
Chapter 157

Joseph walked into her room after Anna have walked out angrily on him, just because he slightly pushed her away.

What was she expecting him to do? Jump to the fact that she kissed him and pay for it with guilt later on. 

He didn't want her to have anymore reasons to be angry with him, he wanted them to be friends, he just wanted her to forgive him, that was all he wanted, he also did not want her to think he is doing all he was doing Because he still wanted to sleep with her, even though he hope to hold her close someday and tell her to her face all what he writes in his diary.

He knocks on the door and she refused to open.

"Please Anna open the door, please I beg you, open the door.

Anna didn't want to answer him, she felt embarrassed that she made the first move to forgiving him and all he could do was to push her away.

"I want to be so close to you, I am sure you don't know how much, but I want us to take it one step at a time. I want you to forgive me first and any other thing can follow, I don't want you to kiss me because I am trying to make you meet you daughter or because you are not in the house with Andrew.

Please just open the door so that we can talk.

Anna still did not answer him, the door was not locked, she played the video of her daughter over and over again ignoring him, till he twisted the handle of the door and it opened, he saw her on the bed, watching the video and he gentle walked in.

"She is so beautiful" he said as he sat beside her, she still did not say anything, she was avoiding meeting his eyes, she did not even want to look at his face. Joseph gently collected the phone from her and placed it away.

"Can we talk?

"I don't want to talk to you, I just made a fool of myself and you added to it by robing it on my face.

Joseph knew he could not hide his feelings anymore, already he had told her before, maybe it was time for him to say it again, and if he needs to say it again and again, he was going to say it.

" Anna, I really don't know how to tell you this, bit the truth is, I love you, I really do and I want to live my life making you happy, that is all I want, please never shot the door against me. 

I don't want to force myself on you, Because I know you might be in love with Andrew, and right now you are just angry with him, he too had a right to be angry, which is why whatever will make you happy us what I want to do, I don't want us to do something we will end up regretting.

"I may have loved Andrew at some point, we may have enjoyed some time together, but I don't think I still love him" she said and still not meeting his eye.

Somehow, what she said made Joseph happy, not because he stood a chance with her, but at least he could stop blaming himself, but still he still blames himself for driving her hating someone she once loved.

He placed his hands on her cheek so that she face him.

"What are you saying now?

"I am not saying anything, but all I know is that, I have had the best moments with you, more than I have had with Andrew in years.

I am very happy being with you, even if we have to hide for the rest of our lives, I know I am happy and I will continue to be happy.

And I am sorry, I read your diary, so I know how you feel about me, we need not hide what we feel anymore, for all I know, I am not going back to Andrew, I will do everything in my power to stay away from him, he has rejected me and his family have also rejected me, so why should I go to them.

I want to live the rest of my life happy.

His father is more interested in the upcoming election, I can't wait for the election to be over, so that I can take him to court and get custody of Angel, then I can live wherever I want, even if you too don't want me, I will still live.

"I could never reject you, you are my life, you are the only one I have been able to fall inlove with, I have never truely loved anyone the way I loved you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I will not stop saying it, making you happy is my priority, but I want to hear you say it first.

Anna, do you forgive me and move past all my guilt?

"I do, I really do, I have told you before, I hold no grudge against you, so be rest assured that I have forgiven you.

Now she was sitting up and looking into his eyes assuring him, but before she could look away, he locked his lips with hers in a passionate kiss.

They both fell back on the bed laying side ways because of her pregnancy, but the kissing continued.

It felt like all hiden homones in Joseph awoke again because he could not stop himself, he inserted his tongue inside and licked her lips.

The kissing continued for yet another five minute that they needed to catch their breath. Actually Anna needed to catch her breath, but she did not know how to stop h, or rather she did not want to stop him, then she started to feel Nausea, she placed her hands on his chest, but before she could push him away, the urge to throw up came strongly and she threw up all she had eaten. Some were on his mouth, while others were on the floor, but they bother ended up laughing at what just happened.