

Our MC is reincarnated into the Marvel Universe with a select group of abilities and a golden finger. He'll travel the multiverse getting rebirth after every lifetime and go to a new world, exploring the multiverse in all its glory

Adramelech · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

Ending the Stasis

While in stealth, I chose to reroute all me armor's power into my cutting lasers on my hands. The red ones that I took from Tony's Ironman suit. With it charged, I fly forward to the underside of the beast and release the laser. The laser shot up and cut through the lion's tough hide like a heated knife through butter. As I continued to fly forward, the laser dragged along, cutting through the beast's body. There was a massive amount of blood being spilled from the wound. The lion roared in pain till it lost its strength and died.

With the beast dead, I grab Thoth from the ground and raise the glider as high as possible from the ground. While it was in stealth mode, I had to rest, as my armor's energy supply was depleted. It took about an hour for it to recharge completely. After that hour, all of our energy reserves were full again and we proceeded forward.

The rest of the floor was the same. We ran into multiple beasts. All of which, were powerful and contained a lot of power. We even ran into creatures capable of flight. The flying creatures were hard to handle as, while they didn't have strong hides, the traveled in groups of 2 or more and were fast. I even got knocked off my glider at one point.

When we finished off all the creatures, we had to rest again. During this time my parents called me. I guess I had spent longer than I had intended trying to get all this research.

While answering the call, we entered into the lab room and started copying down all the files into Thoth's databanks.

"Vincent, where are you? How long does it take to get that research you were after? You should've been back by now so that we can start our family bonding."(Mother)

"Sorry, mom. We ran into a bit of a hiccup. There's an incident over where I'm at and I'm trying to rescue these people and waiting for some government agents to arrive and help out."(Vincent)

"Incident? Saving people? Government agents?! Vincent Sobek Howlett, you better start explaining things properly right this instant!"(Mother)

Yikes. Probably should've kept that a secret. Well, there's no medicine for regret.

"Alright. So, you know the research I was after and about my research I explained to you earlier? Well it seems that the guy whose research I'm looking for, was experimenting on human and animal evolution by mixing multiple creatures dna together with humans or using human dna in animals. During these experiments, it turns out that he kidnapped a lot of people to use as guinea pigs and a lot of them died, but even more of them are still alive, but kept in stasis and I don't know for how long they've been there. So, I contacted the government agency that has jurisdiction over these kinds of events to come help these people and I'm going through the madman's labs in order to gather his research in order to find a way to change them back to normal."(Vincent)

Yeah, let's not tell her about the giant beasts and multiple deadly traps that are trying to kill me. The shock, worry and horror on her face was enough of a sign to let me know that if I said anymore, she would faint and then she would tear me a new one later.

After calming her down, I explain that I'm alright, but that I wanted to help these people. She did try to convince me to leave and just let the authorities handle it since I already called them, but when I explained that they wouldn't be able to get into the place let alone find it with my help, she conceded, but told me to be safe. I told her that I would even though it was a lie, but just a little white lie in order to give some peace of mind.

With that out of the way, we continue to gather the research data on the creatures we fought, the failed experiments and the successes in storage. One thing that I didn't count on were the pair of humans in stasis on this floor. They were twin girls and showed some slight mutations due to the experiments. I had thought that the High Evolutionary had stopped all human experiments, but I guess with all the new findings with his animal cases, he tried humans again. Based off of the files on their monitors we were able to acquire the research notes and video files of the experiments' process. This let us know what they had went through and what traits to expect them to exhibit.

The downside is that we also found out that sooner or later they were going to face symptoms of their bodies rejecting the animal dna. This could cause their bodies to become unstable and they could end up looking like the grotesque failures from the previous floors and then most likely die. I hoped that with all the new research I had obtained, that I would be able to help them.

These twins were just young girls, taken when they came here on a family trip. Due to the stasis, they seemed to remain young and seemed to be around my age. They were about 2 years younger than me. We check the rest of the containers for anymore humans, but all the rest are beats. I guess these were the only survivors.

After confirming that we have obtained all the available research, we quickly dispose of all the beasts and then start purging the containers that contain the twins. When the containers have been purged , we open them and check on the girls. When the regained consciousness, they were a little groggy and couldn't stand. When they finally opened up their eyes and saw the helmet on my face, they got scared and tried to move away, but they couldn't control their bodies well enough yet.

I quickly removed my helmet and showed my face. When they saw my face, they calmed down a little as they had previously thought I was one of the other experiments. They were still skeptical though as they didn't know who we were and remembered all the things they had gone through. I quickly tried to calm them down and explain what was happening.

When they heard that I was going to help them and release all the humans that were experimented on and hopefully reverse what had happened to them, they were happy and had a hopeful look on their faces.

Once they were calmed down, I got a couple of the Stem Shots from my glider and injected them with the healing shot and the boosting shot. These healed any hidden injuries and strengthened their muscles in order to give them the strength to move. After the shots kicked in, we headed back up through the lift and started to go to the storage rooms of the first three floors in order to free the other people. When they woke up, I had to explain the situation to them and give them Stem Shots so we can continue to move.

After the second floor's storage room was empty, I ran out of Stem Shots and had to get people to support the people from the first floor. With everyone boarded on the lift, the lift was even slower than normal as it strained to lift all the people on board. We most likely surpassed the weight limit, but Thoth was controlling the lift and made it continue its slow trek.

At the top of the entrance tunnel, we had everyone file out of the cabin and stand in its front yard. After everyone was out, I called Coulson again. When the call connected, I explain the number of people we had and asked if he had brought enough transportation for all of them. He said that they would need to take a couple trips but we could move all the people away from the mountain. Due to the underground uranium deposits, this whole mountain was radioactive and prolonged exposure could lead to further complications with the state their bodies were in. The only reason they hadn't experienced these problems already was due to the green fluid they were trapped in and the shielding that covered the facility.

It took another 30 minutes before we saw the helicopters in the air. I had already placed my helmet back on my face when we were exiting the cabin. There's no reason to make it easier for them to figure out who I was. I also had Thoth go back to my hotel so that they wont see him. Many people have seen him by my side during my regular days. I also had him bring the twins with him.

When we talked to the people to see if anyone knew each other and tried to find the parents of the girls as they were also taken with the girls. I didn't see them on the last floor and since they were taken at the same, they should've been in the same experiments as the girls, but we were hoping that their parents would've just been stored on the earlier floors. Sadly, as we assumed, their parents weren't within the people that survived. They quickly broke down in tears. I tried to comfort, but that wasn't really possible while I was in this armor, so I had to ask them to travel with Thoth so they can go to my parents. I was hoping that with Thoth's explanation, they would understand and take care of the girls. They did want to have children that they could actually treat as a child and these girls would need some pampering.