
Chapter 147

By the time  Doctor Walter was done talking to Anna, he left her alone and walked away, she became quiet, she was somehow sad, she didn't know why, but she suddenly started to feel bad for the way she has spoken about Joseph.

"I know you might be watching and listening to me from wherever it is you are spending your eternity, I want you to know that I forgive you, and I hold no grudge against you, I will tell your kids only good things about you, they would see you as a good father, and then I am sure you would be able to rest in peace.

She said to herself and soon she was fast asleep.

Doctor Walter invited Joseph after telling him all that had happened, he was eager to see her, he was so worried about her that he wanted to see the damage Andrew caused.

Walter brought him to the hospital,with his disguise on and he was able to enter the hospital, without anyone noticing him.

On his way in he came across, Prisca who greeted him casually, but said nothing more, even Joy who was at the reception hall with the receptionist didn't notice him, he was happy his disguise was that good that someone as nosy as Joy and Prisca did not notice him.

When he opened the door to where Anna was, his hear was filled with pity, he was close to tears, he didn't know why he was crying, but the feeling of guilt that what was happening to the girl was because of him made him want to cry even more.

"You need to leave now, before she wakes up" Doctor Walter whispered behind him.

"Please let me watch her some more" he pleaded.

"I won't be held responsible, if she finds out about you now" he said and left him there.

Joseph stood by the door for a long time when suddenly he felt like entering Haven stared at the visitors seat for too long, he entered and sat on it.

He held her hand and started to caress it, her hands were so warm, she looked so beautiful even in her sleep.

She has changed alot, pregnancy does suit her well, he was happy she was keeping his kids, finding out from Doctor Walter that he was going to be a father to two lovely kids was the happiest news he has heard in a really long time, but there was no way he was going to be happy without Anna in his life, he knew she wanted nothing to do with him, she made it clear already that she hated him more than the devil himself, he couldn't blame her, but he could never get over her.

Looking at her sleeping, hisknd went back to that night, he wanted to regret his actions that night, but truth be told, he had never felt that way before, he had never felt so important and worthy ever before, he was just overwhelmed with love and full of pride.

He didn't want to hate Andrew, but the fact that Andrew could stoop so low to dapinv his own wife, showed that he was not deserving of her.

He was still holding her hand when he heard the door, he dropped her hand immediately and stood up almost immediately, pretendingbto check her temperature.

"Who are you? Came a familiar voice, it was Andrew, Joseph hadn't expected him to come to the hospital after all he did.

Joseph changed his voice to sound more masculine.

"I am an assistant to Doctor Walter,  I came in to check on this patient for him, since he was busy with another patient.

"You can leave now, since she is sleeping" Andrew said, not feeling very comfortable with the  person standing infront of him.

Joseph adjusted the Cannula a d adjusted his glasses before leaving.

"If I am not sure that bastard was dead, I would have thought it was him, they have same body built"

Andrew said and sat in the seat, he left.

Joseph also heard what he said and rushed to Walter to tell him what had Doctor Walter had to go into the room immediately feigning anger.

"I never thought you would have the guts to show your face here? He spoke angrilly the moment he opened the door.

"How could you do this to a pregnant woman, you almost killed her you know"

Anna heard the noise and also heard Andrew's voice, she didn't want to open her eyes so she pretended to still be sleeping.

"She is my wife, what I do with her is none of your business. He answered arrogantly.

"When the law catches up with you, make sure you tell them that it is not their business.

"I am the law, now Doctor Walter or whatever you call yourself, I am sure you won't want to see me angry, if you don't want to see an angry man in action, just stop talking and get the hell out of here.

"I am sorry I cannot do that, you should not be left alone with her, you are a threat to her life and I cannot allow you stay with her, you have to leave now.

"I think you don't like your job here" Andrew threatened.

"My first job is to save life"

The argument was becoming too much that Joseph couldn't stay in hiding anymore, he could hear them from Walter's office, he came out and so did some nurses and even doctors in other departments.

Anna could feel theur noise increasings d she knew soon there would be chaos, she was still trying to hide herself from the pryi g eye of people she didn't even want anyone to know her husband was the one that did it to her, she opened her eyes fully and the first person she saw was Joseph, she looked at him again and again.

Joseph saw her too and immediately put his face down, he may have disguised himself, but his eyes were giving him away, he may not need to come out to the hospital again after now.

"Allow him Doctor" Anna spoke with difficulty, but it held so much weight because every one turned to look at her and soon everywhere became calm.

"Are you sure? Doctor Walter ask her, searching her face to get even a glimpse of hesitation.

"Yes I am sure, allow him"

"Nurses soon started going back since the situation was now under control, Joseph didn't want to stick around any more, he also left.

When they were both left alone, Anna spoke up.

"Are you here to finish what you started at home? She asked wearily, with tears locking around her eye lids.

"I came to apologise" he said surprising her.

I am so sorry, I really didn't know what came over me, I am sorry not because I want you back, but because I hit you.

I should never have done that, that was so not me, you know I don't behave like that, I was just angry and it made me over react.

Please forgive me;

Anna was happy that he was apologising, she didn't even want him to apologise, she just wanted him to forgive her and accept her back, but she was not sure if her wish would ever happen.

"You know you don't have to apologise to me, I am the one who should be apologising, I brought this on us, I deserve whatever it is I am getting now, please forgive me for making you so angry, please j beg you.

He smiled and kissed her crown.

"I have forgiven you, just that, there is only one problem"

"What is it.

"This pregnancy is the problem" he said pointing  to her belly"

"How do you mean?

"I want it aborted, get rid of this baby and then we will be happy once again, Eveything will be back to normal and we can live as one family with Angel. Just the way we use to be.

Anna started to weep, she thought he had dropped that issue of getting rid of the pregnancy, she was five months pregnant for crying out loud and yet her husband wanted her to kill her own flesh and blood.

"You hate the father so much, but you forget that my flesh and blood also run in them"

"Them? He asked not sure why she used the plural expression.

"Yes, I am carrying two little ones in me, two humans, they have their rights too, they are going to grow to be great kids, why would you want to kill them when they are so innocent.

Andrew stood up  a d walked to the door, I have told you, you either abort or I will never forgive you and wether you like it or not, I will still have my way.

He walked out and she started weeeping again.

"This is crazy, I cannot kill them, it is a sin against humanity.

Petranilla is right, I can never have my peace, I need to leave as soon as possible.

She was still thinking when her mother walked in.

"Mother, please I need you to help me with some money" she said.

"What do you need money for?

"I want to travel, my husband and his father have frozen my account, I don't have any money of my own.

"That does not answer my question, what do you need money for?

"I need to leave, I need to leave this town, I need to go as far away as possible"

She started crying again.

"Please stop crying, calm down and tell me what happened and why you think you need to run away.

Your father's house is there, even if you need to go somewhere, our house is your house.

"Andrew has gone mad, he won't let me rest, I just need a place to be until I can have my babies and be sure they are safe, then j can come out.

He said I should abort this pregnancy, I refused, and he threatened that even if I don't, he was still going to have his way, they need to be safe, I need to keep them safe.

" Is that not mad, how can he say something like that, look Anna, don't worry I will report to the appropriate Authority, you cannot run away to anywhere.

Her mother called her father and narrated everything to him on the phone, he also called the corps and they came, after taking down her statement at the hospital, she thought she would be safe, because she had already made up her mind not to go back to his house, but she was shocked to find the entire Anderson squared in the hospital with the police officers that have taken down her statement.

"So you have the guts to tell the world your shameless act, you could not even hide yourself even when we were trying to hide you, I will not warn you again, if I hear anything from you reporting me or my son to anybody, I will send you to where the father of your kids have gone" Mr Anderson said and walked out, Peter and Paul walked out while Anthony followed behind, she looked around to see if she would see Miles, but he was not there, her mother and father remained speechless, they didn't know how it happened that their ones very good inlaws became their enemies.

When they were out of the room, Anna broke into tears again.

"Mother, you see, there is no escape, they are all in it together, they would never let me be, please I need your help.

"What if I can help you?

Doctor Walter came in with Joseph.

"I can take you to a place very far away and keep you safe there,  until your babies are born.

"How can I trust you, I don't trust doctors, they are all the same, I once trusted someone and he used me to get even with another and that have kept me where I am today.

Joseph looked down knowing she was referring to him.