
Prehistoric Ruler

BritishNovelist · TV
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2 Chs

Humble Abode

The group were seated in the back of a Park Jeep Wrangler. James found himself sat next to the young teen named Darius. From what he had judged, Darius seemed to be the one most excited for camp while many of the others seemed to be quite apathetic.

As for James, he was more excited for the 2 weeks of freedom away from the lab and being stuck indoors.

'I suppose Mum and Dr. Wu are able to watch the cameras around the park, that's why they're fine with me going'

James was fully aware that the two would go to extreme lengths to make sure he didn't go too far, his childhood proved that, hence why he was satisfied having this time away.

Whilst he observed the kids around him, it seemed the other teens had started up a conversation.

A girl with bright pink hair spoke to everyone as she waved her mobile phone in front of them, Brooklyn.

Apparently she was intent on having everyone introduce themselves. James remained a bystander as he listened to Darius introduce himself, only to be cut off by another girl. Her Southern American accent was difficult for James to understand fully. Most of the researchers he was around tended to have weaker accents with his Mums being British.

It wasn't long before someone called out to him. With the mobile phone trained on him, Brooklyn questioned him.

"What about you?"

Assuming she was asking for his introduction, James smiled before turning to the group and nodding his head slightly.

"Ah right, my name is James. I won a competition and one of the potential prizes was the trip to camp so I chose that."

It wasn't exactly the truth but it wasn't too wrong either. He had already been warned against talking about how he essentially lived with the scientists on the island. 

It wasn't until he saw the face of the boy named Ben and Kenji that he realised he was too abrupt. At this rate they might think that he doesn't know how to make friends.

"I look forward to camp with you guys!"

His smile was bright as he looked at Brooklyn and the camera.

The pink haired girl was speechless for a moment before she cleared her throat and turned the camera around.

'That should have been normal right?'

His worry gnawed at him as he let Brooklyn continue on with her video.

Their journey continued uneventfully until James felt something.

He turned his head to outside the Jeep, peering deep into the bushes.

A soft sigh escaped his lips as Roxie suddenly slammed on the brakes.

The other campers were jerked forward from the unexpected stop.

The Ranch girl Sammy spoke out to Dave and Roxie as they got out of the car.

"Is everything okay?"

Dave gripped his shock staff before turning around and giving a somewhat goofy smile.

"No issues at all guys, just a quick detour."

Roxie followed up with a warning.

"We will be quick so stay in the car children."

James watched from afar, his curiosity peeked.

The two headed off to the right side bushes, both equipped with a shock stick each and a cloth.

Shaking his head slightly, James turned towards the left hand side and watched the bushes intently.

It wasn't long before another voice from beside him spoke up.

"Hey guys... I think there's something out there."

His voice was filled with trepidation as he leaned out of the Jeep slightly besides James.

The other campers turned their heads to the left hand side, each tensing slightly at the possibilities.

The Jeep was silent as they waited.

The only sounds were the rustling of leaves from the adults on the edge of the road.

Suddenly, a small squeal was heard as chicken sized beast leapt onto the car. More accurately, the sudden startle had sent Kenji, leaping out the van and Darius found himself pressed to the Jeep floor by a small dinosaur.

'Small but smart, honestly, those two getting sent off like that is humorous'

Chuckling to himself internally, James approached the fallen Darius before quickly extending his hands and gripping the dinosaur by its body.

"A Compsognathus, they are small but quite tricky, especially in groups"

James smiled as he explained whilst holding the small reptile up like a child presenting an art project.

Darius' eyes widened as he watched James, though he was not alone. All of the campers sat wide-eyed as they saw the dinosaur in James' hands.

Darius had one thought.

'Why is it so docile...'

Before he had grabbed it, the Compsognathus had been hissing and squealing, yet it was now as docile as a household pet.

James used his fingers to gently stroke the little reptile before suddenly his shoulders were grabbed and the Compsognathus was forced out of his hands.

With an unpleasant look, James turned to Roxie who adorned a dangerous look on her face.

"James! What are you doing!"

It was not so much a question, rather an accusation.

"I don't think you understand but this place is really dangerous! This is not a small farm animal! This is a dinosaur!"

Her voice was stern and accusatory as she glared at James.

Noticing this lecture came out of concern, James softened his defensive position slightly before rubbing his head and apologising.

As she lectured James, Roxie wrestled with the restless dinosaur. Its entire body was covered in cloth as she held it firm, not letting it escape.

Soon after, Dave arrived with a small travel kennel.

They locked the Compsognathus up before putting it in the backseat.

"Everybody hop back in. And James... I hope you understand now."

Dave smiled wryly before speaking.

"With that said, let's head off to the campsite guys! No more detours!"

The campers got in as James remained smiling.

'Honestly those guys are so good at escaping'

The drive after was silent for a while as the campers mulled over what just happened.

'He won't stop staring...'

James thought to himself as he noticed the gaze of Darius from beside him. Ever since they had stopped for the detour, Darius had not taken his eyes off of James as though assessing him.

He was starting to feel very awkward.

Just as James was about to say something, Brooklyn cried out.

"Ugh! I missed it!"

The others turned their heads to Brooklyn. 

Seizing the chance, James questioned her.

'Conversations! That will get this guys attention away from me!'

Brooklyn looked at James before showing a dejected face.

"That was a perfect photo opp, like, you with that Dino and holding it, that would have went viral, no doubt!"

As if on cue, the rest of the campers hopped into the conversation with their own comments.

"You held a dinosaur, like it was nothing!"

Yasmina followed up with. She had been relatively quiet so far, however even she could not hold back from making a comment.

The others made their own comments, badgering James like a mob of paparazzi.

'This is way worse!'

James thought to himself as he lent back slightly.

"It was pretty cool, but not as cool as holding my dads prized diamond collection."

Kenji chipped in from beside the group.

"Maybe if we ask Dave, we could get you to hold it again! My followers will totes love it!"

Before James could speak, Sammy spoke up from his silence.

"Guys, you heard Roxie, that won't fly."

Sammy said with an awkward expression.

The campers thought back to Roxies lecture with James.

"Besides you don't know what germs are on those dinosaurs, I would never touch them"

Ben stated in a matter of fact tone as he wiped his hands with sanitiser from his travel pouch.

James sweated slightly as he narrowly escaped death by questioning.

'So many other teens... they talk so much more than those scientists'

His social meter was already threatening to drop below minimal levels.

The Jeep soon turned into a clearing.

As soon as the area came into view, James had a revelation.

'So that's what they were building over here'

From the back of the car, James could see a large tree house structure with what seemed to be an entrance hall at the base of the tree.

Its appearance suited the area well and made sure not to clash with the natural beauty of the jungle.

Sounds of awe could be heard from around him as they approached the campsite.

'This is freedom for the next few weeks then?'

A delighted smile sat upon his lips as he looked at the faces of the other campers, each one seemingly quite eager, except Ben whose body was still half out of the car.

When they parked, they all quickly dismounted the car and headed towards the entrance of the camp following after Dave.

James followed along until he heard a voice from behind him.

"Already? Can't I have a closer look?"

A high pitched whine coming from Darius as he watched Roxie hand over the Compsognathus.

"Not today Darius, she needs to go back to her family."

Roxies caring but stern voice retorted.

Darius continued to plead until the car drove off and Dave placed his hand on Darius' shoulder and led him inside.

From behind, Roxie let out a sigh before her eyes met James'.

"Come on James, you too. It's time for orientation."

James nodded and followed along, his eyes never leaving the dejected Darius.