
Predator of Love

In this world where Traits are determined when you have awakened, what would happen if someone possesses the power to increase the might of others, but it'll only apply to women? What would happen if that power falls into a young 16 years old naive boy who has been constantly shielded by his mother and sisters? (Contain tags such as Yandere, Milf and so much more to be rediscovered) (https://discord.gg/pDSA4GqT)

ADboy245 · Fantasie
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38 Chs

24 and 25

"Why are you hesitating, my dear daughter?" A manly voice echoed in a room so dark that you can't see anything but the lurk of shadow. And behind the man, a familiar face could be seen, and it was the Empress who was a teen beforehand. 

A Flood of tears was running down her eyes as her hands trembled uncontrollably. Her clothes were stained by the blood of her relatives, but despite the kill, she hesitated to kill her father...the person who she grew up with and the person that supported her to walk when she was still a baby. 

She didn't know why but at some point in time, her father changed drastically and the cause was unknown. But at this point, she can't hesitate after discovering the hideous crime his father did, and on top of that, the brutality her family lineage imposes on others. 

"Didn't you make this decision? Why hesitate after killing all of the family lineages?" The man said once more without any shred of fear, it's as though he saw it coming. 

"W-Why did you commit those crimes!? Why did you torture our own families, and even myself? Why did you even kidnap children from different species and experiment with them? Why did you do all of these!!?? Do you know mother wouldn't be proud!? Worse of all, why did you permit all lineage in committing hideous acts without the public knowing!?" Layla shouted at the top of her lungs. 

"....." The man became silent for a moment before he gazed at the ceiling above where all memories related to his First Wife. The thought of her being alive was his number one wish, but even he wasn't ignorant enough to realize that Death can't be alive again. Thus, streaks of tears river down.

"Why indeed...and of course, your mother wouldn't be proud of what I had done. But...I had to do this...Believe it or not Layla, everything that I had done was for the sake of Earth and the evolution of Abilities!" The man exclaimed in sadness. 

"Cut your bullshit! What did you mean by the sake of Earth? Torturing thousands of children, men, women, and the Elderlies and you call that for the sake of Earth!? Why don't you just die for the sake of Earth as well!?" 

Layla could no longer withstand the doings of her father, hence, grabbing a sword that appears out of nowhere, she rushed toward her father and stabbed him in the gut. 

"Gugh!?" The man was shocked by the pain, but he never screamed since he had already prepared for the outcome. 

Despite stabbing the man, Layla cried with deep sadness and as she gazed at his face, her father smiled in happiness. 

*Breathing Heavily*

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, but what matters is that I have always loved you. You do know that I loved your mother quite frantically, and I made a promise to her that I would let no harm shall befall you. This is why I didn't dare let you enter into my world of shrewdness, and despite the extreme treatment you received, I thought you needed it because I wanted you to prepare for becoming the...Empress" 

"In the end, I did what I had to do because I wanted to protect you...do what you must to increase your achievements. Use my head if you need to appease other rulers of another world. Above all, a discovery awaits at the bottom of the lab where I have finally found the key to the evolution of Abilities" 

The last action her father did was caress her face before taking his last breath. Witnessing his death, Layla eventually cried out as the bloodshed finally ended. 

Months after that, she began rebuilding the Empire, at the same time, she terminated and massacred all organizations related to kidnappings of other species. Most importantly, she presented her father and her relatives'heads to appease the rulers since their people were kidnapped for the sake of experimenting. 

Although the rulers accepted her offer, it took quite some time to ease their wrath. 

Nevertheless, to bring the final good and wishes of his father, she accepted the key to the evolution of abilities and presented it to the researchers. From there, just with that 'Key' alone, countless inventions were discovered, and it made her popularity grow. 

To this very day, the one thing Layla couldn't understand is why did her father have to experiment on other species when he could have done less brutality and pain. The concept and creation of the 'Key' aren't complicated, and it only needs 2 important factors.

Other than that, there's no need to be so brutal and violent. She felt like something was disturbing him, and making him feel so rushed. But she couldn't point out what made him feel that way. 

Subsequently, all of these events made her skeptical about the idea of starting a family, and no man has caught her eye. At the same time, the thought of marrying a guy is not something she favoured, however, she wishes for a family and a child to care for. 

In the end, little Danny came into her life when her best friend brought him to introduce her to him. Well, what can it be said other than she enjoying her time with him?

With Daniel's heartwarming love, Layla finally found familial love, and she treated him with lots of care. If she wasn't so busy with her task as an Empress, she'd have visited him every day. 

If a word could describe what Layla is to Daniel, it would be godmother.  If anything happened to Melaria and the sisters, Melaria initiated Layla to take care of Daniel, and she promised her life with it.

Although it might not seem like it, the only person Melaria trusts to take care of her son would be her best friend. 

Otherwise, she wouldn't in a million chances allow her clan to take his custody which Layla is aware of what had happened between them. 

"Are you here to make me feel jealous or are you here to discuss matters related to him? Which one are you going to talk about? Melaria glared at the Empress, but Layla ignored it as though she was used to it after thousands of times trying to make her jealous. 

"Alright Alright, I'll talk about it okay?" She gave a mocking smile before revealing the reason behind this meeting. 

As Melaria demanded the time to start talking about the matter related to her son, Layla ceased her teasing act and showed a demeanor befitting the title Empress.

All of the cheery moods were gone, and her smiles turned down as her eyes turned serious with sparkles of aura showing how she was about to discuss a discreet matter.

"You already know why I decided to call you out here at the last minute, but I'll still tell you the reason behind it" Layla eyed Melaria as her body shivered for a second when she mentioned the word reason.

The reason behind it is how her son is involved in this once this discussion ends. Both the Empress and the 'Mother' of the child will take extreme precautions for his safety.

Layla is similar to Melaria when it comes to Daniel, though it may not be her child, she loved him as much as Melaria does. It's because of her standing as the Empress that she's restricted with her time.

Otherwise, she would fight with Melaria about Daniel. Furthermore, she does play a part when it comes to his safety and unlike Daniel, he doesn't realize that more than 1 mommy is watching over him.

"On Earth, there's nothing that could escape from my sight and ears. Every matter concerning the survival of Earth will never slip past right through me and that's why I'll take extra measures in defending our home from the forces of Void, and other Invaders beyond space"

"But there are so many things that I could handle at the same time which is why we signed a peace treaty with the other rulers of Space. However, you know that won't last long as even now, I could feel the promise of the treaty being held by a torn rope. And the only way to sustain it is by giving our support to them"

"But that isn't the main point of this. Aside from the support from Rulers, we have our sources of protection from Powerhouses, and the National Awakeners, and that's the reason why rulers wouldn't dare mess with us. A single national awakener has the power to massacre millions of people within a second, and don't forget that my powers rival those of National Awakeners altogether"

"Why am I telling you this? Like I said earlier on, no rumors or news can slip past my ears, and so, I heard Daniel's potential is like those National Awakeners?"

Layla folded her arms with her left leg over her right leg. She stared at Melania, wanting to hear her thoughts about this. She was smiling as though she was proud of Daniel.

"Sigh, just like what you have said. Indeed, Daniel's potential rivals those with National Awakeners, and my eyes have seen its process, so there's no doubt, 'it' can be considered as National Awakening. But..."

Melaria has already realized what the Empress is trying to convey, and as much as she wanted, she wishes to avoid going down that route, otherwise, Daniel could be involved in something huge.

To add on, he still needs her when it comes to his trait, thus, she's quite conflicted.

"But...?" Layla raised her eyebrows in curiosity. As far as she's informed, she only knew of Daniel's potential, and nothing more than that.

She doesn't have any info of some sort about his abilities, but this conviction allowed her to have reasons for roping Daniel towards her.

For all of the years, she lost spending time with him, she wishes to recuperate by abusing her rights and power as the Empress which is something Melaria can't avoid.

Despite not being close to Daniel, the little time she spent with him is enough for her to be protective of him. And aside from her best friend, there's no one else that she can call a family.

Hence, having Daniel close to her is like raising her son which is something she depressingly wants to have. But no man can satisfy her ideal type, thus, she's a lonely mature woman waiting for someone to save her from the loneliness of love.

"But his abilities are unlike what you're expecting them to be...." Melaria took her time explaining what his abilities were related to.

Although even though she has no idea what kind of sexual abilities he has, that word alone is enough for Layla's expectations to decrease.

"Oh I see, that's kind of unexpected especially for someone like him. But even so, I'll still want this matter to resolve and there's no declining it" Layla smiled as she gave an order to Melaria, not as her friend but as the Empress.

Moreover, Layla wasn't disappointed in Daniel, it was just a bit unexpected when all of the flashbacks about certain events resurfaced.

She couldn't forget about those riots and executing criminal offenders for breaking the laws. It was a tough time even for someone like her as it was mentally exhausting. But in the end, she managed to pull through. Still, the thoughts of Daniel suffering from the effects of it concern her.

"Even if his abilities are that kind, I'll still enroll him into my Guild, where awakeners like him are taught and trained before they become part of the force that retaliates against Forces of Void, and Melaria, as much as you hated it, there's nothing you can do as this is Law that I created and abided"

"Hence, to be fair, once Daniel joins my guild, there's nothing you can do. Even your power and status are useless to bend the rules of the Guild I had created, not even Nobles or any powerhouses" Layla claimed with an extremely stern tone.

Melaria gritted her teeth with sorrow. She can't imagine how it would feel like living in the world without her son by her side. There was never once where she ever left his side, thus, knowing Daniel will be joining the guild where most of his time is taken away is akin to half of her soul being torn apart.

However, as much as she hated it, she knows better than anyone how beneficial it is to join the world's number one guild created by the Empress who is the headmaster herself.