
Prehistoric: Steady for hundreds of millions

Wu Tian, who traveled to the prehistoric world and had just opened the world, was a little panicked. For the sake of caution, Wu Tian chose to retreat for hundreds of millions of years and would not be able to escape until he was invincible. Until the end of the Longhan Tribulation, Hongjun brought the Five Elements Patriarch, Yin Yang Patriarch, and Qian Kun Patriarch to the door to ask Wu Tian to come out of seclusion. Wu Tian: What the hell, you want me to fight Rahu? No, no, I can't beat him. Hongjun: An innate treasure. Wu Tian: You have to pay more. Hongjun: Two innate treasures. Wu Tian: Deal, I will let my incarnation go. How high is your cultivation level? It's not that high either, just barely near the peak of Sainthood. ______________________________________ You can treat me to coffee via the link below: https://saweria.co/Xintu https://www.paypal.me/RYUSuke7

RYUSuke · Anime und Comics
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190 Chs

Chapter 166: The Shock of the Supreme Avenue

For a moment, the powerful men in the heavens held their breath and stared at the crystal wall of the earth's universe. Even the crystal wall could not stop their gaze. The scenes of the entire earth's universe were all presented to them. In the eyes of the strong man.

"How can I block this one?"

This is the common thought of countless powerful people in the world.

At this time, Wu Tian, who was reversing time and space above the earth, heard what the Supreme Avenue said and discovered that the power of the Supreme Avenue was interfering with his reversal of time and space. Suddenly, Wu Tian frowned slightly.


With a secret thought, Wu Tian had to divert some of his energy away from scanning the earth's universe.

The earth involves very high and deep levels. In order not to miss anything, Wu Tian is not only reversing time and space, but also checking the situation of various time and space in the earth's universe. The Supreme Avenue popping up at this time will greatly delay Wu Tian's efforts.

"Emperor Zun, who has the greatest potential to achieve the highest realm in the Hongmeng Dao Realm, is dead. Everyone else is just a rotten fish. You should know how long it will take for them to reach the highest realm and master the Hongmeng Dao Realm."

"And I, I have been practicing for less than an era since I embarked on the path of cultivation, and now I am only half a step away from the highest level. You should understand what this means."

"It only took me less than a trillion years to reach my current level of cultivation."

"I created five methods in less than a billion years."

"I suppressed one of the heavens in just one era and made the strong men of the heavens surrender. Oh, by the way, there are two heavens now."

"I founded Zhutian City. Now it spans all the realms in the Star Sea. There are countless realms that I can control."

"The supreme avenue of the primitive realm has convinced me."

"The entire primitive realm respects me, and the Supreme Avenue will forcefully disobey the rules because of me."

"You should understand whether what I said is true or false."

"Now, are you still trying to stop me?"

While inspecting the earth's universe, Wu Tian sent a message to the Supreme Avenue of the Hongmeng Dao Domain.


The Supreme Avenue was stunned.

Rules are brewing to punish stagnation.

The Eye of the Supreme Avenue paused slightly.

He will take charge of the supreme order after practicing for less than an era?

It only took a billion years to create the five realms?

Connecting countless realms?

Have all the supreme avenues of the original realm surrendered?

Even as the Supreme Avenue, He felt a little down at this moment, and his whole will was confused.

In this world...are there such awesome people?

Do you understand what Wu Tian said about the supreme avenue?

Of course He understands.

So, needless to say, how to choose? The Supreme Avenue is to analyze the pros and cons and then find the best solution, and now, Wu Tiancai is the best solution.

The supreme avenues of other realms have surrendered and begged Wu Tian to take charge of the realm, but what Wu Tian said is still true. His realm is really dead now. Emperor Zun is dead, and the rest are just rotten fish and shrimps. Useless.

Even if Wu Tian is not a creature of the Hongmeng Dao Realm, but he has an identity certificate from the Hongmeng Dao Realm, he is still considered half one of his own.

Buzz! ! !

The penalties of the rules gradually began to dissipate.

The originally indifferent eyes of the Eye of the Supreme Avenue looked more eager when looking at Wu Tianshi.

Disrupt time and space?

Disturbing order?

Trigger rules?

Damn, these are nothing.

So what if His Supreme Avenue blocked Wu Tian's punishment according to the rules?

It takes less than an era to cultivate to the highest level. How evil is this and how heaven-defying. How many benefits can such a bug-like creature take charge of the Dao realm? It is unimaginable, really unimaginable!

The Supreme Avenue of the Hongmeng Dao Domain suddenly understood what the Supreme Avenue of the Original Dao Domain was thinking.

This person must be allowed to become the controller of Hongmeng Dao Realm!

It must be done at all costs!


The expressions of the powerful men in the sky were petrified, and a few question marks almost appeared on their foreheads.

What's going on?

Didn't we just punish Tianzun severely? Where is the punishment?


Dispersed directly?

Tianzun seemed to have sent a message to the Supreme Avenue. What he said directly made the Supreme Avenue change his mind.

You are the Supreme Avenue, the Supreme Avenue in charge of the order of the entire universe. Is this blatant bending the law for personal gain?

Why don't you punish them in front of them?

Damn it, there are still selfish motives in the Supreme Avenue?

The powerful men from all over the world said that they and their friends were stunned, and each of them almost vomited blood in anger.

· 0Request flowers······

Is this okay?

Can it still be like this?


What the hell is going on.


When they saw the expression of the Eye of the Supreme Avenue, the powerful men in the world felt more and more uncomfortable.

Why do they feel that the Supreme Avenue seems to be trying to please this person?

Very flattering?


Everyone is confused, okay?

So, the Supreme Avenue has turned into the shape of Tianzun?

Mother Ganlin!

Can anyone tell them what this is about.

All the powerful men in the world are going crazy.

I originally wanted to watch a good show and see if the Supreme Realm could really compete with the Supreme Avenue, but in the end, this is it?



Supreme Avenue pondered for a moment, and then seemed to want to give Wu Tian something.

After glancing at the Eye of the Supreme Avenue, Wu Tian, who guessed what the Supreme Avenue was thinking, said lightly: "Okay, I'm just reversing time and space. It won't have much impact on the earth's universe. When I'm sure, I want to know Things will restore the order of time and space."


The Supreme Avenue retreated contentedly.

All the visions quickly dissipated like a tide, and the Eye of the Supreme Avenue also disappeared without knowing when.


Good guy!

The powerful men in the world called him "good guy" on the spot, and every one of them looked like a black man with a question mark face.

This is a reversal of time and space!

Reverse time and space to a higher plane!

How could something so casually come out of this person's mouth be as insignificant as eating and drinking?

The key is, does Supreme Avenue really think there is no problem?

This is outrageous.

Is this okay?

Can it still be like this?

The powerful men in the sky already had a hundred thousand grass and mud horses galloping past in their hearts. They felt that they were going crazy, and their eyes suddenly became weird.

"Is this really not the ancestor of the Supreme Avenue?"

This thought flashed through the minds of many powerful men in the world.

Even my own father doesn't receive this kind of treatment!

Almost as good as our own ancestors!


My mentality collapsed on the spot.

They all look suspicious of life.



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-And give the power stone.

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