
The Zhai Family Banquet

Gu Tingyan gazed at her intently, eventually tugging at the corner of his mouth without retorting. "Good" he said.

The Zhai family matriarch's banquet was a gathering of the elite.

A black Maybach parked in front of an estate.

Jiang Nuannuan sat in the car and turned her head to ask, "How should I explain my identity when you bring me here?"

"A newly hired secretary."

"Alright," Jiang Nuannuan obediently nodded.

Coincidentally, that was what she had in mind too. Being too intimate in front of others wouldn't be suitable for her to handle the remaining three male leads.

Gu Tingyan placed a gift box into her hands. "A Pearl from western Asia for the old lady."

The box made of sandalwood looked incredibly valuable.

She silently accepted it, and the man walked to the other side, opening the door with great elegance to welcome her out of the car.

The grand doors of the banquet hall swung open, revealing a dazzling interior. Jiang Nuannuan hooked her arm around his, and they entered slowly.

She lifted her face slightly, the delicate features of her small face bathed in the soft glow of the chandelier above, making her look gentle, generous, and incredibly beautiful.

"Mr. Gu, who has been single for years, finally brought a female companion? Who is she?" whispered the influential guests, raising their glasses.

As the head of Linggang, Gu Tingyan had no scandalous news. For many years, he had always been devoted to Fu Shiliu.

Jiang Nuannuan received this information from System 66 and couldn't help but sigh at how infatuated this man was.

"But, 66, is he really impotent? Mr. Gu is already 28 this year, yet he doesn't have anyone to sleep with," she asked.

"He's great, but you won't experience it, so give up," System 66 laughed and once again shattered her thoughts.

"Tsk, it's as if you've experienced it on behalf of the female lead," Jiang Nuannuan lightly hummed.

Gu Tingyan lowered his gaze and looked at her. "What's wrong?"


"Don't do anything unnecessary, understood?" he warned coldly.

"I understand."

Among the attendees at the banquet were the Jiang family and Ji Yanzhong. They all looked surprised at the intimate manner in which the two were conversing.

Jiang's mother blinked in astonishment. "Isn't that our Nuannuan?"

Jiang Yan looked at the girl who was radiant with just a little bit of grooming and chuckled. "That's not our Nuannuan, Mom. Have you forgotten? She was just kicked out of the house yesterday."

Jiang Meng looked at Ji Yanzhong, who seemed absent-minded, and tightened her grip on his arm as she whispered, "I wonder what she did. Yesterday, she was arguing with Yansen, and today she's with the CEO of the Gu Corporation."

Jiang Yan suddenly understood why she dared to confidently leave the house. His lips curled up as he replied, "They've met before. Last time, when Dad almost sent her to the police station, he was the one who helped her."

Jiang Nuannuan also noticed her family in the crowd. Her gaze swept past them lightly, without pausing.

The Zhai family matriarch, dressed in white Tang-style clothing, with streaks of white in her temples, held a string of Buddhist beads in her hand and smiled as the two approached. "I thought you wouldn't come this year."

Gu Tingyan neither humble nor arrogant, replied, "I always come."

Since Fu Shiliu married into the Zhai family, he had stepped foot in this place only few times.

"And who is this?" The Zhai family matriarch looked at the woman beside him, feeling a sense of familiarity.

"Hello, Madam. I am Jiang Nuannuan, Mr. Gu's newly appointed personal secretary," she greeted with a smile, extending the wooden box in her hands. "He has prepared a Pearl for you. Happy birthday."

The young girl's smile is very endearing, but her notorious reputation is well-known among the people around her, which greatly contrasts with her current image.

The gentle woman standing beside the old lady took the initiative to reach out and receive the wooden box. "Let me take care of it."

As their faces came close together, Mrs. Zhai instantly recognized the familiarity. She looked at the expression on her daughter-in-law's face, the forced smile in her eyes, and then at Jiang Nuannuan. She understood in her heart.

"You are bringing a female assistant for the first time," the old lady said, looking at Gu Tingyan. "Would you accompany me to the garden for a private conversation?"

"Yes," Gu Tingyan turned his head slightly and whispered to the woman beside him, "Don't wander around, wait for me here."

His tone became gentle, and Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the cheongsam beauty holding a gift in front of her, her eyes turning red.

She instantly understood that this was the female lead, Fu Shiliu. She had been used as a pawn.

"Alright, I'll wait here for you," Jiang Nuannuan smiled faintly and reached out to help him adjust his tie. She looked into his eyes and said with a smile, "Mr. Gu, your tie was a bit crooked, but it's fine now."

Gu Tingyan nodded, holding the hand of Mrs. Zhai, and leave.

System 66: "Alipay received 500,000 yuan, Gu Tingyan's favorability increased to 4%. Your assistance was perfectly timed, and it has stimulated the female lead, Fu Shiliu."

"I am Zhai's daughter-in-law, Fu Shiliu," the cheongsam beauty extended her delicate hand, with a mix of curiosity and caution in her eyes.

"Hello," Jiang Nuannuan shook hands with her.

"Your eyes…" She pursed her lips and hesitated to ask, "Did Gu Tingyan have a makeup artist transform you like this?"

"No, it's natural," Jiang Nuannuan pointed to her own eyes without any hesitation. "It's strange, but Mr. Gu likes to gaze at them."

Fu Shiliu smiled, and the curiosity in her eyes suddenly became clear. She shook her head helplessly, "No wonder you became his assistant."

Jiang Nuannuan wanted to pat her shoulder and tell her the truth, but considering the situation, she could only speak firmly, "Mrs. Zhai, I was formally hired based on my abilities. Mr. Gu pays me a fixed salary every month, and there is no hidden agenda just because of my eyes."

Just as Fu Shiliu was about to speak, a servant whispered something in her ear, and she hurriedly nodded and turned away.

In this grand and luxurious venue, a long table was filled with delicious food and desserts.

Jiang Nuannuan completely ignored the probing or disdainful gazes of the people around her and walked over to take a small piece of pastry in her hand to eat.

Jiang Meng approached her with a glass of wine, coming to her side alone. "Mom asked me to find you and bring you back. Don't be stubborn because of Dad's words, Nuannuan."

"Oh," she thought the strawberry mousse was delicious.

Jiang Meng glanced up and down at her and said, "The haute couture dress from Ellie Spring-Summer. It costs over five million. Did Mr. Gu really let his assistant wear it?"

Jiang Nuannuan's hand holding the cake paused, and she looked down at the fabric shockingly.

Did Gu Tingyan really throw her a dress that would cost her two years' salary?

It should fetch a good price if she resold it.

Seeing her expression of worthlessness, Jiang Meng chuckled, "I know you became Gu Tingyan's mistress, after all, when I saw your face next to Fu Shiliu just now, it was too similar."

Jiang Nuannuan silently put down the cake and pointed behind her, "Look behind you."

When Jiang Meng was turning her head, she quickly opened the voice recording function on her phone.

"What's that?"

Jiang Nuannuan calmly put her phone back into her handbag, "Nothing, I must have been mistaken. When will you return the Eternal Jewelry design that Ji Yansen took from me?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Jiang Meng's eyes flickered as she denied it directly.