
Priestess of Sanguine: Skyrim Erofic

Jeleia was born into poverty, and did whatever she could to survive, be it stealing, fighting, and even selling herself for a little cash. However, she didn't hate her life; instead, she found herself enjoying the thrills. One day, after completing a play through of her favorite game, Skyrim, for the umpteenth time, Jeleia fell asleep, only to wake up to one of the games most iconic lines... "Hey you, you're finally awake." This is going to be a dark, degenerate story. There will be all kinds of debauchery inside, hence the use of the Daedric Prince of Debauchery. It is a complete Power Fantasy, and the MC, Jeleia, is playing through the world of Skyrim with all the knowledge she has from her countless hours. There will be futa, pregnancy, rape, maybe bestiality, and many, many other dark things, since the world of Skyrim is ultimately... dark. If that makes you uncomfortable, then please don't read. However, if you wish to see a completely, and utterly debauched journey in one of the most beloved games of our time, please, continue forwards...

Ketsueki_Hasu · Videospiele
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143 Chs

Hey You, You're Finally Awake

Like any other day I found myself underneath some man, his hips slamming into mine as he grunted, filling the condom inside of me.

Giving him a few fake moans and coy words, I watched as he dropped a wad of twenties on my bedsheets, putting his suit back on as he exited my dingy apartment.

"Hah... how much did he give me?"

Getting up, I riffled through the wad, grinning to myself as I saw the twelve twenties he had given me.

I had been with that man all day on a paid date, and of course it ended with sex.

However, he was just some pathetic twerp; using his daddies money to pay some whore, like me, to boost his ego before going back home to his nice, warm house.

I sighed, getting off the bed and turning on my PC.

Over the years I had saved up enough money to get a decent PC, and it was all because one of my first ever customers had one in his room, and after having sex I watched him play some game about magic, swords, and dragons.

It was a little known game called Skyrim, and I had fallen in love with it. I used to visit his place once a week, exchanging sex for a chance to play this game.

Then, he introduced me to mods, and I fell for it all over again.

Anything you could think of, the modding community created.

Want to turn the dragons in the game into trains? Easy.

Is the game a little too... PG for you? Download a sex mod and fuck your way through Skyrim.

Want to shoot guns in a medieval world? Heres an AR-15, have fun!

So, I started scrounging enough money to get myself a decent PC to play Skyrim.

And I sunk way, way to much time into it.

I mean, I didn't have school; I was street smart, not book smart.

My 'job' was blowing random men in secluded alleyways or pickpocketing the tourists at any station.

I had time on my hands, is what I'm getting at.

Currently, I was sitting in my 'special' chair, my fingers already in my snatch as I remembered where I had left off.

My guilty pleasure was doing a complete pacifist play through, my character whoring her way to the end of the game, using multiple followers to carry me through any dungeons or fights.

Currently she was outside a bandit camp, both of my followers fighting a dragon that had landed a dozen some odd feet away.

See, the true guilty pleasure of mine...

Turning up the volume, I listened to the poorly thrown together squelching and moans, however my eyes were glued to my monitor, watching as my character got gangbanged by the bandits.

Letting out my own moans, I remembered the time I found myself in a similar situation, three men forcing themselves on me in some back alley.

Back then I hated it, but as they used me like some kind of toy I came harder than I had ever before...

I knew what had happened; they had raped me, and I should have gone to the police, filed a report, and never walked down back alleys again.

Maybe because of my upbringing as a street urchin I had a few screws loose...

Scratch that, I was missing quite a few, considering the people I had killed in self defense, and enjoyed every second of...

Anyways, I loved that feeling, of someone, be it male or female, completely dominating me, using me for their pleasure.

My fingers sped up, and I convulsed, my ejaculate soaking onto the towels I had prepared on my chair.

Seeing the notification that my character was now pregnant, I bit my lip, stifling a scream as I continued churning my pussy.

Minutes passed, and eventually I satisfied myself, getting up to clean up before sitting back down to play.

For a little while I had fun, watching as my followers easily dispatched a few Stormcloaks with their overpowered gear made from the trusty Restoration Loop.

Ah, it just... works, doesn't it?

Saving my progress, I moved over to my bed, collapsing onto it with a sigh.

With the 240 I made earlier, I could get some groceries, and after getting a discount by blowing the shopkeep, I would then find myself an easy mark down near the main station.

Nodding to myself, I closed my eyes, falling into the blissful abyss of sleep.


[Hmm... yes, you'll do nicely...]

A deep, sweet voice boomed around me, and I shivered, covering my eyes as a bright crimson glow shone around me.

Appearing in front of me was a tall, red skinned man, his bare body on full display.

Grinning down at me, I widened my eyes as I looked at his pitch black eyes and razor sharp teeth, looking every part a demon.

[Rude. I am no 'demon'. I am a Daedric Prince!]

"W-Wait, like... from the Elder Scrolls series?"

He nodded, his horned head moving closer as he whispered [You are the perfect candidate for me... utterly depraved, utterly uncaring...]

Moving even closer, I felt his forked tongue flicker across my cheek, and he nodded again.

[Truly, you are a perfect example of Human Debauchery... Tell me, child. Do you desire to live a life unfettered by those pesky 'morals' you mortals laud over one another?]

I took a shuddering breath, nodding.

"Are... are you offering me..?"

[Power? Yes. A new life? YES! All I require of you... is to spread debauchery across Skyrim; across Tamriel! Will you do that for me, child?]

"Are you... the Daedric Prince, Sanguine?! Haha! You were my favorite Prince!"

Sanguine chuckled as well, his lips pulled into a wide grin as he looked me over.

[Indeed, that is I.]

Lifting his hand, I watched as a vortex of crimson energy gathered in his palm.

[Now, I bequeath unto you one of my Myriad Realms of Revelry; it shall be your source of power, your new... home!]

The energy spiraled towards me, burrowing into my chest; into my heart.

I screamed, the pain immense, and I felt the world trembled as Sanguine let out booming laughter.

It could have been moments; it could have been eons, but eventually the energy entered me completely, and I gasped, looking down at the large rose tattooed between my breasts.

Sanguine snapped his fingers, the area around us turning dark.

We reappeared inside another blank area, except this time there was a small island of grass, a tree growing off one side.

Feeling the familiar feeling of grass between my toes, I gasped, looking around in shock.

Appearing behind me was Sanguine, his hand on my ass as he said [This is my first of many gifts to you, Jeleia.]

I moaned as his fingers glided over my cunt, looking up at him.

[Yes... you are truly a good choice... Now, Jeleia... Let's discuss your new life.]

Sliding a finger inside me, Sanguine looked down at me, his lips pulled into a wide grin as I clung to him, moaning.

His long fingers easily found my sensitive spots, and it took only moments for me to reach orgasm.

Even as I shuddered, spraying ejaculate down my thighs, Sanguine continued fingering me.

[Hmm... Alright, that's enough energy...]

After I came again, he slid his fingers out of me, revealing a small pink orb that rotated those same fingers.

Pressing it against my forehead, I gasped again, before noticing...

[Yes, I decided to make this easier for you. You will have the same menu as the game; a compass like screen. Above is your skills; to the right, inventory. Below is your map, and the left is magic, shouts, and powers.]

I nodded, looking over the familiar interface with glee.

[I shall warn you; there is no saving or loading. You only have one life; unless, of course, you manage to cheat death. Please, do try. It is entertaining to witness.

Next, everything works the same as that game of yours; you can hold things in the inventory, initially starting at 100 pounds. There is no fast travel; you must journey by foot, horse, cart, or ship. Finally, the people of this world are really people; your actions will have consequences.

Yet, you also have this... system and skills to rely on. You could truly go through this new life of yours using nothing besides Speech; conversely, you could become the greatest mage to live, or the best smith. I don't care, as long as you live a life as you please.

Finally, there are no exploits in this world; no 'resetting' vendors for extra Septims, no chest hidden in corners with infinite goodies... It is a true, real world.

Now, if you would please, open the skills tab.]

Willing the skills tab open, I looked at the familiar green, red, and blue galaxies, before noticing a new one, above those three.

[Yes, that is your path to becoming a true Daedra, my own right hand. For now, you are but a mortal, but should you work hard enough, you may just find yourself carving your own place in Oblivion.]

"Wait, you mean..."


I looked at the grinning Sanguine with wide eyes, my mind whirling as I thought of the possibilities.

An unending life, and access to magics and powers to rip holes in time, to relive countless lives...

Unending 'Play throughs' of a real Skyrim...

[Now you're thinking like a Daedra! Haha~ Look, my dear; it's you!]

Following the outstretched red finger of Sanguine, I found myself looking at... myself.

Standing before me was my body, except... it wasn't.

[Come now, even you must have noticed it... Character Creation! Albeit limited.]

Sanguine pursed his lips, before looking over my body with eager eyes.

Stepping forwards, I grinned as I saw the various sliders and options to change my body.

Fiddling with it for a few moments, I stepped back with a nod, listing to Sanguine chuckle.

[Good, good! That is an excellent foundation for your journey, Jeleia!]

It was still me, but I had changed a few things.

I stood at around six feet, my swarthy skin silky smooth, and my muscles defined.

Sculpted six pack, arms that were deceivingly strong, and my long, braided hair pulled into a ponytail.

However, the largest change on my body was...

The long, veiny cock and pair of balls hanging just above my cunt.

You telling me I would be traveling to Skyrim and NOT bang all those amazing female characters?

Aela, Ysolda, Astrid and Gabriella of the Dark Brotherhood, and Camilla to name a few!

Before I could even turn to ask, Sanguine grinned at me as he said [Yes, there are indeed many women in this world to match your desire; Futanari! A truly wonderful creation, that... You can use that Power I gave you to check a person's race, gender, age, and so on.]

I bowed to Sanguine, and he just chuckled.

[No need for that! After all, debauchery bows to no one! Go, Jaleia. Spread my influence over these mortals. Let's create a true world of debauchery and hedonism! HAHA~]

As his laughter echoed around my realm, my vision went black again.


My head pounded, like I had just taken twelve shots of tequila on an empty stomach.

Groaning, I opened my eyes, wondering if that was all just a wonderful dream, when I shivered, a cold breeze dusting over my skin.

However, what made me truly freeze was when I heard one line...

One line that I had heard dozens, no hundreds of times...

In a gruff voice, someone said "Hey you, you're finally awake."


Alright, so...

Like I have in the synopsis, this is going to be a completely degenerate story, with many dark topics like rape and abuse being the ones I can think of off the bat.

Additionally, there will be other kinks like bestiality and impregnation in this, and if that isn't your cup of brandy, my sincerest not apology, because I am writing this for me and me alone.

Anyways, if you do find yourself interested in a completely debauched journey of Skyrim, please continue reading.

Oh, and if you're coming from my other books, be it the Pokemon EroFic or my normal novels/Fanfics, don't think lesser of me; just enjoy the read, or turn away now.



Whew New Book

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