
Chapter 73

Joseph was holding his side as he staggered back.

He could feel his shirt getting wet.

He had never thought that she would stab him.

He had always known her to be a loving person but never did he think that she would be willing and ready to end him like that.

"I didn't know you hated me that much"

He managed to say, and fell on the floor.

Anna moved back, threw the knife on the floor and almost fell off herself. She held on to the curtains as to prevent her from falling.

She had been so sure she wanted to kill him but now that he was dieing, she became really scared, she closed her mouth with her hands as she saw him wail in pain.

He was in pain and she could see it clearly.

She didn't know if she could help him in anyway.

She screamed and the next minute the guards were inside again.

The sight they met was shocking as they had not expected the little flame to turn into a blazing furnace.

"Please help him"

She managed to say, as she fell on the floor and started to cry.

Anna rushed to him with a towel to apply pressure on his side.

"Please be alright"

Soon he was wrapped with a cloth.

Two guards carried him him shoulder high while another grabbed the keys on the TV stand not knowing the exact car.

Joseph held his side trying to stop the blood.

Anna followed them to the car and watched from behind as the car drove with speed not leaving sight because the was too big both width and length.

Anna was really scared, she kept moving back and forth and finally she went back to the house.

Elina came in with a mob and broom and cleaned the blood and also swept the house again.

Anna needed someone to cry on to. As she cried the maid Elina just looked because she didn't know how to console her miss.

"I have killed somebody"

She was talking to her but Elina didn't know how to respond.

She moved close to her in fear, she had never been close with her boss. Anna was closer to the chief chef who was on leave to see her family.

She was the only one that could console her confidently.

Elina I have killed somebody!

Her voice came back to her louder but shaky.

"He won't die ma'am don't worry about it.

Elina answered trying to sound convincing when even she had her doubt about it.

Anna was even more sceptic about the situation of things when he saw how Elina responded.

Even though she had used a Ligature to stop the loss of blood she knew she could do nothing much as his blood could still be seen and smelt in the house.

Her husband was not around and there was no way she could reach him.

She needed to call someone.

She remembered Miles and quickly dialed his number.

Someone needed to know what had happened.

"Hello  Anna"

She heard his voice theoment he took the call.