
Power of Harvest

The grand doors of the enigmatic dungeon swing open, and the adventure begins. A flood of light washes over the crowd of people gathered outside, all eager to face the danger within and reap rewards on the other side!

Tempest_Quill · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
2 Chs

Chapter 1

In the famous Korean National Sport University gym in Seoul, South Korea, on a hot summer day, all that could be heard were grunts as men and women dedicated themselves to their exercises.

Amidst the sweaty atmosphere, a young man in his mid-twenties stands out with his blonde hair. With 60kg dumbbells clutched firmly in each hand, he breathes heavily, sweat glistening on his forehead as he is pushing his biceps to their absolute limit.

In the midst of his exertion, a familiar voice cuts through the air, interrupting his workout. "There you are, Tedd! Mrs. Shin has been looking for you." the voice calls out.

I turn around, a faint smirk curling my lips.

"Once again, Soo-Min, you're at the mercy of Mrs. Shin's demands?" I chuckle, my voice tinged with exhaustion.

"Friend, come on, you know I'm not doing this willingly. But those extra credits are essential for me to pass her class!"

Laughing, we share a knowing look, as I observe his visibly irritated expression.

"Alright alright, I'll change, and then we can head out together to see Mrs. Shin," I say, already having a slight suspicion as to why the Professor wants to see me. Thoughts of the upcoming Martial Art linger in my mind as I peel off my sweat-drenched sports shirt, unveiling my sculpted upper body.

On our way across the campus towards Mrs. Shin's office, Soo-Min inquires about her intentions.

"Any idea what the Witch wants to talk about?"

"Hmm, I presume it has something to do with the upcoming Martial Arts event," I reply. "She's been relentless in pushing me to participate."

Soo-Min nods, understanding the professor's determination.

"Well, it's no surprise after all the stories circulating about how you effortlessly overpowered multiple people during the party commotion!"

I sigh, "I know right? It's like I'm some kind of superhero or something."

"I wouldn't go that far." he says, rolling his eyes at my stupid confidence.

With a sigh, I reminisce about the incident that unfolded at the university party. It all happened as the university party reached its peak, a clash emerged between students from rival Martial Art clubs.

As the vibrant atmosphere at the party was disturbed by a verbal exchange, which was fueled by alcohol, between the opposing clubs, which escalated into a physical confrontation fueled by their competitive spirit and desire to impress others. The venue became a chaotic scene, as the students started fighting. Caught in the midst of the confrontation the partygoers found themselves caught in the middle of the fighting. As the students kicked and punched each other violently, it caused panic and endangering everyone near them. Amidst the sudden outbreak I found myself drawn into the commotion, driven by a strong duty and the surging adrenaline rush of the fight. With determined resolve, I charged into the fray, engaging in a fierce battle fighting off around thirty opponents. With precise jabs to the jaw and agile evasions of incoming kicks and punshes, I danced through the chaos, dodging punches and landing blows. Each movement knocked out opponent after opponent until the end, when everyone was knocked out and groaning on the floor.

The party commotion became the catalyst for my reputation among the students, exaggerating the story like a tale where I was the main character, bringing order with sheer dominance. Eventually news of the incident reached the professors, and Mrs. Shin, being the representative of the Martial Arts club, asked me to join the Martial Arts event to bring honor to our Sports University.

Knocking against the professor's door, a charming voice responds.

"Come on in, it's open."

"Hello Professor, I hear you called for me?"

Sitting before me is a captivating lady in her mid-forties, wearing a seemingly kind smile. However, beneath her pleasant facade, she is known as 'The Witch', infamous for her tough lectures and strict grading.

"You probably know why I've called you, Mr. Stormrider," she says.

I nod in acknowledgement.

"Well have you considered my request to join the upcoming Martial Arts event?" she inquires.

"My answer remains the same, I'll be returning to Germany next week as my semester abroad is coming to an end, so I have to decline" I reply.

Her eyes curve into a smile, but then she slams her hand on the desk and exclaims, "But this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! If you participate in the event, I'll personally ensure that your study abroad is extended by another semester."

I gasp in shock, aware of the time, cost and paperwork it involves to extend the stay for an exchange student. However, her offer fails to meet her desired response as I firmly say, "My answer still stands. I'll excuse myself then."

Visibly annoyed, she glares at me as the atmosphere turns chilly, "STAY RIGHT THERE! she shouts. "Give me your reason as to why you so vehemently refuse my request to participate. I'm even offering to extend your stay here in Korea."

Collecting my thoughts I give a crisp response "It's simply too boring. What does the Martial Arts event mean to me? For you all, it's a competition for prestige among universities in Korea, but for me it's just an entertaining show with little significance" I refrain from mentioning that it would be too easy for me to win against the other students.

"Hah.. you're excused. I hope you consider the opportunity once again." The professor sighs as I bid her farewell. I walked out on the university campus and into the hot summer sun. I took a deep breath and started heading back to the student dorms.

Walking along the path, I pull out my phone to catch up on the latest news. To my surprise, the headlines read,

[Korean peninsula for Heavy Storm: Expect Thunderstorms and Torrential Rain.]

I can't help but chuckle. The irony as I look up at the bright sky. It seems the weather forecast has a twisted sense of humor. As I glance up again, the chuckle is swallowed by the rapidly darkening sky above. A realization dawns on me: "Shit..."

The distant rumbling of thunder resonates through the air, a foreboding sign of the chaos about to unfold. I start running, as within moments, raindrops the size of currants begin to pour down, drenching the streets. Darting towards the student dorm to seek shelter, I rush past the gym. An intense flash of blinding light illuminates the sky, immediately followed by a deafening crack of thunder that reverberates through my bones.

In that fleeting second, everything around me changes. The lighting strikes me with a ferocity that sends a searing pain and a surge of electricity coursing through my body. Overwhelmed, I collapse to the ground, my muscles convulsing, as if being pulled in different directions. The world around me blurs, and my consciousness begins to fade, slipping into a slumber-like state.

I don't know if It has been seconds or minutes, but eventually I regain my awareness. I find myself lying on the flooded pavement, rain pouring relentlessly upon me. Still disoriented, I struggle to collect my thoughts and regain control over my trembling body. As I attempt to sit up, I'm only met with resistance as electric currents continue to surge through my body. "Holy shit, did I just survive a thunderstrike?" I mutter in disbelief.

Minutes pass as I remain soaked to the bone, shivering from the cold. Slowly, the jolts of electricity subside, allowing me to gradually shake off the dizziness. I slowly regain control over my weakened body. Managing to slowly rise to my feet and glance around, I scan the desolate streets for any people or clues of what just transpired. Yet, all that accompanies the downpour is the orchestra of thunder's mighty roar.

I begin to slowly make my way back to the dorms with uncertain and unsteady steps, as if the ground beneath me is charged with residual energy. As I stumble through the entrance of the student dorms, I struggle to maintain my balance, my body weakened and drained, I stumble and collapse. As I lie there, my body still buzzing with electricity, I hear a mechanical voice resonate in my ears, simultaneously foreign yet strangely familiar.

[The grand doors of the enigmatic dungeon swing open, signaling the dawn of a first worldwide server, beckoning adventurers to step forth into its realms.]

Hello everyone! This is my first time writing a story, and I'm really excited to share it with you. I'm always looking for feedback, so let me know what you think!

Tempest_Quillcreators' thoughts