
Predators - Book 1

In a world where vampires and humans now coexist despite their differences. Until things get complicated.

HoneyTrap · TV
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5 Chs



220 years prior (1800)

It was the year 1800 on a rainy night. In the state of South Carolina, there lived a child, a mulatto child named Samara. Samara was sold into slavery at the mere age of 2 because her mother was white and her father was black. Unfortunately, the white people in town were sickened by the 'monstrosity' created.

That lead to men setting their house on fire and killing her father while her mother had to watch. Samara was sold to a slave master named William, he was 32 years old and inherited his property from his father.

William was what people would call a semi-decent slave owner, he wasn't as cruel as the others but he was still a slave master. Never did the dirty work of whipping or killing them but only gave the orders. Usually, no torture unless you tried to run away or interfere with the sickening festivities that went on at night between slaves and overseers.

When Samara was sold to his plantation he ordered the white caretakers to take care of her until she was old enough to work. Samara grew up to be a sweet girl eventually forgetting her mother and father even existed, only knowing her caretakers and Master William.

By the age of 12 Samara had become friends with Master William's daughters, and had taught her to read, write, and how to speak fluent French.

Samara was a house slave of course and if you asked any other slave they would say she had special treatment, from eating better meals to being adored by her own Mistress. She was the most beautiful girl in the house, more stunning than the white women in the house by age 15.

Master William eventually died from Cholera after a trip from New York at age 46, so then his eldest son, Michael had taken over. He and his wife Margaret, a nice white lady who also grew up in South Carolina.

"Aren't you a beauty." was the first thing Mistress Margaret ever said to Samara as she met all of the slaves along with her moody husband. She was a sweet lady but every slave knew that no matter how nice they were to you always know your place.

Master Michael noticed Samara around the house since he was only a teenager and now he is a 22-year-old man. He and everyone else knew she was absolutely gorgeous and privileged because his father favored her for being half white and smart.

Samara hadn't realized that when her first master died that her entire life would turn around along with the hundreds of other slaves that lived on one of the largest plantations.

After a week the Master had hired different overseers and bought more slaves, he felt some people were getting a bit old. The new overseers were mean and they yelled a lot, treated the slaves worse than nothing.

One day Samara was serving wine at dinner per usual, and the men said inappropriate things that even at the tender age of 16 she didn't know the meaning. Mistress Margaret told them sternly to quit it and they listened immediately continuing conversation amongst themselves.

"Mara, be a dear and refill my cup." Master's strong southern accent called for her. She obliged sauntering to her Master with a bottle of wine. She leaned over in her light green bustle dress that house slave females of her status wore compared to the rags of field hands.

Master Michael had no shame in looking towards her breasts that spilled out of the top and placing his hand on her derriere. She accidentally spilled Mistress' wine on the table at the action and her eyes widened.

"My apologies Mistress." She immediately went to clean her dress with a cloth and Margaret only sighed.

"It's fine Samara. I think I'm going to call it a night anyway. Be more careful next time." She stood to her feet and Samara moved back against the wall with the other slaves, "Come to bed soon?" She asks her husband he nodded as she kissed him.

But Michael had other plans before going to bed with his wife and they included the forbidden fruit.

Later when Samara was away in her room she heard a light knock at the door. Assuming it was probably one of the twins that she grew up with she called them in.

Her back was facing the person as she removed her jewelry and pulling up her long loose curly hair. She turned with a smile as the door closed and then her smile faltered quickly when instead she was met with her Master.

"O-OH, Master is it my night to put the children to sleep?" She thought she had forgotten to do one of her duties, he only smiled at her. Slowly walking until he made his way in front of her.

"Of course not Mara." His voice was low and Samara swallowed when his hand came to place a stray curl behind her ear, her light brown eyes dragging to the floor. She knew this was wrong, she knew his intentions.

He lifted her chin so she could look into his green eyes, Master was an attractive young man much better looking than his friends who often flirted with her and touched inappropriately. Samara was never 100% sure what happened to the female slaves outside of the house but it never sounded appealing.

"I want you to be really quiet Mara." He whispered into her ear before placing a kiss on her neck, she couldn't quite decipher the feeling she got from the action but she also felt like this wasn't right. Samara didn't answer only nodded and he smiled at her cooperation.

He guided her backward toward the bed and pushed her to lay down lightly. She didn't know what to do so she just laid there silently staring up at the ceiling, as he pulled off his suspenders and got rid of his pants.

Samara didn't know that this was a normal act of female slaves, whether by choice or force. And until she felt his soft and careful kisses on her neck and lips she was carefree. Until heard the mixture of vulgar and sweet nothings he whispered into her ear she knew only kindness. And until she felt the pain of him slowly entering her and her the tears rolling down her face she was an innocent child.

That night changed her life, a full 180. She had eventually bore a child at the age of 16. Though some knew, they would never even look in Master Michael's direction when he was around her which became often. She knew never to tell anyone the baby was his, every slave knew to never point a finger at a white man even if the baby itself was obviously mulatto.

Mistress Magaret even knew, but she had even denied herself to think it. She began to despise young Samara for being able to carry a child that she couldn't. He had an unspoken claim on Samara, no one else ever looked at her inappropriately any more.

Samara was easily manipulated and naive, whenever he asked her to do a sexual favor she would feel guilty to even think of saying no. Occasionally became often after she got pregnant, and often became every other day.

She had a beautiful baby girl named Dominique but never gave her a last-name. Dominique had no melanin after birth, the doctor was even a bit shocked. She looked exactly like her father, with her mother's eyes.

Samara felt like she now had a purpose in her life, she had something to look forward to besides a rendevous with the Master.

He visited her and the baby often but Samara was never allowed to let anyone see the baby as ordered by Master. He knew it would raise eyebrows even if they would never say anything.

"She is...so small." he whispered low enough for Samara to hear as she stood on the other side of the room watching him interact with her baby. Her hands were shaking, her hairline sweating from nervousness. She feared he would take her because it happened quite often in the slave business, mothers torn away from their children.

"Y-yes, she will gain more as she eats," Samara says heart beating out of her chest. Michael let out a long sigh holding the day old baby in one hand as she slept.

"Why are you nervous Mara?" his Southern accent was low and his eyes never looked away from the baby. She was always easy to read when it came to him.

"W-well Michael, are you gonna sell her when she comes of age?" Samara teared up when she said the sentence out loud and he was taken back by her question.

"I would never sell our baby, Samara. She probably won't even look black to anyone, she's growing blonde hair for Christ's sake." His answer relieved her, all her worry washed away. She didn't want her to grow up here and call her own father Master.

"What does Mistress Margaret say?" Samara feared her actions also, ever since she stopped acknowledging her. "It doesn't matter, she's my wife and what I say goes and that goes for you too." Michael raised his voice a little at the end making her cower.

He knew he didn't have to ever yell at Samara because she was always a deer in the headlights and would cry at a slight tone change, the only slave who never thought about running.

"Look, Mara, you know I love you. You're the only woman I have ever cared about since my mother, I would never hurt you. But you will keep your mouth shut, no one can know for sure." He says and she nods.

As the years went on Samara grew into a woman and understood more than she did before. She even gained more leniency from Michael who still came to see her and the child after hours. Dominique was a quiet child even as just a toddler, she was only allowed out during certain hours of the day and she ate in her room.

Michael adored her and she adored him, they were inseparable and Mara always knew she favored him more. She had never thought she would be the disciplining parent but she was, Michael never told her no. She called him papa freely and loved when he read her stories, Samara despised their relationship because she never had it.

Michael still sought out pleasure in Samara which was rare after a slave became pregnant, he only wanted her. And Samara decided long ago to just accept that and she grew fond of having sex with him because it honestly wasn't bad and he was very selfless and caring during.

When she was around 25 and Dominique was 9 years old, Samara got pregnant again. At this point in time, the fact that they shared a child was no secret, and Dominique was allowed to roam freely and play.

Samara was pregnant longer this time around, she was bigger. When she gave birth to another girl and it nearly killed her, and she was on bed rest for about a week. Michael had named her Anais so he could call her Anna like his mother.

Anais was a crybaby, and she constantly needed attention. She would keep the whole house up and it drove Mistress Margaret crazy. Dominique never felt neglected when all of the attention was on her baby sister but a little sad.

When she would wake up and cry at night she would take her from her bed and sing her a song until she fell back asleep. They had a wondrous relationship.

When Samara caught the fever she died when Anais was only 6 and Dominique was 16. Michael was devastated and so were the girls. He didn't visit them at night anymore and they weren't allowed in his office in the day time.

Mistress Margaret took it upon herself to get rid of them when he hit rock bottom and his brother took over. She attempted to sell the beautiful fair children as concubines because mulatto girls were often desired by white men. But there was a very high chance they would forever be separated.

"I want my daddy." Anais began to tear up and this began to upset the Mistress, she rose her hand to strike the child but was stopped by a voice nearby.

"I don't think that is very wise." He says catching her attention, she snatched the girls closer and scowled at the tall attractive man and his horse.

"They're my property, what business of yours is it what I seek to do with them?" His eyes looked towards the older girl who held a hard frown on her face and then the smaller child who cried.

"I suppose you're right, but if you wish to treat them unfairly then I want to propose a deal. You give them to me and name your price." She was shocked at his words but quickly gathered herself.

"$100 each." He was a little shocked by her low price of mulatto children guessing they meant nothing to her. He pulled the money out of a bag on his horse and tossed it to her. She looked up dumbfounded and happily shoved the children towards him and left to her horse in a hurry.

Anais cowered behind Dominique who still held up her tough facade yet he could sense their fear. He felt out his hand and gave the girls a polite smile.

"Hi, my name is Arry Baratheon. Don't worry you both are free." Dominique hesitantly shook his hand before allowing Anais to do the same.

"There someone I'd like you two to meet. I want you to come home with me, I promise you're free to come and go as you please." Anais smiled at him and he smiled back at her.



"Remember don't tell Isaiah where I am, if he asks then I'm in the meadow. But I should be home before them." Anais nodded, she was honestly starting to get annoyed trying to cover up for her older sister but she did because she loved her.

Dominique fell in love, she often went to see a boy named Evan who was 19 years old only one year older than her. She had been hiding it from Arry and Isaiah for a month now because she wasn't allowed to associate with anyone because they feared her safety and because she was now a vampire. It was a cruel world and they moved very often so attachments wouldn't be the best thing.

Arry and Isaiah had left to feed at around the same time every day with the specific rules of don't leave the house and don't let anyone in. Dominique had always been a bit rebellious and it was very common in early vampires, she was only allowed to drink the blood they gave her and absolutely no human contact outside of Ana.

The girls looked to the two vampires as their parents after their mother died, Anais was infatuated with what they were and had a close attachment with Arry. He read to her like her father would and she fell asleep in his arms almost every night.

Isaiah and Dominique got along pretty well when he wasn't telling her what to do, it was like her pet peeve. They went horseback riding together and he taught her to play the piano, she would often sing and everyone would listen. But her and Arry's relationship was a bit of a love-hate. She despised him when he wouldn't stop Brienne from hurting her. But that is a story for another day.

They butted heads ever since the situation but Brienne was gone now. Dom had a rebuttal for everything he asked or said. Most days they wouldn't talk to each other but every so often he would give her a gift which she appreciated and they would get along only for that day.

It upset her that she would have to watch her 9-year-old sister while they ran their errands because Anais was quite annoying. She could talk your ear off and she was very sensitive, she'd often blackmail Dominque to get what she wanted. She could never understand how Arry dealt with her rambling all day without snapping.

Dominique slipped out of the back door, she untied her horse that she named Otis, and saddled him up. She got on and immediately got him to run in the direction she wished. When they were a mile out into the woods they reached a waterfall that poured into a calm lake.

Dominique got down and tied Otis up rewarding him with an apple. "You're late." she smirked at the voice turning to see the handsome boy.

She immediately jumped into his arms and he spun her around in their tight hug. She had only known him for a month yet they were in love and the Rendevous only made it much more exciting. She had a fear of hurting him by accident.

Dominique knew everything about Evan but he didn't know much about her family or anything just that she has a younger sister and 2 older brothers as she explained.

"God, I missed you, my love." Evan breathes out before placing a careful kiss on her lips, they lied down on the covers and pillows Evan often set up for them to talk and watch the waterfall.

"I want you to stay with me, I promise I'll prove to your brothers that I am trustworthy. I want you, I promise you can see them whenever you like." Evan said with pleading eyes, she always dreaded when he brought it up because it would bring her to the fucked up reality.

"I guess I can ask them for their blessing." She finally agreed though she wasn't sure when considering the fact that they didn't even know of him yet. They talked for 30 minutes and eventually she fell asleep in his arms, something she never did before but she had been so exhausted.

After an hour she woke up from her sleep she wasn't lying on Evan anymore, and it was beginning to get dark outside. She panicked, quickly taking out her wristwatch and looking at the time and she knew she was fucked.

"I never thought it would be you who disappointed me, Dom." Her head snapped in the direction of Arry, Isaiah, and Ana. Isaiah was holding Evan by the back of the neck and she could see the fear on his face and it matched the look on hers.

Anais held her head down in shame, she had no choice but to tell of her sister's whereabouts because even she grew worried when she didn't return home.

"Mika." Evan shuddered and she didn't know what to do, she was no match for them and she feared what they would do to him. So she begged.

"Please... let him go. This is all my fault, please don't hurt him." She said with wide eyes never removing them from Evan. Isaiah was angry, he was angry that she would keep something so important from him and not even ask. So many things were running through his head as they searched for her.

"You've shown me time and time again that I can't trust you. What if something had happened Dom!" Isaiah had never yelled at her until now and she flinched at the base of his voice. "Do you know what they do to people like us? Do you know you could've killed him?" If they had been in the house she was positive it would shake from his voice.

Arry only stood there with a hand on Anais' back to comfort her as she hid in his legs. For the first time, she looked to him with pleading eyes. He sympathized with her situation but he could see where Isaiah was coming from.

"You wouldn't have let me be with him, I just wanted this one thing. I love him, Arry please." She knew she couldn't reason with Isaiah once he made up his mind.

"C'mon Isaiah, let him go." Arry said weakly when his grip tightened making Evan whimper in pain. Isaiah couldn't shake the feeling of something possibly happening to one of the girls.

"Fine. If you love him then you'll understand why." She couldn't understand what he meant by that until his opposite hand gripped Evan's face. Dom's face fell and she began to run towards Isaiah but Arry sped towards her and held her from stopping him.

"Isaiah please don't." She pleaded but he blocked her out now face to face with Evan. "You will forget everything that happened here once we leave, all you remember is that you came to watch the waterfall alone and feel asleep. And you forget about Dominique and the rest of us, you will forget that you love her and never return here." Dominique sobbed as she watched Isaiah wipe his memory of her.

"I won't remember anything that happened here, I came to watch the waterfall and fell asleep. I will never return here." Evan's voice was robotic and monotone as he repeated his duty to Isaiah.

Dom cried out as he walked past her as if nothing happened and got on his horse, she dropped to her knees letting her tears fall to the ground.

"Wipe away your tears, Mika. We have to move so hurry up. Look at this as a lesson Ana, don't be like your sister." Isaiah says walking away from the scene.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know. This was very hard to write, I hope I didn't offend or trigger anyone. Thank you for reading.

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