
Power and responsibility.

Issei Hyoudou is a young high school student living in New York with his parents and having an ordinary life with no relevance, being literally a nobody, but all that changes after an excursion in the Oscorp laboratory, where a genetically modified spider bites him. and it completely changes your life.

Daoist2C1elK · Anime und Comics
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42 Chs

What's happening to me ?

Issei on:

I still can't believe what I'm seeing in the mirror, my body that used to be skinny and without muscles, is now full of muscles and with a defined six-pack, it seems like a dream. I admire my new muscles for a while, until I finally decide to take a shower and change clothes, putting on dark jeans, white socks, gray sneakers and a long-sleeved black shirt. Right after changing I turn off my alarm clock and run down the stairs more excited than ever.

-Good morning. -I say appearing by surprise in front of my father and mother, who were having breakfast.

Gorou: Son?! Wow, what is all this energy?

I sit down at the table and start eating some toast.

-I don't know, I just woke up at a mile per hour this morning. -I say eating the toast fast.

Miki: But are you okay?! Are you in pain or....

-No, actually I'm feeling great! Better than never. -I say.

My parents continue to look at me a little confused and I then finish eating my toast.

-Bye dad, bye mom, I'm going to school. -I say going to get my backpack, but my mother walks in front of me.

Miki: You can stop there, you're not going to school today! - Said my mother with a serious face.

-Hey, why? -I ask.

Miki: Because you're still on sick leave because of that spider bite, so until the sick leave is over, you're not going to class.

How strange, normally my mother doesn't act like this, but since I'm not going to class, I'm going to enjoy this moment.

-Okay.....if you say so. -I say turning and going to the stairs, but at that moment I feel something strange.

I feel everything go in slow motion and I start to feel something going towards my mother's face and fast. At that moment I didn't understand what was happening, but I knew that somehow, there was something approaching my mother and I then turned around and grabbed whatever was heading towards her and the moment I did that, everything went back to normal , but my mother had been scared.

Miki: Issei, it's just a fly. -She says looking at my hand.

But what ? Did I catch a fly in the air with my hand? How I did this ? What was it that happened? I then release the fly and it flies away, while my mother and I stare.

-I'm going... I'm going... I'm going to my room. - I say turning around and going up the stairs.

When I walk into my room, I sit on the bed and start thinking about what just happened. Everything was in slow motion but me, I felt the fly approaching her and it was like I was seeing her behind me.....what was that? Suddenly everything is in slow motion again I start to feel everything in this room and in the house. I feel the bugs flying, I feel my parents talking downstairs, I can feel their hearts beating and it's driving me crazy. I lay down on the bed and put my hands on my head trying to make it stop. It took 5 minutes for everything to calm down and stop at once, but that was certainly one of the worst situations of my life.

Issei off:

Sirzechs on:


At the moment I'm at the airport in New York waiting for my younger sister and my parents, who are going to move to New York. It doesn't take long and soon I see a girl with red hair walking beside a girl with black hair and a girl with white hair. Those must be Rias and her friends Akeno and Koneko.

-Rias! Good to see you ! - I say with a smile going to my sister.

She comes to me and hugs me.

Rias: Hi brother, it's good to see you.

We break away from our embrace and then I turn my gaze to my sister's friends.

-Hi Akeno, hi Koneko, it's also very good to see you.

Akeno: Hello Sirzechs.

Koneko: Hi.

- I confess that I did not expect you.

Akeno: My father was transferred to this city as the new police captain, so I took advantage and came along with Rias.

Koneko: And I came to see my sister, she said she got a place to live.

-Right, right, but where are your parents and your sister?

Rias: Mom and Dad are getting the luggage but they told us to go ahead.

Akeno: My parents won't be here until tomorrow, so I'm staying at Rias's tonight.

Koneko: And my sister said she has work tonight, so I'm also going to stay at Rias' house.

-Right, right, but now come with me, we have a lot to see in New York.

Rias: Uh, you didn't have work?

-I took a day off to take care of my little sister.

Rias: Brother, you need to be more serious....

Sirzechs off:

Issei on:

2 days later.

It's been two years since I was bitten by that Spider and since then I've been feeling...different. First came the muscles and then there was this ringing in my head.

At first he beeped for anything, but now he just stopped beeping altogether, at least he stopped beeping all the time.

Of course, I didn't tell my parents, for sure they would find it very strange and would think I was crazy or that I was using drugs, that's why I couldn't say anything to them or to my friends, who since the day of the excursion we We only talk via message.

I wanted to keep hiding here, but unfortunately my sick leave is over and now I have to go to school. So to avoid problems, I wake up at 5:00 in the morning and leave the house with my backpack, leaving only a note saying that I've already left for class.

The moment I leave the house, I cover my head with the hood of my coat and walk to school, as it's too early to wait for the bus and it's more worth walking to school.

I keep walking towards the school for a few minutes, until the clinking starts again and everything goes into slow motion. At that time I start to get scared because it still exists, but this time I feel something else, I feel something big running after me and getting closer and closer and my body has only one thing telling me.....jump! Jump! JUMP!

I then follow what my body is telling me and do a jump, but not a simple jump, I jump 5 meters in the air and as I twist my body to land safely I see that it was a black car that was about to run me down , but even before he hit me, I jumped over him and managed to dodge and land right behind.

The black car then lost control and crashed into a tree and at that moment my heart was already racing and I barely knew what to do.

It was after a lot of thinking that I decided to run to the car to try to help the driver who maybe had lost control of the car and didn't want to hit me, but again that clinking attacked and I felt that I had to run.

Even though I wasn't quite sure what that ringing was, I knew he was somehow trying to help me, so I turned and ran as fast as I could and then hid in an alley.

-Who is this guy ? Why did he try to run me over? And also what is happening to me? -These are questions I ask myself.

I was really scared of all this that was happening, and it only got worse when the ringing came back and I felt him approaching me with a loaded gun.

My heart raced and I was so scared and I almost gave up right then and there, but just as he put his finger on the trigger and prepared to fire, I leapt out of the air and jumped on top of him, knocking him down in the process and into Then I ran again desperately out of the alley.

-I have to run away! I have to run away!

On the way I end up entering a dead end and I feel him approach me with extreme anger, so when he faces me in the alley, he points his gun in my direction and prepares to shoot, but at that moment I dodge the bullet and jump in the air and grab the wall.

Huh ?! I stick to the wall too ?! Even though I don't quite understand how I did it, I wasted no time and climbed the wall as fast as I could, until I reached the terrace where I should have been safe.

The ringing then stopped and when I went to see if he was still there I just saw him turn around and walk away. After that tense moment, I lay down on the terrace floor and took a deep breath.

-What's happening to me?