
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantasie
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118 Chs

Spar- Midas vs Frances I

Both master and disciple walked towards where the feast would hold which was the banquet hall. Everyone was seated and awaiting the guests. As both Midas and Licht arrived in the hall, everyone stood up.

Midas was shocked and not used to such a treatment so he looked towards his master and noticed Licht's expression was one of straight yet also one of intrigue. So Midas chose to just keep a straight face and they both sat at their designated seats.

Luke stood up and introduced the rest of the family. "Sir Licht, you have already met Lillian and Laine. So this is my wife, Martha, and my first son, Frances."

Martha looked just like Lillian except she was older and looked more mature while Frances had the face of someone that was always in thought but you never know with his facial expression. He had a crew cut and wore rounded spectacles, but his buff body was saying he was not a scholar but someone that has definitely fought more than he has read books.

Both Martha and Frances smiled and bowed but then Frances spoke "If you would not mind, Sir Licht. I would like to challenge your disciple to a friendly spar and trade some pointers"

Luke smiled nervously at Licht and wondered why his son though he looked smart was actually a bonehead. Licht just smiled and looked towards Midas.

Midas knew Licht was not going to decide for him but he was also itching to try out his new strength so he agreed. Frances eyes lit up and he clapped. The guards activated a magic rune. This was one of the simplest magic runes and it was like a mechanism to change the shape of the earth below and in this case, it turned the empty space in the banquet hall into a small arena. Around this arena, were barriers that could withstand the blows of someone in the basic blue rank.

Midas and Frances walked into the arena and Midas then took off his jacket leaving him bare-chested. Lillian and the other maids around were blushing as they stared at Midas's toned body. Frances also did the same and he looked like he had been working out since he was a child. He had an 8 pack and his back was so defined and muscled up that it could probably crack 15 walnuts at the same time.

The maids also stared at Frances body with want in the eyes but they managed to rein it a bit. Frances's body started to harden and freeze over. He then spoke "My ether attribute is derived from ice and it is called glacial ice. It freezes and hardens my muscles so I am stronger than most metals." At this point, Frances was looking like the Iceman.

Midas could see that he could not penetrate his defense except he wanted to kill him and this was just a friendly spar so he was not going all-out. Two gauntlets that looked like bear claws materialized on his fists and he took his position. Midas made the first move, he practically vanished from the spot and appeared right behind Frances. Licht looked at Midas's legs and Jaguar patterned greaves on his feet, this was the weapon form of the phantom jaguar. It enhances the speed of Midas and makes him look like a blur or a phantom.

"He's very fast" Frances alarm bells were tolling in his head at the moment.

Midas slashed with the gauntlet but it was blocked by Frances at the last second. Due to his muscles being frozen and then hardened, he was even slower than normal so he had to remove the frost from his entire body except his limbs, and he would continue to switch when needed.

Every time Midas appeared and attacked, Frances always blocked at the last second. Midas could not understand how Frances could be slower than him yet block him at the last second. Then he noticed that he had frost all over his body.

Frances then said "It looks like you have realized. Every time you get close to me to attack, the frost emitting off me lands on you and slows you down also allowing me to use that lapse to block you."

Midas was quite surprised as that was a really good use of his enforcer aura but since he knew the problem, he could now beat it. The gauntlets disappeared and were now replaced with a 2.5-meter-long blue spear. This was the evolved form of the frost python's weapon form.

Frances frowned as he realized that he would not be able to win if Midas makes this a mid-range battle so he made his entire body freeze over except his joints and then ran towards Midas to close the distance but Midas would never let that happen. He was stabbing and slicing with the spear but Frances was blocking all the hits albeit barely as he did not have enough speed to dodge Midas's fast attacks.

As the battle continued, Frances was getting exhausted but he did not want to give up against a boy that was at least seven years younger than he was. Everyone from his family was watching, the elders were there and even some people from the clan were invited. He did not want to lose.

He roared into the sky and people saw steam coming out of his body. Luke stood up, the excitement clearly on his face. Some people were confused why Luke was excited at the sight of steam.

"Why is the clan head so happy seeing steam coming off of Frances's body?" Someone asked

"Have you not noticed that the clan lord has a flame ether attribute but none of his children got it? Instead, they took after their mother having either ice or frost"

"Oh, so the steam emitting off Frances means he's awakening a second ether attribute and it's a flame attribute?"

"Aren't flame and ice opposites? How would they work together in one body?"

"Well I guess we would have to see what happens"

The clan members discussed amongst themselves while the elders congratulated Luke on his son awakening a second attribute and his family was also clearly happy.

Back in the arena, Midas stood three meters in front of Frances while he got a new attribute and also leveled up. Frances current level was now at basic blue rank.

"Hope you would be able to last long or else it wouldn't be as fun" Frances smiled as he wanted to test out his new abilities.