
Chapter 3

Anna couldn't explain what went wrong, Andrew was perfect when they got married but the change started the moment she had a baby and he became sick after a year, he was so sick that he got admitted, the family doctor who was also a friend of the family Dr Joseph attended to him and after that he changed, he looked even worse, he lost himself, his smile and everything about him, he became a shadow of himself, he no longer had the spark in him, he even started treating her badly which was something that was new to her, she wanted to know, she had been quiet for too long, she made up her mind that she was going to ask him, if she was to apologise she would, if she needed to beg and cry she was not going to relent, she was so ready to cry and beg if that what it would take, then she remembered the last time she tried to be this brave and confront him, he had acted so furious with her and had slapped her, it was the first time he laid hands on her, she had been so sho led that she ran away, locked herself up and continued to cry, she didn't dare come out from her room, looking at the door Everytime she heard a sound, her heart was almost in her mouth, finally when she did come out in the evening, it was for dinner, she was so hungry because she was breast feeding that she couldn't allow fear make her starve to death. When she was out, she saw him looking a bit calm and collected, she walked to the kitchen to get food and she could feel his eyes on her, he came behind her and she jerked off, her daughter was with her and she almost threw her away from fear but he held her hands and started to cry, she knew he wanted to tell her what was eating him up but he was just too scared to say anything.

He even apologised to her on that day for hitting her afterwards he stommed out of the house, he was visiting doctor Joseph more now, unlike before, Joseph was usually the last person he visited, but now Joseph was his best friend and also her best friend.

He was her gynecologist, a very good doctor at that, he was always ready to listen to her, he would always advise her whenever she was down, he was doing everything Andrew use to do, sometimes he would take her and her daughter out, even when she says No he would insist that she needed to clear her head, gradually she became close to him, so close that he became the first confider she has, whenever she was sober and have no one to call, she would call Joseph to express his plight and cry to him. Joseph on the other hand would not hesitate, he was ready to attend to her even at night. Anna couldn't ask for a better friend but she still wanted her husband back.