

Outside of my apartment, the weather was dark filled with heavy clouds pouring down rain like it was weeping on my behalf.

Coming out of the shower, I look at the room filled with blood stains and broken bottles. I smile at myself as I assemble the broken pieces on the floor. The blood.....yes the blood is no more than my own. This is where I inflicted on myself various cuts in order to erase the pain I had gone through from loving and not been loved in return.

I walk stalk naked to the broken chair and table, sitting on it and holding the chair with my hands carefully in order not to loose balance. Carefully taking out my diary, I open a blank page and began to write names......Damon....yes....Jude.....ohhh.....Thomas.....Daniel...arrrrghhhhh.....with so much anger and great pain I hold my head to withstand myself from going maniac. I laugh at the new me and smile at the names on the paper. I write more till I am filled with satisfaction. These are the architects of my death....., the predators of my ruined life. Now it's time to pay back with no sentiments or conscience attached.

I stand from the chair picking up a broken piece of glass gathered by me, looking at the reflection of my face. My face looks different from my real face. I smile at my new found look with gratitude in my heart that the Gods were in support of my plan. They knew I had suffered greatly and so gave me a new look. I don't care if it's another body with a whole new mystery to discover I only care of my revenge.