

Our MC is reincarnated into the Marvel Universe with a select group of abilities and a golden finger. He'll travel the multiverse getting rebirth after every lifetime and go to a new world, exploring the multiverse in all its glory

Adramelech · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

Research Progression

When a deal was struck with Shield, they quickly kept their end of they bargain and provided funds to further my research and introduced me to many scientific geniuses that could teach me new things and further my research. I was even able to but the neighboring warehouse and expand my lab and factory by combining the buildings. The even provided the latest machines to help me get the best results faster and even equipment to raise my production speed.

One of the scientists I met was the famous Otto Octavius. He was a big help in furthering my research into many fields. From the Extremist virus to the super soldiers serum and even the animal research from the High Evolutionary. Even my tech saw heavy improvements.

I was able to improve the effectiveness of my healing stem shot and increase to boosts granted by my boosting stem shot as well as increase the time limit for how long it lasts. It now lasts for an entire 30 minutes instead of the previous ten. Sadly, it still took a toll on the body and should be used sparingly. The Barrier Belts now have a stronger shield and contain an improved battery that acts just like the small Ark reactor. I even developed a kind of slim fit exoskeleton body armor. It looked just like a normal elastic body suit. Like the Batman suit in Batman Beyond. I even developed a railgun like weapon, but it could only be used by Shield agents.

I had of course patented these designs, but when General Ross came and tried to get them for the military, as soon as he heard that I had already signed an exclusive contract with Shield, he quickly lost his cool and tried to call Coulson or Fury. I guess he would know about them since he was a general and most likely ran into them a couple times in the past. He even tried to turn the previous contracts we had into exclusive ones out of spite, but I told them I already signed a contracted with shield about those too. He left in a huff after.

I also improved the military super soldier serum and the Green Goblin serum. The increase to their targeted areas were increase exponentially. At the same time, I was able to reduce the negative effects they would have on the rest of the body. I also completed the Extremist virus and was now trying to make it more stable.

With my advancement with the research I obtained from the High Evolutionary, I started experimenting with animal dna and trying to get them to fuse perfectly in order to create and alpha species. During these experiments, I managed to improve the suppressant and was close to making the cure. Whenever I got low on the dna samples, I would just replicate more of it. This allowed my to experiment with no end in sight.

I had also sent out my drones again after I improved them again. They were able to hold more while being smaller. They were also more stealthy. They couldn't be seen or heard and were even shielded from the detection of other machines. I had them target certain mutants again. One was Mystique as her dna could facilitate the merging of different dna strands with less of a chance of rejection. I also found out that I was in a timeline where Juggernaut is a mutant born with his powers and who is not and agent of Cyttorak. I also had a few target mutants with powers that allowed them to create, control and manipulate fire or electricity.

I also sent one to get dna samples from the remains of one Sebastian Shaw that was still located on an island close to the international water line and close to Cuba. With some research about the Cuban Missile Crisis and some satellite imagery, I was able to pinpoint the island's location.

With all this going on, I was always busy, but I still made an effort to spend time with my family including the girls. This made my mother happy and she was a lot less stressed with two girls to take care of and cuddle.

I also gave some upgrades to my suit and Thoth. Thoth had a complete overhaul. Him weapons now favored combat from a distance and was able to fire lasers, fire, disruptors, poison and darts. Even his blades were changed into bigger swords that could fuse like Cloud Strife's sword in the Advent Children movie.

As for my suit and glider, I increase their power storage and intensity. All the weapons were able to put out a lot more damage and had an increased range. I even gave them weapons like Thoth's. They were able to release flames, poison smoke, disruptors and darts.

Time passed and it would soon be my birthday. It was couple of months away, but already I started seeing that dream again and every time I would try to escape the creature, but it would catch me every time. As time past, my body began to change more and more. I had to develop a suppressant for my mutations.

During one of these nights, as I slept, I found myself aware and in a dark space and in this space there was a portal which lead to the area from my previous dreams. Beside the portal was a glowing figure standing there, looking at me.

"Hello again, lost soul. Or should I call you Vincent now?"(God?)

"God?! What are you doing here?"(Vincent)

"Well I'm not really here. This is just an avatar that I made to explain things to you as your mutant abilities are starting to awaken."(God?)

"Is that really necessary?"(Vincent)

"Yes. As you are aware by now, your powers are progressing as you sleep. In your dreams, you are hunted by the avatar of your mutant traits and their primal instincts. As you were too weak, the instincts avatar has won against you started to corrupt your body. If it keeps on going, you'll be just like Waylon Jones was and may end up losing yourself to the green. At the same time, due it encroaching upon your physical body, you've become strong enough to stand a chance against the creatures in the hunting dimension."(God?)

I was still in shock about the news revealed to me. I was aware it was a possibility based off of what was happening, but to hear about it like this added a lot more weight to the subject. With God?'s explanation over, I ask for any thing else I should know.

"There were also some changes to the Pocket Hunting Dimension, that I made to fit with your mutant abilities and your current world. In line with your abilities and with the fact that there is no mana or qi in the air, I've removed the orbs that contained the creatures' energy and instead trapped it in the meat of the beast. So you'll have to eat the beast to obtain any power from them and in tandem to this, I've made it so that the beasts no longer disappear or turn to dust when they die. As for the skinning and cooking, you'll have to figure that out yourself. And while it's still possible to get energy from their meat after it's been cooked, most the energy would have dissipated by then, leaving only a fraction of its true value. So, it's best when eaten raw. Your mutation should have already affected your teeth, nails, and organs, so it should be fine. You'll just have to get used to the idea of eating raw meat. Even the terrain has been changed to fit your mutations. With all these changes, I changed the name to into the Hunting Grounds. Also with every new world and new species you meet, the more this dimension will expand to include new species to hunt. Each species place a different focus on how they develop and as a result will affect what kind of boosts you will receive upon eating it."(God?)

This news was indeed troubling, but I could manage it with some practice. Besides that, I'll need to progress my research and start administering the serum into my body. With every question answered, I quickly say my goodbyes to God? and headed into the Hunting Grounds.