
Power and responsibility.

Issei Hyoudou is a young high school student living in New York with his parents and having an ordinary life with no relevance, being literally a nobody, but all that changes after an excursion in the Oscorp laboratory, where a genetically modified spider bites him. and it completely changes your life.

Daoist2C1elK · Anime und Comics
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42 Chs

I will miss you.

Issei on:

Where I am....it's all dark, it feels like I'm lying on something soft and there's something lying on top of me and more days things on my arm, I wonder what that is ? I open my eyes and I see myself in my room lying on my bed, covered from my feet to my neck. My room... how did I get here? The last thing I remember was that..... I had gone out as Spider-Man, ended up meeting Daredevil and then we agreed to team up to stop someone, but who was it? I can't remember. Suddenly I see something moving under the blanket on my right side and then I get confused about what it is, that's when Rias emerged, completely naked with her huge breasts showing and sleepy.

Rias: Good.....dia....sleep well, dear? -She asks stretching and sitting on the bed, giving me the view of her naked body.

-Ri-Ri-Rias ?!!!! Why are you naked and why are you in my bed?! -I ask with my face flushed and trying to look away, but her breasts always catch me.

She looks at me confused and then giggles before pressing her breasts to my face.

Rias: Ha, you're not going to tell me you don't remember our special night last night. Issei, you're a naughty boy. -She says rubbing her breasts on my face.

My God..... did I die and go to paradise? Or was everything I saw a dream? Whatever it is, I think I'm loving it. Suddenly I feel something move under the blanket on my left side and to my amazement, Asia also gets up completely naked, with her small breasts showing and sleepy like Rias.

Asia: Good morning, Issei and Rias, have you started without me? -She asks also putting her breasts on my face and disputing with Rias.

Rias: Hehe, sorry Asia, but Issei and I wanted to take a peek at each other this morning, but since you woke up, how about we do it together? Like last night. -Rias asks erotically.

Oh my God..... this is heaven !!!! I'm loving everything! But wait.....the way they're talking, we've already had sex, but I don't remember anything, I don't remember my first time! Shit! Shit! Shit! As I get frustrated that I probably missed my first time, they both look at me with a mischievous face.

Asia: Well..... I think it would be a good idea to pick up where we left off, what do you think, Rias ? -Asia asked, licking her lips.

Rias: Hehe, I'd love to. -She replied, also licking her lips.

They then start to run their fingers over my breasts and pull my shirt off while looking at me with a predatory look. I may have missed the chance to see my first time, but it sure was memorizing this moment with these two beautiful women. Suddenly I feel something move under the blanket again, this time being on top of me and to my amazement, it's the Black Cat, also naked and wearing only her mask. Just seeing her my heart races and I start to doubt reality, but before I can say anything she kisses me on the mouth, sticking her tongue in my mouth and spinning it against mine, separating only when we get short of breath and then she sits on me and looks at me with a predatory face while licking her lips. What the hell else is going on? Why is she here? What is all this? I am very confused by the situation.

Black Cat: Hehe, look at his face, he looks so scared. -She hugged Rias and Asia.

Asia: Let's calm him down then. -Asia said.

Rias: Just like last night. -Completed Rias.

The three of them bend down and approach my face, but before anything happens, the three of them hold me down and shake me.

Rias, Asia and Black Cat: SPIDER-MAN, WAKE UP ! -They shout together as they shake me.

I don't understand anything and then everything goes dark and when I open my eyes again, I see myself being shaken as Daredevil tries to wake me up. Of course I'm startled and then I get up confused and scared, looking around and seeing nothing but the city glowing in the night and Daredevil watching me. It was all a dream and he woke me up at the best part, now I understand why the Moonlord called him a fucking prick.

Daredevil: Calm down, everything is fine, do you remember what happened? -He asks me trying to reassure me. Daredevil: Do you remember what happened?

The memories then start to come back and I remember the carelessness I had with the Black Cat and I start to get frustrated for losing the screen because of a distraction like that. Obviously I don't tell everything to Daredevil, only what is necessary and after that we both get thoughtful.

-So, what do we do now? -I ask thoughtfully.

Daredevil: For now nothing, we prevented the theft and she was forced to flee, but not before making my sense of smell unstable, that way I won't be able to track her. -He comments thoughtfully.

Unstable sense of smell ? I think he should change his nickname from hells Kitchen demon to hells Kitchen dog.

-But what now, are we going home? -I ask.

Daredevil: You know best. -He replies by going to the edge of the building and picking up his stick. Daredevil: You can go home or continue to watch the city, Regardless of your choice, know that she is not wrong. -He said before throwing his hook at another building and jumping.

My God, isn't this guy afraid? What the hell, I'm going home now, maybe there's some pizza at home. I walk back to where my backpack is and then I pick it up, but not before I check my cell phone and see several messages from Azazel.

-Hi, I know it's kind of late, but can you come to my apartment? I have something for you. -I say reading his messages.

And now... go back home and try to have dinner with Rias and Asia, or..... go to Azazel's apartment. I'm undecided for a few moments, but when I remember my dream and the way Rias and Asia appeared in it, I'm embarrassed to see them for the moment and so I decide to go to Azazel's apartment, just so I don't face them so soon. I put my backpack on my back and then jump out of the building I'm in, shooting a strand of web at the building on my left and swinging myself towards Azazel's apartment. On the way, I wonder why I dreamt about them like that, then as I swing between the buildings, I remember that my heart always races when I'm around Asia and Rias and after what Cat told me before she erased me.....maybe, just maybe.... I'm in love with one of them, at least that's what I think. Well, I'm not going to worry about that right now, for now I'm going to concentrate on getting to Azazel's apartment. I swing at high speed to my destination and when I finally spot his apartment, as if I were being thrown by a slingshot, I throw myself with everything and stick to the wall, then stealthily I descend to his window that is open and sneak into his apartment, where I see him reading a newspaper standing up.

Azazel: You know, when I called you here, I knew you were going to come in through the window, but I could use the door." He commented reading the newspaper.

-I'm sorry, it's just that I got some hero duty when you called me in. -I say trying to justify myself.

He looks at me thoughtfully and then puts the paper on the table.

Azazel: Okay, but changing the subject, this is what I wanted to show you. -He says taking out two very small red devices.

-What are these? -I ask.

He throws one of those things and just picks it up, it drops 8 legs and looks like a little spider.

Azazel: It's something I've been working on for a while, more specifically shortly after your first encounter with that thief who made you famous as a bandit. You just put it on top of your shooter and shoot, it sticks to the person or object and you can track it using the computer. It has a range of up to 300 kilometers and waterproof. -he explains.

Well that would have come in handy earlier today. I take the other tracker and put it inside my backpack for the time being.

Azazel: Um.... guess I forgot to think of a dedicated compartment for the tracker. -Azazel comments.

I then went to the window in silence and prepare to jump, when suddenly I feel something hold me by the shoulder.

Azazel: Is everything okay, Issei? -He asks looking worried.

-Of course, why wouldn't I be? -Answering.

Azazel: You seem a little distant and quiet, I just wanted to see if nothing bad happened, you know you can count on me for everything, right?

-I know, but you don't have to worry, I'm fine, I just want to go home now.

He lets go of my shoulder and I then jump out the window, shooting a web string at a building to my right and heading towards Sirzechs' house. On the way, again I find myself questioning my feelings for them and wondering if I really like them and if so, which one do I like? I quickly get home and then I think about entering through the window of my room, but then I remember that for them I'm out of the house and if I appeared out of nowhere in my room, most likely they would suspect a lot, so I land on the roof and change clothes up there, then I jump to the ground and fall in front of the entrance door already with my civilian clothes and only then do I enter the house.

-I'm home. -I say not too loud.

Everything is dark, probably everyone has gone to sleep by now. I walk towards the kitchen and as I walk I turn on the lights and when I get to the kitchen, I see a pizza box, a soda and a clean plate with a fork and knife on the table. I approach the table and open the pizza box, seeing that some of it has already been eaten, but that there is still a little left. They must have left it for me, even though I refused to have dinner with them. I then sit down on a chair and start eating the rest of the pizza that's left along with the soda and after dining, I take my plate, cutlery and glass to the sink and start washing them, but suddenly I hear something behind me and when I turn around I see Asia wearing a white sweater and with a glass of water in her hand.

Asia: Ho ! Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to get a glass of water. -She says putting the glass on the table.

-It's okay, you didn't scare me. -I finish washing the dishes and put the plate, glass and cutlery to dry. -Alias, thanks for saving a piece for me tonight.

Asia: Thanks, but...can I talk to you? -She asked a little shyly.

-Of course. What do you want to talk about?

She looks away and leans against the table.

Asia: I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me, for being my friend, for helping me and never abandoning me. I'm really grateful for everything and I also wanted to tell you that.....I'm leaving soon.

-While? Why ?!

Asia: It's because I got a call from my mom, she woke up and told me that she's going to be fine, the doctors said that she's only going to be in the hospital for another week and then she'll be discharged, then she'll come and pick me up and we'll go back to our lives. -She said with a sad tone.

-"That's great! But why do you look sad?

She then turns towards me and starts to vent.

Asia: It's just that she said she's thinking of moving to a new city to start a new life, but that would mean never seeing the friends I've made here again, and that includes you. -She explains a little sad and down.

-"Look Asia, I know moving is never easy, but it's not all bad, you'll make new friends and you'll be able to have a much more peaceful life with your mom. I will miss you, just like Rias and all your friends, but that doesn't mean we won't see each other again.

Asia: I know, I will miss all of you too if I really leave, but I will miss you the most. -Says Asia blushing as she comes closer to me.

-Me? Why?

She doesn't say anything, just comes closer, stands on her tiptoes and glues her lips to mine, giving a calm and serene kiss and then separating and moving away.

Asia: Good night. -She says, turning around and going up to her room, leaving me in the kitchen with my eyes wide and unresponsive.