incubus With A Gourmet Chef System

Who am I? Am I the most powerful Ancestral God and protector of the Celeste Universe? Or the hidden pervert Three Star Michelin Chef from Earth Or the cold and ruthless Dao Immortal from Elysium? Or am I a fusion of all three Souls? ------------------- Within the world of Arcadia, there exists an eccentric restaurant. The restaurant causes countless apex Mages to set aside their arrogance and pride, just to feast upon its delicacies. What did you say? You want to abduct the Chef? Could it be that you also want to force him to be your personal Chef? Are you an idiot? You would first have to get through a legion of men and women whose stomachs and bodies were thoroughly satisfied. Not to mention, the restaurant is guarded by a Divine Fox who killed a Mana God Realm Mage with a casual whip of her tail. What, a Divine Fox isn't strong enough to scare you? Then, how about a group of Yanderes? ================================================================== Do you want to contribute to making my novel? Then join my Discord! https://discord.gg/uDFCGKFHyR ================================================================== Note: The cover was made using Microsoft Image Creator ==================================================================

OGC · Fantasie
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178 Chs

The Beginning - Who Am I?




A beautiful world filled with cities on top of golden clouds instantly shattered. The sound asleep Lucian felt an abnormal throbbing pain in his head as though someone had ruthlessly slammed a mountain on his head again and again.

No, after a few more seconds of relentless pain, it was more like someone had shoved his head into a meat grinder.

As the relentless pain continued to pulse in waves, Lucian groaned indifferently:


He attempted to turn around, look up, and sit up. Yet, it was meaningless. His limbs refused to budge as if they had gone on strike.

To Lucian, such a disorientating experience was alien. No matter how he struggled, his focus on reality kept slipping away like sand through clenched fists. Soon, random thoughts bubbled up unbidden.

'Tch! Stupid fucking inflation!'

'Why can't you all just be satisfied with seven dollars and twenty-five cents per hour!?'

'Do you think money grows on trees!?'

'...Since when could I feel pain?' The pain was so intense, as if his very existence was being grinded into minced beef.

'Is this what beef feels like in a meat grinder?'

'Does beef even have consciousness?'

Lucian could not remember if there was ever a time in his Divine life when he had felt pain.

To him, pain was a mere transient illusion. It existed, but he was above it! Although endless pain coursed through his entire being, for him, who had never felt such a sensation, it was quite a thrilling experience.

For the first time in all eternity, Lucian felt… truly alive.

"Darling is MINE! ONLY MINE!


"Ahh~ Darling smells so delicious!"


Hearing an angelic and beautiful voice filled with possessiveness next to his ears, Lucian was startled. The possessiveness in the woman's words and tone frightened him down to the very last bone of his body. 

…Yet, at the same time, he sensed his entire…No, a part of his Soul seemed to be rejoicing at the woman's possessiveness, allowing him to accumulate immaterial strength until he was finally able to move his fingers and latch onto something.




'Why does this pizza dough feel so heavenly?' Like a pizzaiolo, Lucian began kneading the perfectly shaped to his hand 'dough' into various shapes. It was not too big or too small. The dough was perfect!


"Darling~! Ahhh~! Slow down~! *Huff* So rough~!"

Once again, as Lucian continued to knead the 'dough' into various shapes, he heard excited words from the beautiful-sounding woman. 

"Darling! *Huff* Wait! Ahhhhhh~!

Suddenly, a trickle of liquid ran down his legs.

Startled, Lucian frowned and subconsciously took a deep whiff. Thereafter, he was stunned as a sweet aroma filled his senses. It was so sweet and tantalizing that he wished he could taste it.

Slowly, Lucian opened his eyes. However, he found himself in pitch-black darkness.

After a few seconds while enjoying the softness and elasticity in his right hand accompanied by moans of pleasure from the beautiful-sounding woman, his vision finally cleared. He realized he was lying on a comfortable bed with his head staring up… at himself? At dozens of himself…?

Staring back at himself was the most handsome man in all of existence. A man who had no imperfection whatsoever. His skin was a healthy pale white and seemed to be glowing. Unkept white hair with hints of silver framed his otherworldly face. His facial features were sculpted with precision, as if the Universe had taken eons to create him. His eyes were a piercing blue as deep as the ocean. His jawline was sharp, and combined with his indifference and coldness, he was a man who made even the wives of the four other Ancestral Gods think of leaving their husbands.

'Who puts dozens of mirrors on the ceiling?'

Lucian was bewildered by the strange home decor. He wondered who was so arrogant to want to see their face every day in the morning. 

…No, who was he kidding? Obviously, those were not dozens of mirrors, but thousands of pictures of himself. Each picture was different. Clearly, they had been taken over the years. 

Pictures of presumably when he had just been born… and even of himself showering and bathing…


Nevertheless, his bewilderment was short-lived as it quickly changed to indifference. Soon after, he cast his gaze on what he had been ignoring this entire time. The source of the softness and warmness that even the bed underneath his body could not provide him.

Lucian tilted his head and indifferently stared at the woman, who was lying beside him, moaning and possessively staring at him. She had a huge dangerous smile on her face. The skin of her cheeks, which were as white as snow, was red, and she was breathing erratically while occasionally taking deep whiffs of his body.

She was a devastatingly beautiful woman capable of provoking even Ancestral Gods to fight to the death to acquire. Her skin was white as snow without a hint of imperfection. She had silver hair, and from the ticklish feeling on his feet, he presumed her hair was even longer than her height. Her eyes were a mesmerizing silver that shone as bright as a supermoon. A black see-through nightgown hugged her seductive curves, exposing everything to Lucian's eyes. A Divine Moon Rabbit with a cherry-colored nose while its twin sister was being kneaded by his right palm. 

'That would explain the lump in my 'dough.''

Although Lucian could not move his head further down, he felt a pair of long, slender legs wrapped around his waist.

If Lucian had to compare her beauty with the Goddesses in the Divine Realm, then he was confident she would not lose out to any of them.

Although the woman was devastatingly beautiful, and despite being a virgin himself, who had never even touched a single strand of hair of a woman, let alone their breasts, Lucian was still indifferent. 

Lucian looked into the beautiful woman's eyes and then glanced at the silver chains with jagged spikes possessively wrapped around his body.

"Can you please take those chains back? I'm not into bondage play."

However, the chains enveloping his body only grew tighter. Though, as if the woman was afraid of hurting him, the chains did not pierce his flesh. In fact, the chains stopped centimeters from his skin. With his excellent vision, he noticed an abnormal energy was being emitted from the chains holding him in place.

After sighing lightly, Lucian added:

"Don't worry, I won't run away."

For a few seconds, the beautiful woman did not answer or retract her chains. 


Suddenly, Lucian saw the metallic silver chains receding into the woman's body.

…Though, one chain retracted its spikes before becoming smooth and delicate as it possessively clung to his right hand, causing Lucian, who had been indifferent for eons to smile for a mere thousandth of a second.

The smile had been stiff and beyond ugly, but the woman who was moaning in pleasure widened her silver eyes in astonishment. Even her moans of pleasure stopped as she gazed at her beloved Darling.

The beautiful woman, Luna, could not believe her Darling had finally responded to her. Ever since he was born, he had always remained indifferent to her, never once even saying a single word to her. 

Remembering that fleeting smile on her Darling's face coupled with his recent 'attack' on her right breast, the woman became suspicious. Her Darling had never touched her once. Even when she had used all of her strength and schemes, she was never able to touch him. With his Dao Immortal strength, she could never force him either. It was only yesterday when she 'accidentally' received the news that her beloved had fallen unconscious, that she was finally able to touch him.


The beautiful woman took a deep whiff from the top of Lucian's head all the way to the soles of his feet and back.

Suddenly, Luna's smile grew wider, soon resembling a predator eyeing its prey. That fragrant smell of jasmine that naturally wafted from her Darling and the secret Soul Bond that even her Darling did not know of remained locked deep within his Soul. 


He was definitely her Darling! 

As for the reason why her Darling reacted differently, it was because he had finally accepted her!!!

"Ara~! Ara~! Hubby, don't worry, your Sylvia has come to save you from that whore Luna!"

"Master, you're dutiful maid has come to rescue you from that bitch!"

Two beautiful female voices pierced through Luna's castle and into the room they were situated in.

The first voice was seductive and playful, while the other voice was stern. Yet, both voices were filled with overflowing possessiveness.

As soon as they heard the voices, two explosions shook Luna's castle.

Hearing those voices, the images of two bitches appeared in Luna's mind, and she started trembling in anger. Her silver pupils, silver hair, and the silver chain wrapped around her Darling's wrist slowly started changing to blood-red.

She was furious! 

Absolutely furious! 

Luna turned her head and looked at Lucian with her now red pupils. "You are MINE! ONLY MINE! I will kill those two bitches and any woman that gets near you!" She stated obsessively as a bloody pressure radiated from her body and spread throughout her castle. At the same time as she spoke, she disappeared, leaving behind Lucian, who was frightened with sweat dripping down his back, yet a rapidly beating heart in love. The indifference in his expression gave way to pure obsession. His lips curved into a crazy smile. And even though he was weak and powerless now, no different from a cripple, a bloody pressure that would make even the Gods and Goddesses from Hell suicide from fright, left his body. However, it disappeared as if it never existed.

Lucian liked… NO, he loved what the woman had just said.

A few seconds later with nothing better to do, Lucian began thinking of the actual predicament he found himself in.

'Just what happened? How did I, one of the only five Ancestral Gods die and reincarnate? 

Or am I the hidden pervert, Three Star Michelin Chef from Earth?

Or am I the cold and ruthless Dao Immortal from Elysium?

Just what are all these memories? I have memories of three people. Surprisingly, they are all named Lucian and have the same exact appearance. 

Did I transmigrate? 

Or am I the fusion of three Souls: the indifferent, almost emotionless Ancestral God Lucian, the hidden pervert, Three Star Michelin Chef Lucian, and the cold and ruthless Dao Immortal Lucian?'

Lucian's mind was filled with many theories, yet even with his eons of experience, he did not know how this situation came about. The Lucian from Earth was a Mortal, and it would not be a surprise if he died from over-ejaculating. However, the Lucian from Elysium was the strongest among all Immortals, the same as the Ancestral God Lucian, who could easily wipe out the other four Ancestral Gods.

Then, suddenly, while Lucian was lost in thought, an emotionless robotic voice sounded in his mind:

[Gourmet Chef System has successfully been bound to the Host's Souls. Congratulations Host!]

Lucian was startled. His face was still indifferent, but his eyes were filled with surprise and excitement. At the same time, his heart pounded like never before.

Without giving Lucian any time to ponder, the System continued:

[The Host's transmigration will begin in t minus 10 seconds.]

'What?' Lucian was startled. He had just been reincarnated… or, whatever it was called, yet he was now being transmigrated again?


But the System did not care to elaborate as it continued to countdown.



As the castle's door was pushed open, three beautiful voices echoed within the castle. 





'... What happened to the countdown?' Lucian did not know whether to laugh or cry.

Once again, the System did not respond. Suddenly, a bright white light filled with complex Runic Symbols enveloped him, taking away his vision.

This is my entry for the Webnovel Spirity Awards 2024.

Take part in a long and grueling journey like that of which you have never seen or read.

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PS: Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/uDFCGKFHyR

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