
Pride within the Cullens

A teenage werelion who thinks he is the only supernatural around moved to Forks Washington how quickly will he find out he was wrong? join him on his adventure through high school as something other than human.

ValiCain · Bücher und Literatur
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4 Chs

Suprise Dinner?

Author's Note

Sorry for the long delay I have been getting settled at a new house and job. This is a short chapter before we get back to Cannon

But as always I do not own Twilight or any related materials.

Line Break

Sunday, January 30th 2005

I wake up to the splendid sight of Alice hugging me. staring at me with a smile on her face. "Good morning pixie." I say to her while tightening my hug burying my face in her neck. Her scent of pine trees calming me.

She took one of her hands that was wrapped around me and stated messing with my hair. "Good morning to you too kitten, Mom has made breakfast for you she was super excited to cook." as she told me this I felt my stomach rumble with expectation. She giggled at the sound of it, getting up from the bed "I already have you outfit chosen for you." pointing towards the closet.

Shaking my head I get up to get changed. She just stares at me the whole time smile never leaving her face. "I'm ready to go down and eat whats the plan for today?" I said as I take her hand lead her out of the room.

"I think Rosalie wants your help in choosing a color for you new car." She told me. Just the thought of my new car just makes me bubble in excitement. As we walked into the kitchen I saw Esme with a bowl of scrambled cheesy eggs, deer meat, and spinach.

Just the sight of it made me one track minded "Esme this looks and smells heavenly thank you." I thanked her as she handed me the bowl it tasted as good as it smelled and looked.

"Your welcome Scott anytime you are a member of the family now." Esme replied. Just thought of being excepted into another family was heart warming. "Rosalie is waiting for you in the garage when you are finished."

"Thanks again Esme." I get up and grab Alice's hand as we walked towards the garage.

As we enter the garage Rosalie is under my car laying on a creeper she rolls out from underneath with a wrench in her hand. "I thought you would never wake up I need your opinion on something." she said getting straight to the point.

"Sure what's up." I ask as I let go of Alice's hand she goes to check the inside of the car. Rosalie walks over to her tool box and grabs a book before she brings it to me.

"I need to know what kind of color you are looking at I circled all of my suggestions." She told me as I looked through the pages. It was a book of car paint colors and mixture ratios. As I looked through the book I only gravitated towards three colors. Midnight Purple, Sonic Blue Pearl, and Gunmetal Gray.

After thinking for a while I looked at her "What do you think of the Sonic Blue Pearl color? Its a deeper color and I quite like it."

Alice walked back over to look at the book, "I quite like it." Rosalie took the book back looked at it and nodded before walking back towards her toolbox.

"I like it, I'm going to need your car for a couple days to paint it." Rosalie said before she went back to work on the car.

I shrugged before looking down at Alice "Guess were stuck driving your bright yellow monstrosity huh." I teased her with a wide grin.

She slapped my arm softly before looking back up to me "Lets go take a run in the forest." She grabs my hand and starts to pull me out of the house. As we got outside she looked at me expectantly confused I gave her a funny look. "Shift I need my loyal steed." She told me with a beautiful smile with stars in her eyes.

I looked at her and shook my head before doing as she requested. I dropped down to all fours as I shifted and grew larger. Towering over her in this for I looked at her as she caressed my head and muzzle. I gave her a large lick to her face that caused her to chuckle. As she climbed on my back I took off running in to the surrounding forest.

Running until I found a clearing with a waterfall I laid down. Alice stayed sprawled on top of me looking towards the cloudy skies. After a while I got curious "How did you become a vampire?" I asked in her head.

"I don't remember how I was turned but I know I was chased by another vampire for years until I found Jasper and met the rest of the Cullens." Alice replied quietly.

"Someone chased you? Who and what for?" I asked her, no one was going to take Alice away from me.

Alice turned and put her face in my mane and snuggled. "I know his name was James but I don't know why he was chasing me he treated it as some sort of game. The only reason I was able to keep away was because of my Visions."

"Well no one will take you from me that I promise you." I reassured her with a growl. She just hugged me tighter as I dosed off.

Line Break

Monday, January 31st 2005

Sitting out front of school with the Cullens I rode with Emmet, Jasper and of course Alice. I had Alice wrapped in my arms we where all relaxing before school started. As an old truck pulled into the parking lot Edward stared at it.

Bella got out of her truck and looked towards us to see a few of us looking at her before a few of her friends walked up to her. Alice pulled me towards the school as it was about to start.

Time skip Lunch

I sat down with the rest of the Cullens with Alice sitting to my right. "So how goes the car Rose?" I asked her

She looks at me with a small smile on her face, "I have what I need to get the paint mixed all I need now is to prep and paint it." It seems all you need to have her not irritated is to bring up a topic she enjoys.

Edward looked at me and chuckled before staring at his usual target of affection/irritation. "You know Edward it lasts longer if you take a picture right?" he turned back to me with a look of irritation. "I'm just saying I don't understand this distance brooding why not just talk to her?"

He just shook his head, "you wouldn't understand you are not a monster like us."

"Watch your mouth Alice is no monster," I growled at him my eyes glowing and my sideburns growing. Alice grabbed my hand and I felt a wave of calm come over me. My features receding I looked at jasper and he nodded at me. Edward went back to ignoring me and staring at Bella. "I don't care what you do with her just don't insult my Alice again." I told him before looking down at Alice and giving her a kiss.

Line Break

Lunch couldn't go by any slower I couldn't wait to get away from Edward but eventually it passed with the bell ringing Alice grabbed my hand and started to pull me towards are next class. Her ever present smile putting me at ease.

Spanish class was boring but I didn't care so long as I could be with Alice. "Mom wants you to come over for dinner she wants to get to know you better." I said while looking at her.

Alice gave her signature smile, "Of course I'd like to hear more embarrassing stories about you kitten."

I chuckle while bringing her hand to my face and kiss it.

"She said she was going to have some guests over but I don't know who. Just fair warning." I told her. She just shrugged at me, I laid down to sleep through the rest of class with Alice running her hand through my hair it came quickly.

I woke up with Alice nudging me with the bell ringing I could only hope that the rest if the school day went as quickly as this class did. Standing up and leaving class I grabbed Alice by her waist and plant a kiss on her lips. "I'll see you after school Pixie."

"Yes you will" Alice replies getting on her toes to kiss me back.

Line Break

The rest of the school day dragged on "RING" but it was finally over grabbing my bag I walked towards the parking lot. As I was walking I got Hugged from behind as the smell of pine trees washed over me I couldn't keep the smile from coming to my face. Turning around I grabbed her by the waist bent over and kissed her. "You ready to go?" I asked Alice.

"I should be asking you that after all I get to hear more embarrassing stories about you tonight." Alice said beaming up at me. I could only shake my head as I grabbed her hand walking towards the exit of the school.

"We are going to drop you off at your house I need to go home and get ready." Alice told me while we were getting in Emmett's jeep.

Time Skip Dinner Time

Alice pulled up wearing a blue dress she looked absolutely stunning. She was matching me as I was wearing jeans and a navy blue polo. Sitting on the couch with her we were watching TV as mom was cooking before we heard a knock at the door.

I got up to answer the door but when I did I couldn't help but be shocked at who I saw. "Come on in y'all," I said as I let Bella and her father in the house. "Mom your friend is here." I guided Bella and her dad to the dining room where mom was placing plates.

Bella was staring at both me and Alice as if she had something to ask us. "Oh Charlie I'm so happy you where able to make it, This must be Bella it is so good to meet you dear." Mom said as she spotted them. Oh yeah this is going to be one weird dinner.

"I wouldn't miss an invite from you Erin." Charlie said with a smile while looking at my mom.

Not missing the chance to tease my mom, "So you are the Charlie I have been hearing so much about." I joke with a smile.

Fully taking in my appearance he looks up at me "my god what does she feed you Scott." Alice and I chuckle "who might you be miss?" Looking at Alice.

"My name is Alice, Nice to meet you Charlie." she offered her hand to shake and he takes it.

"Well tonight's dinner is Chicken with Southwest seasoning, rice with green beans." mom said while grabbing a drink from the fridge. "help your self's to food and drinks." everyone got up to make there plates minus Alice she just walked with me hand in hand.

"Are you two dating?" Bella asks as she is making her plate.

"We are, she makes me whole." I respond while tightening my hand on hers. She looks up and smiles at me.

Charlie had already made his way back to the dining room. Bella looked at us before she asks us "Did you Edward run to me when the van almost hit me? He was standing next to you all the he appeared in front of me blocking the van with his arm."

I sighed looking at Alice before looking back to Bella, "I didn't see him leave us at all, are you sure you didn't get a concussion." I said to her trying to keep a straight face.

She saw straight through me though huffed in irritation and walked towards the dining room with her plate of food. I looked to Alice and Shrugged "I guess you aren't getting any embarrassing stories this time."

"I don't care I'm just glad to spend time with you." Alice replied while getting on her tiptoes and pulling me down for a kiss.

We went back towards the dinning room hand in hand. She sat next to me, Dinner went by pretty fast as Charlie was joking with my Mom and vice versa.

When Charlie and Bella left, Mom, Alice and I sat in the living room watching TV. I asked Mom "So new boyfriend huh, had to introduce him to the big and scary son?"

"Oh don't be like that we aren't dating." Mom Replied while rolling her eyes.

"Right and Kitten and I aren't either." Alice teased while laying down on the couch resting her head in my lap.

Author's Note

Sorry for it being so long as I said before I have had a big move and needed to get settled in. my update schedule looks like its going to be once a week. I know this was a shorter chapter I just wanted to get something out. What do you guys think with Charlie possibly dating Scott's mom Erin?

As always please leave a comment and any suggestions to help me improve or other ideas for the story.