
Power Of Cultivation

What can Cultivation really do?

CosmicMystery · Urban
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77 Chs


"However, my idea goes beyond that."

"What I envisioned is a way of analysis that can analyze the components, way of creation, way of destruction and every other aspect of anything."

"I don't know to what extent I will be able to train my ability."

"However, what I hope to do is to try."

"Anyway, we all have a long life, and progress is what we aim to make."

While these thoughts were going on in his mind something else was taking place in another place. As we all know that the Multiverse is a complex subject.

In the multiverse, no one can anticipate what is about to happen.

In such a way an extremely calm aura began to spread across the universe.

The spreading of the aura was completely silent without a shred of sound, however for anyone who saw the aftermath of the aura it was nothing short of a devastating result.

Just as a duster cleaned a blackboard, the aura continued to erase any traces in its wake.

The entire universe continued to be erased.

Although our protagonists were pretty strong and capable however sometimes there are things that even the protagonist halo cannot seem to be able to deal with.

The entire universe as described earlier was washed clean without any traces remaining, however, sometimes people can conquer nature.