
Rain of War Part 3

Erune, still trapped inside the shrinking magic container, struggled against the force trying to crush him. Surrounded by six-circle magicians, he pushed with all his strength, but suddenly stopped.

"Wait, why am I doing this?" he muttered, ceasing his efforts. The orb continued to shrink toward his body, but a spark of realization crossed his mind. "If I could do it down there, I can do it here."

Before the orb could touch his skin, Erune teleported out, using the newfound knowledge he had gained in the anti-magic cellar.

In an instant, he materialized on the back of Roland's horse. The sudden shift in weight startled the horse, and it began to buck wildly.

"Whoa!" Erune grabbed onto the leather strap, struggling to stay on. His legs scraped against the muddy ground, the sharp pain from the impact making him grit his teeth.