
Primeval Anomaly

[ Hidden conditions achieved ] [Unsealing new talent features ] [ Your memories are eternal ] [ Your memories will be sent back in time by consuming your remaining power. Estimated time reversal: ~17 Years ] "'Fuck this shit!!! This talent finally responds when I'm at death's door!' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Felix trudged through the VR game "Etheria" for 7 years with his joke of an "SSS" rank 'initial talent', "Eternal Scribe" - The talent's only use for him was to remember everything, just a higher level of photographic memory. Life had its highs and lows but he fought through trying to leave his mark but what was thought to be a mere VR world, left a deep, irreversible mark on the real World instead, the two worlds converged. Chaos ensued, people were granted powers from their "Game Characters" and brought to the frontlines to defend what was left of humanity. Eric was naturally there, trying to survive but alas two years after the Convergence he succumbed and died. (The novel will have a lot of adventuring, a lot of smut, minimal guild wars and a very OP MC who is not an idiot. If you like the combo then consider giving it a try. P.S. The starting prep arc is a bit long, but bare with it. A lot of info is spread out throughout the arc. Most importantly, all the really important Characters are fleshed out in that arc.)

PinkPencil · Fantasie
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38 Chs

Ch 12: Raid


Third-Person POV


Multiple helicopters could be seen in the sky. Below, on the ground, tens of motorcycles and reinforced trucks could be seen heading in the direction of the slums.

The agents going there were briefed about the situation in the slums. The seemingly normal looking slum was hiding sinister operations behind the surface. Drug suppliers and brothels were just the surface. The slums were also hiding armed groups and human trafficking operations, which were kidnapping women from all over the country and packaging them for their buyers. Thankfully, they had been given the general locations of those bases.

All this information was said to be given by an anonymous tipper. For all they knew, they thought that it came from an insider whistleblower, a rat, if you will.

The operation's main priority was to secure the hostages and retrieve as much information as they could, both about the buyers and sellers.

The agents had not done such a big operation in a long while, but they steeled their hearts.

The bikes went in first to secure the area. Each bike had two agents on it, fully clad in level 4 full body armor.

The vans came to a stop at the narrow and undrivable streets of the slums, and the agents came out of the van in droves.

The helicopters were surveilling from the sky, taking accurate images from their specialized IR and heat signature cameras and conveying the situation to the agents.

The helicopters picked up groups of people gathering towards some specific places and told the agents about it. Conveniently, the locations were the same as they were tipped by the whistleblower. The bikes were already close to those locations and a conflict was gonna happen any time soon.

The helicopters divided themselves to those locations to assist the ground-agents and the agents from the vans ran forward in formation.

The agents on the bike finally confronted the criminal gang members. Most of them were in dirty casual clothes and even boxers. They had guns in their hands and seemed like they didn't even want to put up a conversation. The agents were already briefed and were ready to shoot at any time. They didn't give the gang members a single second and shot to kill. They took full advantage of the element of surprise and their advanced armors. Securing the prisoners only came after if they surrendered.

Shots started to be heard throughout the slums. Cries could be heard in some shacks.

The agents shot the visible gang-members dead. They took cover and moved towards their target. The highest priority was given to the human trafficking den and the brothel, as innocent people's lives were at stake.

The helicopters waited for an enough time for the other gang members to group up and accurately shot knockout gasses at them from above, incapacitating them.

The agents from the van had already come to the scene by now and were busy apprehending the incapacitated gangsters. Some of them split off and went towards points of vantage to snipe if needed. The biker agents went ahead and secured the area. There were still some gangsters left inside the buildings but they were taken care of.

The few gang members that were left tried to hold the prisoners hostage but were shot down by the snipers simultaneously.

The trafficking den and the brothel were secured safely without shedding innocent blood. After that, the agents concentrated on the drug den. It was quickly taken care of as well.

The normal police had already secured the perimeter to not let any escapees go away.

The escapees were either apprehended after they surrendered or shot to incapacitate.

Somewhere in San Montalor city, in a lavish hillside house, a man could be seen running around in circles, gathering some documents.

He had just received a report that the den was compromised. He couldn't receive much information as his signals suddenly went out. He wasn't an idiot. This wasn't a coincidence. Someone was on to him. So before anyone could get to him, he had to burn all the evidence he had with him in the house. Escape probably wasn't possible if they had already jammed his signals.

He had gathered his documents, incriminating or not. He ran out to get the gas tank from his garage. Just as he got the tank and went out, he felt something poking in his leg. He looked down and saw a dart stuck to his leg.


He turned towards the main door and saw his security guards lying on the ground.

"... you."

And then he passed out.

The whole operation was successful, and no innocent bystander was fatally harmed.

Unfortunately, 4 special-agents and 2 policemen succumbed to their injuries. The gang members just had that much ammunition with them. They were just not completely ready because of the suddenness of the raid. If not for the element of surprise, there would have been a lot more unfortunate deaths.

The evidence from the slums and the Mayor's property were collected and being investigated. They were trying to find if they were backed by someone, and if so, then by whom.

The victims were taken to the hospital and were being checked up. As for the criminals who were incapacitated or surrendered, only the authorities could know what would happen to them.


"Hahahaha! Son! I got a message. It says that the operation was successful!"

"Really?! That's great! What are the details? "

"They said that they will give us the details tomorrow morning, or should I say this morning?"

Dad and I were awake the whole night in the name of 'Dad and Son Funtime'. It was about 1 AM right now. We were patiently waiting for any news to come.

"But it does say that the Mayor was secured as well."

I sighed in relief. In my previous life, after the raid happened, it took some time to come to a conclusion that the Mayor was involved as well. Giving him some precious time to escape.

We went to our respective rooms after saying our goodnights.

'If everything goes fine with this raid, we can start with the next phase of our plans.'


Early in the morning, Dad and I grouped up in the study again. The ladies were still sleeping as it was 7 AM.

"An email came in half an hour ago…"

We read the anonymous report and heaved a sigh.

"They are still figuring out the group behind them. Some prisoners have said that they were from the Tri-Scar Clan but it is still to be confirmed."

"The Tri-Scar Clan….. "

Dad and I both shuddered. This criminal and terrorist clan was one of the most illusive and dangerous clans to date. Not much was known about this clan right now but 6 years later, the clan had tried to usurp a small country called Yormino, resulting in a massive clash. Small or not, a country was a country. To try to usurp one, they had to have a massive amount of munition and men.

We really had dodged a bullet right there. If we didn't create all those fronts and preserved our anonymity, then we would have been on their radar as well. I didn't even know if my luck could support another regression.

The news of them usurping Yormino was massive. Naturally, I had taken an interest in it as well. Some of the faces and names of their leaders came out in the news at that time. I remember them clearly. I told Dad about it, and we deliberated if we should even give this information or not. The risk was way beyond our league.

In the end, we postponed those plans for now. There was too much corruption up the chain in any administration. Who knows if someone up the chain was in cahoots with the Clan. We had to first secure the loyalty of even higher figures for this information to even be effective.

Dad and I had to change the sequence of some plans we had, but overall we were still in the good.

"Let's put the Clan aside. We need to start securing some players and talents now. Its holidays now. We can travel out of the country in the name of vacations and secure them."

"Hmm, let's wait for Melena to fully recover for that."

" Sure. "

We discussed some potential targets and first selected those in dire need. It'll be a lot easier to gain their trust that way.


In the evening, the news of 'San Montalor Operation' aired. There was a press conference held by the law enforcement and I recognized one of the men as a guy I had met in the meeting before.

We had conveniently told Melena to surf the internet for ideas about her room renovation. She'll get to know about it sooner or later, but right now it was adverse for her mental health. My parents had already put her internet access on parental mode so there wouldn't be any news reaching her through the Internet.

The conference was a washed down version of the report we received. But they didn't even try to mention the Tri-Scar Clan and blamed it all on the Mayor.

It was a wise choice in my opinion, that clan would already be fuming right now. Further aggravating them will only force them to get into an open conflict, harming innocent lives.

But in the press conference, they did let out that the information was from an insider of this 'local gang'. This could create internal conflicts in the Clan, it was very sly of them to do.


A few days had passed. All three of us kids went to the gym each day to play and train. After that we played some video games or watched tv. Surprisingly, Melena was getting pretty good at video games. She had beaten Irene in 1v1 fighting games multiple times in a row.

I had my suspicions. She spent most of her time in her room, and I always had to call her out to eat food. She was most probably playing video games all day. It was fine for now as she was not allowed to move too much, but later on, when she is healed, it could be a problem.

Speaking of Melena, she had already selected the look she wanted for her room. It was very simple, just as expected of her, so Mom made some adjustments for her on her own.

The renovation would start the next day and Melena would be staying in my room for the duration.

Although it would mean I had to give up my privacy for some time, it was a good time to bond together.

In the initial days, I didn't interact with her much as she probably wanted some time to adjust, and being obnoxious and forcefully talking to her would take that away from her. Our only interactions were through the things we did together and not really much in other times. It was time to change that.

She had started to open up quite a bit. She still talked very little, but her stutters had decreased considerably. There was confidence sprouting in her. Mom had been grooming some common sense into the poor girl for sometime now and it showed in her progress.

She was getting better.

(A/N: Man, I hope the raid wasn't too cringy… goddammit, when will the game start… this was supposed to be a fantasy series.

Hehe, I'll be a bit shameless and ask for powerstones if you like my content.

Thank You all for reading this chapter!!! )

Thank You all for reading this chapter!!!

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